Chapter 24

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The gods continue their talk as the topic of the aliases to be given to the adventurers that had ranked up this month.

"Regarding Naaza Erisuis from Miach's familia, does everyone agree on her given alias as Miyal hound?" A random god asked the question as everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"Ok moving on then, our last adventurer is something of an anomaly for us, the child of Heracles is a level 5 who hasn't gained an alias as of yet. He is also a rookie considering that he just started diving inside the dungeon."

Multiple gods nod at this statement, no matter how strong August is, it doesn't change the fact that he was still green inside the dungeon. As a monster from the inside is vastly more superior than its counterpart outside.

"I disagree." Freya with her usual lustful smile raised her hand up, gaining the look of everyone in the room.

'What are you planning here Freya?' Heracles was on his guard. He knows Freya well, she is the type of person who doesn't do anything if there isn't any gain for her.

"You lot might regard the boy as a rookie inside the dungeon, but that doesn't change the fact that he is still level 5. He also was able to kill a monster rex on his own, calling him a rookie would be an insult to the boy."

As usual many gods nod in agreement, he did gain quite a reputation for himself as killing a monster rex isn't a small feat.

"Big deal. Any adventurer who has reached level 5 can solo Goliath. That doesn't make the boy special." Apollo said arrogantly. "him diving head first alone against a rex shows his inexperience inside if you ask me."

"Ohh... Then why don't we ask the one who actually raised the boy regarding this topic." Freya smiled as he looked at Heracles. Her eyes were amused by the situation they were in. As the gods looked to see what the god of strength would say.

'Fucking bitch... Fine I'll play your game.'
"If you consider my child as a rookie then all of you are more of a fool than I thought." Heracles answered the gods with the arrogance he was known for. "August is the strongest level 5 in the city, he might even be a match for those who are level 6." 'How is this for playing your game bitch?' Heracles looked at Freya and gave her a vicious smile.

The statement he made angered the gods, the arrogance of this former mortal really knows no bounds.

"How foolish."


"Strongest level 5 he says?"

Some of the gods laughed at Heracles, some were angered, outraged, some considered him to be foolish.

Apollo was one of the gods that mocked him for his words.

"HAHAHA!!! That's a funny joke coming from you Heracles. Oh are you serious perhaps? Then you really are an idiot who doesn't know his place. What do you expect from someone who isn't born as a god?"

Heracles ignored them, he just stood up, and slowly he removed his bracers. Dropping it on the floor as the weight of it cracked the marbled stone. The sound was so loud that it made the gods winced. The room becomes silent as the gods stare at his action. But he wasn't done yet. He removed his cloak made of the beast that he slayed when he was still mortal revealing his well toned body for everyone to see.

The gods gasped as they saw his body, it was littered with multiple scars and wounds. Traces of hard fought battles can be seen all over him.

The gods were silent, and Heracles looked at everyone with a smirk.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now