Chapter 59

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Hey there, TheManCandy here, I would like to let you know the new updating status of this fanfic. New chapters would be released in MWF.

That's all, thanks for picking up this Fanfic, Love Y'all.




There was a palpable difference in the vibes of the amphitheater, the crowd was uneasy with the upcoming fight. Both fighters were outsiders from different countries and had beaten adventurers from the favorite to win it all, Loki familia.

Ganesha tried his best to hype the match up but all he received was some scatter applause and disapproving groans from the masses. Still it didn't make the god less professional as he announced the two fighters with the same enthusiasm as he did in the earlier match.

"On my RIGHT!!! THE CROWN PRINCE OF THE KINGDOM OF RAKIA!!! MARIUS!!! VICTRIX!!! RAKIA!!!" Ganesha called the prince out on top of his lungs, trying to urge the crowd to give a reaction to the upcoming fight.

""BOOOOO!!!"" And it did, a united boo from everyone inside the amphitheater rained down on the crown prince.

And it got even louder when he walked down the entrance, an arrogant smile plastered on his face and a look that screams "all of you are beneath me."

Ganesha wanted to continue with his introduction but couldn't because of how loud the crowd was with their insistent booing.

The prince arrived at the middle of the stage and arrogantly ran his hand on his hair as he smiled mockingly for everyone to see.

After a few more seconds the crowd finally settled down, and Ganesha quickly called out the next fighter.

"And to my LEFT!!! THE PALADIN!!! EDWIN!!! HYRULE!!!" this time the crowd cheered, showing that even though he was an outsider he at least was someone who fights with honor.

Edwin marched on stage, his face is the very picture of determination, his eyes stared at the prince.

The knight arrived at the middle and stop inches away from the prince, the two of them are around the same build with Edwin being a tad bit larger in width.

The two fighters engage in a stare down, waiting for Ganesha to give them the signal to begin. Seeing this, the god took a step back to exit the stage and with a loud and firm voice he shouts. "BEGIN!!!"


As ganesha gave the signal, Marius smirked and slashed his sword straight down towards Edwin, he wanted to end the match quickly and thus he used his weapon at the very start.

But Edwin's defensive instinct kicked at the same time, he moved his shield in front blocking the sword of the prince. In a show of brute strength, he pushed his shield forward, pushing back Marius sword, and with a quick follow up he stabs his own sword towards the prince.

Marius showing that he has tremendous strength as well, pulled his weapon back down, blocking Edwin's blade and with a quick spin he held his sword with two hands and slashed vertically.

Edwin blocked the sword with his shield like usual, but this time it didn't go as well as he planned. The prince's swords slammed against his shield, and Edwin flew back, his feet lifting out of the ground, his eyes widened at the power of the slashed he received. He flew straight towards the wall slamming his back on it, he slid down and fell on his knees.

"Is that it? I thought you would give me more of a challenge." The prince placed his sword on top of his shoulder as he mocked the knight who had fallen to his knees. "I thought Athena's pillars were strong.... What a disappointment."

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