Chapter 69 (Noice)

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After August's match the crowd was in shambles, with the barrier being broken -Momentarily thanks to Riveria quick casting- they felt the full brunt of August's mana, which led most of the crowd -civilians and low level adventurers- fainting from his aura.

But out of all the people here, one was smiling from ear to ear... For the mortals around her, it was the first time they ever saw her smile like that. It was excitement, anticipation, and feral.

She turned around and walked back towards the waiting room, her mind, craving for the opportunity to fight the spear of mortal death.

She walked loosely, her blond hair swaying with her every step, the sword on her side glint as the light passed by its cold steel scabbard. Her face fell back to her usual stone-like statue demeanor, but her excitement was plain for all to see as there is a skip within her every step.

Finn saw it all happen, a smile crept up his face... He never saw her having such an animated look on her face before. 'You're itching to fight him aren't you... Ais.'


Like yesterday, there was a two hour break for the fighters to recover, but now it doubles as a way for the medics to deal with the crowd as well.

As that was happening, the gods were discussing what transpired earlier on stage. Some of them haven't recovered from the fear, while others were having a screaming contest in the middle of the room.

"WE CAN'T ALLOW THAT MORTAL TO LIVE!!!" it was one of the gods, Nanook, he was screaming on the top of his lungs with a red fuming face. "HE IS A DANGER TO OUT EXISTENCE!!!"

"You must be stupid!" Another god, Pinga butted in. She had a calm look on her face but her eyes were dangerously looking at Nanook. "Aren't you paying attention yesterday? The Thïeko óplo users may be our only weapon against Nyx... And you want to kill someone who is fully chosen by faith? He is a war potential we cannot afford to lose at this time."

"War potential or not, he is still dangerous for us to exist. At least with the prince, Ares has a hold on his leash." The god Hanuman entered the heated debate. "And I don't trust the butcher with that much power." He said as he glared at Heracles direction.

"Be careful with your tongue ape." Heracles answered him with a dangerously low voice. "Mind what you say or I'll pull that thing off your mouth."

Hanuma didn't answer but his eyes were glaring daggers towards Heracles. If looks could kill, Heracles would have been killed ten times over.

"I for one agree with Hanuman." Apollo smirked as he said his words. "The butcher had slaughtered our kind before. Him having that much power makes me uncomfortable. He already has the heroic bow in his possession, and now he has the primal spear user."

Murmurs of agreement sounded all over as Apollo continued his "Speech." "And we don't know what is running inside that barbaric mind of his." He stood up and started to speak louder and more passionately. "I SAY WE KILL THE MORTAL AND GIVE THE SPEAR TO SOMEOME MORE QUALIFIED TO HANDLE IT AND TAKE THE HEROIC BOW OUT OF HIS HANDS!!!"

Heracles didn't answer the god, he let his aura do the work for him. He unleashed it as it pushed everyone down by its pressure. He started to take a step towards Apollo.

Apollo saw this and smiled. His face then morphs into fear as he faces the other gods. "SEE!!! HIS TRUE NATURE IS SHOWING!!! HE'LL KILL EVERYONE OF US WITHOUT SECOND THOUGHT!!! A BUTCHER OF OUR KIND!!!"

The other gods started screaming as well in support of Apollo, but Heracles didn't stop his approach. He didn't care about them, he will make an example of Apollo right now.

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