Chapter 42

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-the 18th floor safe zone.

Denki was tending to August's wounds, it had been two days now and his captain was still unconscious. The memories of the fight are still fresh in the mind of the young samurai, he vividly remembers the attack that decimated Goliath Rex into nothing.

"Hey Denk, the adventurers would be making their climb now, we should prepare for the journey as well." Froke entered their tent along with a bowl of stew for Denki and her. He was thankful to her, she could have just left them here yet she chose to stay. She even used up her potions to help August recover.

Denki received the bowl and gave Froke a thankful nod. "The captain is still unconscious, making the journey with him in this state would be dangerous."

"That's why I suggest we go with the adventurers returning back. The more bodies around us the more safer we are." Froke answer him as she ate a spoon full of her stew. "And with you there the journey back would be relatively safe, we could pay some adventurers to carry August all through the trip."

Denki took a moment to think about it and stared at his captain. His wounds are starting to heal, the bones in his right hand was mending itself, honestly he was dumbstruck by how fast the pace of his recovery is. An injury of this magnitude usually takes months to heal yet August's body was mending itself by the minute. "Then lets prepare." Denki looked at Froke and smiled at her. "Thank you Froke..."

Froke had an expression like she swallowed a bug, her face was cringing so hard. "Yeah... Don't ever make that face at me ever again."

"Well fuck you too." yeah he really can't get along with the halfbreed.

"Just eat your fucking stew, we'll be leaving after lunch." Froke was looking at Denki when suddenly her eyes widden. She dropped the spoon that she was holding.

"I could use food as well." a voice sounded behind Denki which made him turn quickly. August was awake as he stared at the two of them, to be more precise he was staring at the bowl of stew they were holding. "I'm famsihed."

"CAPTAIN!!!" Denki screamed as he rushed beside August.

"Arghh... Can you please not scream." August winced at the loud sound, right now his senses are in overdrive. "I can hear you well so don't raise your voice."

Froke walked closer as well, she didn't expect that August would wake up, not in that state at least. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"oh I feel swell." August answered sarcastically. "What do you think? I fell like shit!"

"Hey I can do without the attitude." Froke rolled her eyes. "In all seriousness... I'm glad you're ok." she then smiled at August. "I mean, who would pay me, those arrows cost a fortune."

"Aww, so you do care." August sarcastically says as he tried to sit up. "Anyway how long was I out?"

Denki helped him up. "About two days which is shocking, we both expect you to be out cold for weeks, even months with the injury that you suffered." Denki answered him.

"Fuck! So the tournament is two days." August cursed under his breath. He was wondering if he can fight at this condition.

"You're not seriously thinking of still fighting are you?" Froke was flabbergasted. 'Is this idiot serious? Fucking battle maniac.' she thought to herself as she shook her head in disapproval.

"I'm afraid I have to side on Froke on this one. As you are now you are in no condition to fight." Denki chimed in.

"Well the thing is... I have no choice but to fight in that tournament." August answered, a serious look on his face.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now