Chapter 56

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Long chapter as a compensation for not posting last week. Hope you guys enjoy.

Love y'all.





Edwin was sent flying back, he was able to raise his shield up on time, still it was strong, he didn't expect it to be that strong, the force literally lifted his feet off the ground and he was by no means, a small man.

He balanced himself mid air and landed on his feet, he skidded a few more feet back, he quickly set his shield up in front of him to guard against Tiona's follow-up but no attack came. No... The Amazon was nowhere to be seen.

The hair on his body stood up, he felt a shiver, his senses were screaming at him. And Edwin followed it, he looked up and saw the Amazon falling straight down at him with her weapon in tow.

"TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE!!!" Tiona wailed as she came crashing down at Edwin, slamming her weapon at the knight.

Edwin raised his shield up, dodging was never an option for him, he might hate his talent but he still has pride for it.

Both of their weapons glowed, enchanted by mana they prepared for the clash.


Metal hits metal as the two forces collide. Edwin's knees buckled by the weight of Tiona's strike.

The stage erupted in an explosion of dust and debris.

And when the dust settled, it showed that Edwin had blocked Tiona's blade with his shield, and around them a crater had been made.

Edwin was kneeling on the ground, yet his shield held firm, a smirk visible in his face as he stared at the wide eyed amazon.

She had put everything she had on that attack, every once of mana in her body, she pushed her muscles to the limit, and with her everything she slashed at the knight who was able to block it.

She had to move fast, sure he was able to block it but his balance was all over the place, his iron wall was now showing some cracks in it.

With her muscle aching, Tiona willed herself to move, twirling and spinning to the side of the knight she unleashed another powerful blow.

Edwin calculated the attack, she was moving to his right, his shield won't be able to make it on time, but his sword can.

With a move that can be described as sloppy at best he raised his sword to block Tiona's twin blades, it may be ugly but the result was all that matters to him right now... He refused to lose.

Yet even when he blocked it he still felt chills run up his spine, then he saw it. Tiona's face... She was smiling. A predatory smile, her eyes felt like she was looking at her prey.

"Gotcha..." he heard her whisper, but for him, it felt like a scream.

Tiona continued to twirl around the knight, using her momentum to its fullest, she spun all the way towards his back.

His back that was completely open, vulnerable to any attack, especially now that he's balance was broken and he was down on his knees.

"Shit!" he cursed, he won't be able to make it, he physically can't, try as he might it was just not possible. "Well played..." he gritted his teeth and spoke.

He physically couldn't block the attack that was coming... But his magic can.

"Guardian!" He wailed, his voice booming all throughout the amphitheater, a short chant magic. A magic that he could only use once per day, the magic that earned him his alias as the paladin.

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