Chapter 112

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Chaos ensued as the black Goliath began its rampage, the adventurers on the 18th floor was taken by surprised. They weren't prepared at all, especially since the 18th floor was supposed to be a safe zone for them, away from monsters.

Panic descended to everyone, they have no idea what to do, it was total chaos.

Even Hermes was nervous, he didn't exactly planned for this to happen. "What is happening... Lord Hermes?" Asfi asked, her eyes glued at the black Goliath.

"The dungeon... There's a reason why us gods aren't allow to enter it." Hermes with a serious look, answered. "The dungeon hates us gods. It hates us, everything inside of this place hates us for keeping it lock up in here."

The answer made Asfi gulped, she knew about the taboo, but not to this extent, if she knew that this would happen, she wouldn't have agreed to Hermes to take him and Hestia inside the dungeon.

Hermes was deep in thought. His mind was playing multiple scenarios. 'Ouranos, what happened to the prayers? You didn't tell me anything about this.'

This was the most serious face the god had made ever since Asfi knew him, Hermes was always playful, and scheming, but this time, it looks like even he was at a loss.

"Tsk... This wasn't part of the plan. What the hell am I supposed to do against a floor boss?" Hermes muttered to himself, as the monster rex roared, making everyone shiver in fear.


With the floor boss here, the other monsters appeared as well, running wild as they too sensed divinity inside the dungeon.

The adventurers could only stare as they began to massacre all in their path, they couldn't move, due to shock, fear, and disbelief. They didn't expect to fight inside the safe zone.

Bell with the others watched from the cliff, the white haired adventurer clinched his fist, frustration filling his heart. He could see adventurers like him dying left and right.

"We have to save them!" He wailed, gripping his daggers as he made a run for the monsters. But before he can take 2 more steps, Denki grabbed his arm and yanked him back forcefully.

"Wait!" Denki spoke firmly. "What exactly are you gonna do?" he asked, his eyes looking at Bell's.

Bell bit his lips, he looked at Denki, not dodging his gaze at all. And with determination, he spoke. "I want to save them!"

Denki's eyes became sharper, he let a hint of bloodlust escape his body, targeting Bell. "Are you sure? Do you wanna save them with only this party?" he asked, his voice cold which made Bell gulp. This wasn't the Denki he was used to seeing.

But he didn't back down. He nodded firmly, and with fire in his eyes, he declared. "I will save them, it is my job as an adventurer!"

Denki pulled his bloodlust back, a smile appearing on his face. "Well, I can't say I didn't expect that. You are a failure of a leader, but at the same time, you are someone who I can respect." he then turned to his familia, seeing them all looking back at him, weapons at the ready. "You heard him? Let's get to work."

""AYE!!!"" The Heracles familia all nod with smiles on their faces shocking Bell. He really thought that they would stop him.

Denki's voice entered Bell's ears. "The Heracles familia have your back." he looked at the young samurai, and saw a reassuring smile on his face.

Bell then look at the others, Helga who nodded at him, Lysander who followed suit, Eira just stared at him, while Bors gave him a thumbs up. His eyes also landed at Welf who smiled at him, Lily shurgs and sighs that say she's on board, and Ryuu who gave Bell a curt nod as well.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now