Chapter 30

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Two calamities charge at one another.

The spear of death and the fire that burns everything, both aiming to devour the other.

Riveria cast her strongest barrier knowing full well that she will be unable to stop the blazing fire of Bete's magic, she was confident that it is enough to stop August since his attack doesn't have any anti magic properties in it. Her goal is to buy time for Gareth and finn to put a stop at the two.

Gareth and Finn arrived in the middle of the two. Facing the attack of the two head on brought so much pressure on them but they are high class adventurers for a reason.

"Earth Raid!" Gareth activated his magic and dug his axe down the ground destroying the earth beneath him, he then lifted it up forming a physical wall of hard stones in front of him. 'A fire that burns and absorbs magic, what a terrifying spell, the best course of action against something like that' "IS TO FACE IT HEAD ON!!!" Gareth roared as he braced himself for impact, he is by far the strongest physically in Loki's familia and right now he'll use that strength without reservation. Placing his gigantic axe in front of him, Axe Rolan, an axe with Durandal properties he grit his teeth and dug his feet on the solid ground.

Finn held his spear the Fortia, he stood firm in front of the charging death, right now August's power reached high level 6, the same as him, Gareth, and Riveria. The spear met the solid barrier of the elven mage and the magic roared in protests, it was only a matter of time before Bete reached the barrier from the other side completely destroying it. He ordered Gareth to handle Bete while he stopped the grim reaper that is August. Finn took his stance as he glowed a valiant golden hue, dazzling and radiant, an aura fit for a hero. The barrier vanished and the spear of death beamed on, charging straight towards Finn as he stood tall. "You have gotten stronger August..." Finn smiles as he watches the young adventurer heading in his direction, calling it fast would be an understatement. But Finn just smiled at the face of death, he willed his mana into his spear as he prepared to receive the attack. "But you're still too green."


Both calamities collide against the two veteran adventurers. A deafening explosion bombarded the 18th floor as a bright light consumes the colors of the dungeon. Debris came flying everywhere as the adventurers tried their best to cover themselves with whatever skill or magic they have, Riveria did her duty and covered those who aren't strong enough to protect themselves. The twins also made sure to keep those who are weak away from harm as they used their weapon to crush the incoming boulders into dust.

Ais watched on, excitement apparent on her beautiful face as she felt her heart beat rapidly, she wants this, this fight, this would undoubtedly make her breach the wall that she is facing right now. Oh how she regretted not being the one who challenges August into a spar. The mana inside her body ran wild from excitement as an unknowing smile rose on her face.

Gareth felt her skin boiling from the heat, he can smell his own flesh singed from the fire that devours everything. The wall that he made was melted by the magic of Bete, it turned into boiling hot magma from the heat. Bete's sword was in a pushing match against Gareth's axe, as the metals turned red hot burning themselves at the process. "Stand down Bete!" Gareth ordered as he stomped his feet on the burning hot ground that is now a pool of lava, he pushed Bete back with his superior strength as his muscle bulge. "ARGHHH!!!" With a primal scream he slammed and pushed the sword up making the werewolf lose his balance and with the brunt end of his axe he swung at him hitting him at the abdominal and sending him flying off the distance.

Bete's magic was canceled as he entered mind zero, he was unconscious by the time he hit the ground, his body beaten and battered. Burns from his own magic can be seen all over him, his right leg a bloody pulp. He was clearly broken right now. Nothing Riveria can't fix with her magic though.

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