Chapter 88

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Finn alongside Bete and Gareth rushed the creature on the front, while Mia decided to flank it along with Toga.

The creature scoff, it stood its ground waiting for the adventurers to come to him.

Finn was the first to arrive, no longer having a spear, he swung his fist forward, his attack has no form nor technique. It was just a wild swing that relied solely on his boosted stats given by Hell finegas.

The creature caught the fist, and leaned its head to the side, dodging a blow from behind coming from Mia who stabbed the sharp end of her shovel forward, targeting the nape of the creature.

The creature shifted its gripped on Finn's hand and twirled, pulling the palum along his its momentum. It slammed Finn's body straight to Mia's side, which gave the female dwar no other option but to catch Finn using her body.

The blow took the air out of her lungs as she and Finn crashed to the smoking hot rubbles on the side.

Bete jump and spun in the air as he extended his legs, doing a tornado kick aiming for the creature's jaw.

The creature vanished from where it stood, and appeared behind Bete, and with its sharp claws, it slashed at the back of the werewolf, leaving a nasty gash.

"ARGH!" Bete screamed in pain, but the creature wasn't done, using its other claw, it stabbed Bete at his right leg, the sharp bone like claws going through it like a hot knife through butter.

"BETE!!!" Gareth screamed as he loaded his axe with mana, slamming it forward with everything he had.

As Gareth's axe charged forward, the creature swiftly sidestepped the attack, showcasing its agility and quick reflexes. It retaliated by sweeping its leg, knocking Gareth off balance and sending him crashing into a nearby building. The impact left him dazed, struggling to regain his footing.

Meanwhile, Toga darted around the creature, attempting to find an opening in its defenses. He struck with precision, aiming for vulnerable spots, but the creature seemed to anticipate his moves, parrying his attacks effortlessly.

Finn, recovering from the earlier impact, gritted his teeth in pain but refused to yield. He charged forwards once more' once more, with a wrathful roar, his body surged with power. With strength that pushed his very limit, he lunged at the creature, aiming for its abdomen.

The creature, however, countered Finn's attack with a swift knee to the chest, momentarily winding him. It followed up with a brutal uppercut, sending Finn sprawling backward, his vision blurred from the impact.

Mia, still recovering from her previous collision with Finn, managed to crawl to his side. She glanced at the injured Bete and Gareth, her determination flickering in her eyes. "We can't give up," she gasped, her voice strained. "We have to keep fighting."

Bete, clenching his teeth in pain, nodded in agreement. Despite his wounds, he forced himself back onto his feet, his werewolf resilience aiding his recovery. "Right. We can't let this thing win."

Gareth, shaking off the dizziness, joined them, his grip tightening on his axe. "Let's finish this," he declared, his determination reignited.

The adventurers, battered and bruised, circled the creature, their movements synchronized. They communicated through unspoken determination, understanding that this battle was their last stand. With a collective battle cry, they charged at the creature once more, their attacks fueled by sheer willpower and the desire to protect their city from the impending threat.

"Riveria. How's your mana?" Mia asked as she wiped the blood on her forehead.

"I'm on my last mana potion. I can only do one enchantment and one offensive spell powerful enough to slow it down." Riveria grimaced as her hand searched in her back pouch.

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