Chapter 134

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Bors wiped the blood off his axe, having a bit of trouble breathing as he looked around. The whole area was littered with evidence of an intense fight, with corpses of monsters staining the ground left and right.

"Oi... You still alive kid?" Bors glanced at Kiez, who was sitting on his ass with his head looking skyward. His chest moved up and down as he panted loudly.

"Could have been... *Pant* better..." The kid answered with an exhausted tone, his body covered in blood, both his own and that of the monsters that attacked them. "Denki never said that the area would be *Pant* filled with monsters."

"Well, what's done is done." Bors shrugged as he walked beside Kiez, then extended his hand for him to reach. "Can you keep going, or do you wanna rest?"

Kiez grabbed the old man's arm and with a huff, pulled himself up, almost losing his balance due to exhaustion, feeling his knees shaking. "Let's just go. The quicker we can reach our rendezvous point, the faster we can lay these traps and rest."

"HAHAHA!!! THAT'S THE SPIRIT, KID!!!" Bors slapped the young man on his back, which Kiez did not appreciate at the moment. "Well, let's go. Like you said, the faster we move, the faster—" He stopped and turned serious, his eyes suddenly sharp. His head quickly turned, looking all around him.


"Quiet, kid." The old man shushed Kiez as he turned his senses up to eleven.

The sudden seriousness in Bors' tone quickly silenced Kiez. He gulped and tightly held his spear as he, too, looked around, trying to sense what Bors was feeling.

"Whoever you are hiding in that tree, show yourself!" Bors practically growled as he kept his eyes on one of the trees.

Two girls slowly walked forward, one with short red hair and an intense look on her face, exuding a strong aura, and like most members of Apollo Familia, quite beautiful.

The other had long, waist-length blue hair covering one eye, clutching a staff tightly to her chest, with a bow and quiver snuggly on her back. She had a nervous look on her face and a timid aura.

The two girls were Daphne Lauros and Cassandra Ilion.

Bors took his stance, keeping his center of gravity low. Kiez shook off his tiredness, taking a deep breath. The two of them felt tense, not feeling one hundred percent after the long battle against the monsters.

The two girls stopped a few meters away from them, scrutinizing their eyes at the duo. Daphne then sighed and started to talk.

"Old man, wouldn't it be better if you surrender right now? Look at yourself, you're too tired to continue." Her eyes then landed on Kiez and she pointed. "And he's even worse. Just stay here and tie yourselves up. It would be better for all of us if we can avoid needless bloodshed."

Bors scoffed, letting out a chuckle that slightly irritated Daphne. "Young ones these days. I guess it's true what Lord Heracles says... Your generation doesn't have respect for those who came before you." The old man shrugged and then sighed. "Well, I'm afraid surrender isn't an option for us. If you don't want needless bloodshed, then maybe you two should be the ones to surrender."

Daphne scrunched her face. "I'm giving you a chance, old man. You really should take it." She unsheathed her sword, *Fencer Laureate*. "We both know where this would go if we continue."

This made Bors chuckle once again, but suddenly his eyes turned sharp as he gripped his axe more tightly. "I guess you didn't know the saying, huh?"

Daphne took her stance, and so did Cassandra, who opted to use her bow, nocking an arrow and aiming at the duo of Bors and Kiez. "What saying?" Daphne asked curiously.

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