Chapter #8

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Chapter #8
Scarlett’s POV
I’m sitting in the dressing room with Elizabeth while the other kids are spending the week with Liz but Elizabeth is too young to be away from me that long. Sam and Benji are releasing their new album tonight. I am watching the show from the dressing room and damn Sam looks good in a three piece. I can’t get Elizabeth to sleep so I am just praying that one they can’t hear her wailing and  two that Sam will start singing. It seems to soothe the kids and she has a voice like silk so I can’t really blame them.

Sam’s POV
I’m on stage with Jimmy as Benji is talking about the new album when a baby crying is heard when someone opens a door. “Hey, why don’t we play one of the songs from the album?” I suggest knowing that crying my girl has a loud pair of lungs. “That sounds fantastic. What song are you going to play for us?” JImmy asks. “I’m with you.” I say getting up with Benji on my tail. Part of me just wants to go into the dressing room and sing directly to Elizabeth and as if she can read my mind I see Scarlett out of the corner of my eye Elizabeth isn’t crying as loud but still crying. Scarlett mouths “She won’t sleep I’ve tried.” to me so I just walk off stage the camera following me Elizabeth’s face is covered since her face is in Scarlett’s neck. “Hand her here, maybe my singing will help. I can sing from here, I just need them to get me the mic.” I tell Scarlett completely forgetting I already have a mic on me that is active. “They can hear you Babe.” Scarlett says pointing to my mic. “Benji start the music I’ll sing from here. I'm sure the camera can see me.” I say. “Hey sweetie Mama’s gonna sing ok because you need to go to sleep.” I say to Elizabeth she’s barely two months old. So I just start to sing as I rock her in my arms.

“I'm standing on a bridge”
“I'm waitin' in the dark”
“I thought that you'd be here by now”
“There's nothing but the rain”
“No footsteps on the ground”
“I'm listening but there's no sound”
“Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?”
“Won't somebody come take me home?”
“It's a damn cold night”
“Trying to figure out this life”
“Won't you take me by the hand?”
“Take me somewhere new”
“I don't know who you are”
“But I, I'm with you”
“I'm with you”
“I'm looking for a place”
“I'm searching for a face”
“Is anybody here I know”
‘'Cause nothing's going right’
“And everything's a mess”
“And no one likes to be alone”
“Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?”
“Won't somebody come take me home?”
“It's a damn cold night”
“Trying to figure out this life”
“Won't you take me by the hand?”
“Take me somewhere new”
“I don't know who you are”
“But I, I'm with you”
“I'm with you, yeah, yeah”
“Oh, why is everything so confusing?”
“Maybe I'm just out of my mind”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah”
“It's a damn cold night”
“Trying to figure out this life”
“Won't you take me by the hand?”
“Take me somewhere new”
“I don't know who you are”
“But I, I'm with you”
“I'm with you”
“Take me by the hand”
“Take me somewhere new”
“I don't know who you are”
“But I, I'm with you”
“I'm with you”
“Take me by the hand’
“Take me somewhere new”
“I don't know who you are”
“But I, I'm with you”
“I'm with you”
“I'm with you”

“Here she’s asleep.” I whisper, handing the sleeping child to my wife. “I swear our kids like you more than me.” Scarlett jokes quietly. “I’m just good with kids and you said it yourself they like the sound of my voice.” I whisper.
We get home from the interview and thankfully Elizabeth is still asleep. Scarlett goes to put her in her crib while I get changed. My phone starts to ring and it’s Tina so I answer it.
“Hello, what can I do for you at 12:27 at night?” I ask annoyed.
“You have got to check twitter. The responses to you singing to ELizabeth might break the internet.” Tina exclaims.
“Ok I’ll look at it good night.” I say hanging up with no intention of checking twitter.
“Babe, listen to this. @TheReign#1fan tweeted a picture of you holding Elizabeth as you sing and says. ‘Sam Mily singing to her daughter instead of doing the rest of the interview is so cute. And the way Scarlett is looking at Sam is everything.’ There are so many tweets like that one blowing up twitter.” Scarlett tells me. “I know Tina called. This is why I don’t have twitter.” I say. “It was cute how you came to Elizabeth instead of singing from the stage.” Scarlett tells me. “I don’t care about interviews, you know that I only do them so Tina doesn’t hound me or if you want me with you.” I say laying in bed holding my arms out to her. “I know but look at this picture you look like you are just singing for her. It’s adorable.” She tells me. “I heard her cry that’s why I suggested we sing earlier in the interview than we originally planned so yeah I was singing just for her I guess.” I admit. “You are a good mom.” Scarlett tells me. “I try my best and you are a great mom too.” I tell her as she cuddles into my side. “Good night Baby.” I kiss her head. “Good night Babe.” She says as she is already falling asleep.

Awe cute moment with Sam and Elizabeth. This chapter’s question is where is the one place you want to go to. Mine is Scotland. Anygays see you in the next one.

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