Chapter 61

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*Heracles PoV*

Noisy... That was all that I could think of as I sat inside a room full of gods having a screaming match against one another.

The gods had called for an emergency denatus, and as I suspected, it quickly turned into mayhem as they spout nonsense and idealism of how we should tackle our current predicament.

A prophecy has been made, the end is coming, and with the emergence of the Theïkó óplos, all signs are pointing that the vision of the seers holds true.

"We should kill the owners and seal away the weapons! Maybe it will buy us some time." spout a god who I literally have no care for who the fuck he is.

"You must be an idiot!!! They may be our greatest asset and your plan is to seal them?" Answered another idiotic god.

"Asset or not it doesn't change the fact that those things can kill us, I say we kill them and hand the weapons to a mortal that we can control... A puppet of sorts." and there's Apollo, the biggest idiot of them all.

"Hear hear!!!" most of the gods agree with him, of course they will, if there's one thing I know to be true about the gods, is that their greed knows no bounds.

"Yeah good idea... Except for one minor problem in your plan... THEY CHOOSE THEIR FUCKING OWNERS YOU MORONIC IDIOT!!!" Loki wailed at the idiot known as Apollo, no doubt she was still in a bad mood after the loss of her child. Well I can't blame her, she of course has to pay Athena a weapon worth 300 million valis or more. And the two absolutely despise each other.

The room again quickly devolves into a shouting match as the other gods scream their opinion against one another.

"ENOUGH!!!" a booming voice stopped all of them as Hades stood up from his seat. "All of you are acting like children... And you call yourselves gods, what a joke." his voice cold as his eyes roamed inside, gazing at everyone in the room.

"That being said, we couldn't change the fact that two weapons already found a master." He continues as his gaze in my direction.

"So we do nothing?" Apollo stood up as well, his face red as he glared at Hades. "Ares I can understand... He at least has his child on a leash. But him?" he points at me. "The butcher of our kind? He wasn't even one of us a few centuries ago."

"Be careful." I said, my voice turning low and dangerous as my eyes glared at the idiot.

"Or what? You'll have your dog kill me? Or better yet, you'll do it yourself like what you did in the past? will you kill me like all the other gods you slaughtered in cold blood?" he chuckled mockingly as he continued. "the mortals sing your praises, applauded you for your exploits, your heroism, calling it your labours, feats of courage, and tales of might. They may have forgotten it but I haven't, they deemed you a hero but I know you for what you really are Heracles... Or should I call you Alcides, butcher of the gods!"

I can feel all the gods in the room staring at me, their gaze fearful and condescending. I look around only to see them dodging my gaze as my eyes pass theirs.

My eyes met Thor's, he looked at me coldly, Well I can't blame him, he hates those weapons and he has every right to do so, and now that he knew that August holds one, his anger was understandable.

I sigh as I found Hestia at Thor's side, she has tears threatening to leave her eyes. That squirt... Looks like I made her worry.

Then my eyes met those of Hades, he was looking at me with eyes that seemed to say "What will you do now?" he is one of the gods here that I actually respect.

"See! Silence, the answer of the guilty!" the idiot spoke again, this time with a little more volume in his voice as the other gods agree with him. "Even with divinity you are no god! You can never be one of us! You are a monster! A butcher!" he looked at every god who had cling to his words and continued to speak.

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