Chapter 46

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*August PoV*

I was in the waiting room along with the other participants, all in all I think I did well, with that said it has been about 45 minutes and I think all of us are done with whatever that is.

The door in the waiting room opened which took everyone's attention, it was Asfi, she was holding a list and I'm pretty sure that it's the names of the ones who passed that test or so.

"May I have everyone's attention please." She said as she scanned the room. She then continued. "there were fifty level 5's who chose to participate in this tournament, out of fifty of you, only sixteen can join the tournament proper. So as you all know we conducted a quick test to see which sixteen is eligible to fight in the amphitheater." her voice traveled inside the room, she sounded serious, not allowing anyone to protest. "this is the will of the gods which they agree on. Does everyone understand?"

The adventurers inside the room nodded and agreed on it. After all, it was the gods who decided how this tournament would happen so we don't really get a say on the matter.

"Now, I'll be calling the numbers of the sixteen participants who got the highest score on the test and will fight on the center stage. I'll be calling the name in no particular order." She looked at the list as she fixed her glasses.

"Number 40, Phryne Jamil. Please step forward." Asfi called on the first on the list. And by the gods she is ugly, I don't know if that is a human or a toad. Shit she's looking at me. Does she fucking read minds. She glaring at me. Holy shit she's ugly.

Asfi nodded at the toad... I mean at Phryne Jamil, while she stood in front facing us. Asfi then continued. "Number 12, Tione Hiryute." I'm thankful for Asfi for doing that, as Tione moved to the front, my eyes were cleansed from the looks of the toad... I mean of Phryne Jamil.

Tione smiled as she arrived at the front, the toad... I mean Phryne Jamil looked at her as if she was the plague. Well if I'm a girl and I'm that ugly, I'll probably do the same.

Asfi gave Tione a nod and continued along her task. "Number 13, Tiona Hiryute." and of course her twin will make it as well. Both of them are strong from what I can sense. I don't think I can win against them without using endless battle, but I was still excited to fight any of the twins.

The petite Amazon has a skip on her step when she moves to the front, she might look innocent and cute but she'll probably bend most men into a pretzel.

The twins shared a look and smiled at each other making me wonder who will win if the two of them fight.

Asfi as usual gave Tiona a nod and continued. "number 44, Ilta Farna" A red headed girl stepped in front, walking confidently, she gave the twins a quick nod as she passed by them, when she passed by the toad... I mean Phryne Jamil, she gave her a glare. I can smell bad blood between the two of them.

Asfi cough making the toad... Oh hell with it I'm gonna call her a toad, and the red head stopped glaring at each other.

"bitch." the toad muttered as she smirked at the red head.

"ugly slut." the red head bit back.

The adventurers in the room oohed and ahhed at the exchange of colorful insults, they wanted to see a cat fight, but unfortunately for them Asfi got in the middle of the two before things escalated to it.

"Please be advised that I have the full consent of the gods and the authority to disqualify the two of you." Asfi looked at the two and with a firm voice made a stop to whatever banter they were doing. "Am I clear?"

"Crystal." the toad answered sarcastically while the red head nodded.

"Now shall we continue." Asfi fixed her glasses and started again. "Number 23, Hothor Clegane." a huge mountain of a man made its way to the front with a huge grin on his face.

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