Chapter 108

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August arrived back home, he was supposed to head to guild, but with what he experienced on the gate, he reckon that doing so would be a hassle as well. 'There's always tomorrow.' he sighed as he opened the door.

"Captain!" A loud voice greeted him, as he spot Kiez running towards him, he looked quite relief to see August, which raised question inside the captain's head. "Captainthankgoodnessyourback! Theoth-"

"Woah! Slow down." August cut him off as he scratched his cheeks. "Isn't it too quiet here? Where is everyone?" he asked as he looked around, not seeing anyone else inside the manor.

"Well..." Kiez then proceeded to explain everything, how the adventurers of Takimekazichi familia did a pass parade,  how Denki, Helga, Eira, and Bors, went inside the dungeon along with two gods including Hestia, along with other adventurers to rescue Bell. While He (Kiez), Ozwald, Katty, Thorne, and Jugo, stayed behind to wait for Bell, if he ever succeeded in climbing up on his own, to collect information from adventurers if they saw bell, and to inform August if he returned while they are still inside the dungeon. "...That's the gist of it."

August listened attentively to him, he processes the information he had received. "Let me get this straight... You're saying that the others lead by Denki, are escorting two deities inside the dungeon? What in the world is the old man doing? He should have known better than to allow Lady Hestia to five inside the dungeon."

"Well she can be persuasive." An answer came from up the stairs, Heracles had a stoic look on his face as he walked down from his office. "And I would rather have Denki, and the others watch over her, rather than her marching inside the dungeon alone."

"You've gotten soft old man. Usually, you would just tie her up." August chuckled to himself.

"Hestia is many things, but stupid isn't one of it. I knew her for a long time, and she would always find a way to get what she wants." Heracles paused as he looked at August. "Well, at least she was respectful enough to ask for permission. That being said..." in an instant, Heracles' first connected on the top of his head.

August head snapped down, as a look of surprise filled his face, he couldn't sense the blow coming.

Kiez saw the whole thing and was shell shocked, he didn't expect Heracles to punch August. He gulped as he stared at his god, and from the looks of things, he was angry.

"What the hell was that for?!" August questioned, his face scrunched up as he turned quiet, the look on Heracles face made him aware that the god was truly angry this time.

"Your disrespect had gone long enough." Heracles looked down at August, his voice was a bit cold which made August gulp. Knowing the god for a long time, he knew just when to shut up, and this is one of those times.

Heracles sighed and pinched the bridges of his nose. "That being said, this was out of everyone's control, but next time if you want to leave to visit your family's grave, be sure to ask first." Heracles then turned and walked away, but before he leaves completely, he looked back at August. "What are you waiting for? Go get them."

"Consider it done." August answered seriously, he doesn't really know who this Bell guy is, and he never even met the guy, but he seems to be a friend of everyone in the familia. And he knew one thing, He was Hestia's only child, and he was quite fond of the goddess.

"Kiez." August called on the novice adventurer. Kiez looked at him and gulped, seeing the serious expression on his face. "Gather the rest. Meet me in the dungeon." He turned for the door, a small smile rising on his lips.

"...uhmm... Meet you? Shouldn't we move together to save time?" Kiez asked curiously.

"Well, I have to pick someone up." He looked back towards Kiez with a smirk on his face. "I'm gonna get ourselves a supporter." he then moved so quickly that he vanished from Kiez's vision in a matter of seconds.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now