Chapter 60

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The gods all felt death gripped their hearts, every single one of them felt a deep fear assaulting their very core, even the bravest of them gasped at the sight of the one true thing that could erase them out of existence.

Freya shook uncontrollably, her eyes were stuck at the prince who was releasing such a terrifying and sinister aura.

Loki couldn't breathe properly, she clutches her chest as she felt her heart beat so fast that she feared it would jump out of her chest.

Hestia's vision darkens, she feels weak, like her knees just turned into jellies, she almost fell onto her ass, but Heracles caught her before she did.

The god of strength was not immune to the fear, even he, felt it creep deep inside him, he couldn't control it, the fear was plastered deep into the subconscious of every god, yet he was taking it better than most.

Thor slammed his fist on the table, he was feeling a mixture of rage and fear, he was angry, he really hated that weapon. "...Ares you fool!" he spoke with venom in his voice as he glared at the god of war.

Ares was smiling like a psychopath at the sight of his child. His heart was beating fast, as crazy as he is, even he wasn't immune to the fear. 'Is this it? Will Missiletine finally choose him as his true master?' He let out a soft chuckle as he thought of it. He ignored the sensation of death grasping his heart, all he can think right now is the possibility of owning and controlling someone who is a master of a theïkó óplo. That line of thinking was enough to make the god of war hard in excitement. The smile on his face slowly turns into an uncontrolled laughter.

Athena, the other god of war felt dread, not only was the weapon affecting her, her child was fighting that thing. An image kept on repeating inside her head, and that was the death of Edwin Hyrule, she stood up, she had full intention of stopping the fight, but alas, her body wouldn't listen to her, as soon as she stood, she automatically fell right back into her seat. She couldn't raise her voice, the fear was too much for her to handle.

The other gods weren't faring any better, they were frozen in place as their eyes were stuck at the prince who was now standing back into his feet.


August felt something deep inside his body, he felt a sensation akin to hunger, as the prince's mana rose, the sensation grew stronger and stronger. He was confused, he didn't know why he had this feeling.

Then it clicked, this wasn't him, this was Beowulf, this sensation was its, the weapon was reacting to one of its own. And as its master, he too felt the hunger Beowulf is feeling right now.

The spear wanted nothing more than to rip the prince into shreds, the power of the spear was threatening to come up on the surface.

August quickly moved his hands to Beowulf, as soon as his fingers touched its body, he felt a feral instinct to hunt the prince. 'I thought my battle craze was rough. Looks like yours is even worse.' August couldn't help but think that as he let his mana travel inside the spear, he was trying to suppress it. And try being the key word to it, even with his efforts some of Beowulf's aura leaked.

"Easy there..." August murmured as he used more of his mana to reeled the wild spear, this time he succeeded, but the damage had already been done.


Another sensation hit the gods, this time a primal fear gripped every one of them, it felt like a beast was lurking in the shadow, watching them all, waiting to rip their throats out.

As fast as the other sensation of fear appeared, it quickly vanished as well, but the gods already felt it, and with it, they knew, the other user was inside the amphitheater as well.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now