Chapter 132

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- At August's side


Another monster had met its end as August's spear ripped it to shreds. He looked around and saw multiple broken bodies of the monsters lying all around him, mangled and gored, as the smell of iron perfumed the air.

'I know that the woodland area around this part is a habitat for this trash, but...' He gripped his spear as his mind moved to analyze the situation he was in. 'This is too many. And I can sense them everywhere... It's messing up my mana dome.'

He was getting annoyed by the horde of monsters in the area. Not only were they a nuisance, but they were also clogging up his senses. He could still pinpoint everyone in the woodland area, but it was getting too crowded to tell who was who, especially since the majority of the monsters were at the same level as his familia members.

"This is getting tedious," he snarled as he spun and beheaded another Ork that came charging towards him.

He concentrated on his dome, making it more refined to see how the others were doing. His face quickly morphed into a frown as he felt something messing with his mana dome. He could still sense them, but it was faint, like looking through a foggy road.

'It feels like something is masking their mana signature, making it harder for me to sense them inside the dome.' He then sensed multiple monsters charging at him. He glanced over his shoulder, looking at the horde of goblins and kobolds moving towards him without any ounce of fear. There was even a troll mixed in.

His mind jumped back to 9 years ago. Something about this feels eerily familiar. He shrugged off the eerie sensation and focused on killing all the trash that was coming his way. 'No matter, they should be fine. After all, they are strong.' He smirked as he twirled his spear and walked towards the monsters, a predatory look on his face.


- At Denki's side

The young samurai had a frown on his face. If August's mana dome was like looking through a foggy road, he was completely useless right now. He couldn't sense anyone because of all the monsters in the area.

"What the hell is happening here?" Denki couldn't help but grunt at the situation he was in. Helga and Katty looked at him confused.

"What's the matter?" Helga asked, readying herself in case of an enemy attack.

"Monsters," Denki answered, his frown growing larger.

"We know that going in. That's why we chose the woodlands as our safe zone." Helga moved closer to August and placed her hand on his shoulder. "We have no time to second-guess your plan because of some monsters. We need to move."

"It isn't just some monsters..." Denki looked at Helga seriously, his face scrunched up into an ugly frown as he bit his thumb and started to think. "Based on the information I received from the guild, the woodlands are a habitat for monsters such as goblins and kobolds, and as you said, it was the reason why we chose this area in the first place. The monsters would also be a natural barrier for us to use against the Apollo familia. But the guild never said anything about a horde."

Katty's eyes widened when she heard Denki. "Did you just say a horde?"

Denki nodded as he continued to bite his thumb to think, his mind moving quickly, wracking his brain to come up with an alternative.

"How many?" Katty asked, her face growing pale at the new information she heard.

"Too many to know for sure. It's clogging up my mana dome." His answer made Helga's eyes widen.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now