Chapter 97

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Denki and the rest of Heracles familia faced a mob of monsters on the 25th floor of the dungeon. Denki employed the standard tactic for dealing with groups of over five monsters, ordering his party to take the diamond formation with Ozwald, their mage, in the middle.

They moved in tandem, ensuring they covered each other's backs. Denki's strategy was simple: push the monsters back, forcing them to group up for Ozwald to rain down offensive magic on them. The assault team would finish the job once the monsters were weakened.

"Helga, switch to the shield!" Denki ordered as he dodged a harpy rushing straight at him.

"We need to take them out quickly, and you want me to switch to a shield?" Helga argued as she cut off the arm of a blue-crab monster. "Seems counterproductive to me."

"We're breaking our formation if you go in for an attack. I thought I made it clear," Denki paused for a moment as he kicked a blue-crab monster away and swiftly cut the head off a harpy flying too close to him, "-that we need to stick to the formation if we want to go deeper!"

Helga's ankle was grabbed by a siren, but she quickly cut off its hand with her claymore. She then stabbed it in the head, making the monster scream in agony. "We're wasting time with that! We need to kill the monsters quicker to go deeper this time!"

The two level-3 members of their team kept arguing as the others tried desperately to thin out the mob. Ozwald gulped down another mana potion, replenishing the mana he used from casting spells non-stop. 'Here they go again,' he thought to himself, focusing his mana inside his body. "Dazzling stars crossing the jet-black sky. Listen to my immature prayer, guide the flash - Come, shine of tears, defeat the filthy. Lumine Pleiades!" Ozwald cast a light elemental offensive magic, an orb of light glowing above him as it released beams that shot straight towards the monsters surrounding them.

He was so concentrated on his spell that he failed to notice a harpy flying down towards him. The harpy shot a torrent of sharp feathers towards the mage, hitting him clean in the back and shoulder.

"Arghh!" he fell to his knees as the orb of light dissipated, the familia's adventurers turning their heads towards him.

"Katty, first aid now!" Denki ordered as he moved quickly to intercept another rain of feathers using his sword. "Switch to the shield and cover us!" he barked angrily, making the others wince.

Seeing one of her teammates injured, Helga clicked her tongue and sheathed her sword, grabbing the large kite shield on her back. She moved in front of Denki to block the barrage.

Denki ran towards Helga, using her shoulder as a launching pad, jumping into the air and slashing the harpy in half. He didn't stop when he landed; he dashed towards the remaining monsters along with the others, giving out orders and ensuring no one from the familia got injured further.

Helga was not far behind; she charged forward, the shield in her hand glowing as she shoved her mana into it, slamming it towards the blue-crab monsters, killing them with blunt force trauma.

After a few minutes of fighting, Heracles familia finally wiped out the monsters in the area. "Set up the poison bags," Denki ordered, breathing heavily. The poison bags would make the monsters avoid their general area, giving them a chance to catch their breath and assess the damage to their team.

"Aye!" One of the members nodded and quickly got to work. His name was Jugo, a level-2 adventurer who had joined roughly a week after the amphitheater incident. He had plain brown hair and a short sword at his side.

Denki turned towards Katty, who was tending to Ozwald, who looked worse for wear. He seemed pale due to blood loss and the fear of almost dying; if the harpy had attacked even an inch higher, he would have died instantly. "How's the wound?" Denki asked.

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