Chapter 135

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Daphne was starting to get frustrated; the old man in front of her just wouldn't go down no matter what. Her attacks, which were sharp at first, were starting to get sloppy.

It wasn't that Bors' defense was hard to penetrate; that wasn't the case. Daphne had slashed through Bors' flesh more times than she could count, making him a bloody mess. It was just that the old man just wouldn't go down.

She was getting tired. Not only did she have to exert herself attacking Bors, but she also strained herself to dodge everything the old man was throwing at her. Why dodge and not parry? Well, because she had learned her lesson on their first exchange.

Her body received damage even though she blocked perfectly, and now she knew that the only way to truly negate the heavy blows of the old man was by dodging them completely.

But that option was starting to take its toll. Every attack sent shivers down her spine; she knew that one hit from Bors would mean her defeat.

Bors, on the other hand, was being patient. He knew full well that he couldn't hit Daphne; she was just that much faster than him. Yet he also saw a glaring weakness in her fighting style. It was her aggressiveness that did not match her counter-oriented style.

He knew sooner or later that Daphne would make a mistake due to frustration and fatigue. He just had to hold on until then, matching her aggressiveness with relentless pressure of his own. This, in turn, would push her to think about her every move, as well as pushing her to make unnecessary moves that would push her more over the edge.

'She's strong... But not unbeatable.' Bors thought as he charged forward, using his axe as a momentum booster. He spun around and raised it up in the air, letting the heaviness of the axe carry his body, jumping at the right moment to rise higher than what his body was originally capable of. Bors was a master of using momentum and weight in his fighting style.

Daphne clicked her tongue and jumped back, dodging the axe and Bors that was beaming straight down at her. She watched with gritted teeth as the ground where she once stood became a crater from the blow.

'Fuck, that's heavy!' Daphne covered her face with her hands as debris flew everywhere. Before she could process the whole thing, she heard a heavy object flying through the air. Her eyes widened when she saw the axe heading straight for her. It was hidden really well, blending in with the dust and debris that was sent flying due to Bors' earlier attack.

She sidestepped to the left, the axe landing right in front of her, embedding itself into the ground. The earth cracked as her balance momentarily shifted due to the loose soil.

Before she could regain it, Bors erupted out of the smoke caused by the dust, his hand extended into a lariat as he charged straight at Daphne like a bull.

Daphne ducked down, smiling. 'Fool! You have no weapon!' she thought to herself as she changed the grip of her sword into a reverse grip. She spun to the left with her blade raised slightly upward, aiming for the underarm area of Bors.

'Just like I thought... She's way too aggressive.' Bors had a neutral look on his face, his eyes not leaving the redhead's. He continued the momentum of his lariat, spinning to the right. The fist, which was closed, opened up. His hand grabbed the handle of his axe that was embedded in the ground; he then used his big toe, making a dent in the armored boots, which dug into the ground as he spun like a top with the axe at hand.

"FUCK!!!" Daphne widened her eyes. She was way in too deep; if she stopped her move to jump back, it would be too late then, she would still be hit by the axe. So she opted to push through. 'If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me, old man!' she gritted her teeth as she tightened her grip.

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