Chapter 137

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Hyakinthos jumped back just in time to dodge another devastating blow from August. He was starting to take deeper breaths as he could now only defend from the relentless assault and pressure August was unleashing on him.

His mind couldn't fathom how this was possible; not only was he getting pushed back, he was being outclassed like he was nothing. This shouldn't be possible, given that the two of them were on the same level at 6, and that the orb gave him stats that would rival those at the peak of the level.

"What kind of monster are you?!" Hyakinthos growled, anger and fear mixed in his voice. He was sweating, his body full of minuscule wounds and slashes. August had been peppering his body with cuts, and they grew even more by the seconds.

August did not answer, his eyes cold and predatory, fueled by the singular goal of ridding the life of the man in front of him. He feigned left, which made Hyakinthos react and raise his weapon to counter, only for August to spin right and slash horizontally.

Hyakinthos widened his eyes and hurriedly dodged, jumping back, but the blade of August's spear reached his chest, slicing through the armor he was wearing like it was nothing and shredding his skin into a bloody mess.

"ARGHHH!!!" He scowled loudly, stopping on a dime, he moved forward and lashed back with a slash of his own, his sword glowing black as miasma-like fire enveloped his blade in a sinister shine. "DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!"

August calmly raised his spear, and with a look that could only be described as boredom and contempt, he parried the slash, red lightning coiling around his spear.

The two weapons collided as the flames and lightning battled for dominance, or at least that was what was supposed to happen.

August pulled his spear back, making Hyakinthos trip due to his momentum, falling forward, his eyes glued to August, a look of fear running through them. Everything moved in slow motion for Hyakinthos.

He watched as August raised his spear above his head, his eyes looking at his with detached coldness one would find in a person staring at a pebble on the streets. Within those eyes, he saw that he was nothing. August didn't view him as a threat... He was an annoyance.

Cold, emotionless eyes told him all that, filling him with anger. "How dare him look at me with such eyes," those thoughts filled his head, watching as the spear fell slowly towards his neck. It was a slap to his face, a spit on his pride. But most of all, deep down... Those eyes filled his heart with fear.

He tried to move his hands, but found that he couldn't. The momentum from his swing was too much, his senses allowed him to see what August was doing, but he wouldn't be fast enough to put a stop to it, much less defend it.



Hyakinthos didn't get to finish his words; he suddenly felt a lump in his throat... No, a more accurate reason is, he felt the absence of his throat. His eyes watched as the world spun, glued to the now upside-down image of August, who now had his spear by his side. His eyes were still cold, emotionless, staring at his own. Like the abyss staring straight at his soul.

He then felt himself falling; he couldn't the second of how long he was falling until he felt that his momentum came to a stop, his eyes glued to August, watching him from below, he found himself on the ground. And then something fell in front of him that blocked his eyesight. It was his now headless body.


-Tower of Babel.

The gods all had their mouths wide open. They couldn't process what they saw. The fight ended just like that.

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