Chapter #51

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Chapter #51
Sam’s POV
“Ok so we’ve got everyone and everything.” Scarlett says as we get into the suburban. “Yep. Ok guy’s you ready for the zoo!” I cheer, earning a chorus of cheers. “Ok let’s get this show on the road.

Scarlett’s POV
Thank god for Laura because there are a few rides at the zoo that Emma, Wyatt, Elizabeth, and Kai are too small to go on so I am just waiting with Laura for Sam, Danny, and Sarah to get back from the ride we are meeting up in the penguin exhibit they are Sam and I’s favorite. “So Danny had no problems finding you guys in the studio last night?” Laura asks. “Yeah he found us, how did you know?” I ask. “You guys left your bedroom door open. I heard you yell at Sam to wake up and then I heard footsteps heading downstairs and about an hour later Danny ran into my room crying because he couldn’t find you guys so I told him where you were.” She tells me. “Oh well thank you. We felt so bad that we made him worry, he’s only five.” I say with my head hung. “Uh uh none of that. Did you know Danny would have a bad dream?” She asks. “No.” I tell her. “Then you wouldn’t know that he would come looking for you two.” Laura says. “You always know what to say.” I smile at her. “Years of experience sweetheart.” Laura laughs. “Um, excuse me.” A woman around my age says. “Yes?” I ask. “I’m not going to be loud cause I don’t want you to get swarmed. But my son loves the Black Widow and he saw you and asked me if I would come over and just tell you that. He doesn’t want to bother you for a picture since you are clearly here with your family but he just wanted you to know he thinks you are super cool.” She says. “What’s your son’s name?” I ask. “Johnny.” She says. “Well tell Johnny that the Black Widow says hello.” I tell her. “Thank you. That will make his year, have a great day.” She says before leaving. “That was sweet that a kid didn’t want to bother you while you are with your family.” Laura says. “Yeah it is. I’ve been in the bathroom changing Kai’s diaper.” I tell her. “Damn what is wrong with people.” Laura says. “I know right.” I say. “Danny don’t run from me!” Sam calls out running after the five year old. “I’m a cheetah you can’t catch me!” Danny giggles and Sarah is just following them with her phone recording the two. “Oh yeah I can be a cheetah too!” Sam laughs as she picks him up and starts to tickle him. “You are silly Mama, you can’t be a cheetah.” Danny says when she puts him down. “Why not?” She asks. “Because you are a penguin like Mommy because penguins are together for life like you and Mommy.” He says and like half the room ‘aws’. “When did you get so smart?” Sam says ruffling his hair. “That’s what the zoo lady said. When the penguin finds their mate they get them the best rock they can find and give it to their mate.” Danny explains cutely. “I guess I’m a gentoo penguin then.” Sam says. “But you have to give Mommy a rock.” Danny says. “Ok then I will get Mommy the best rock I can find I’ll be right back.” Sam says going outside and knowing Sam she would give me a rock. About an hour later Sam comes back. “Here you go my penguin.” Sam says handing me a rock. “I’m your penguin?” I chuckle, taking the rock. “Yes you heard Danny we are penguins and that means you are my penguin and I am your penguin.” Sam says, giving me a kiss. “Yuck.” Sarah and Danny say at the same time. “I’ll be your penguin.” I smile. “You two are disgustingly cute.” Sarah says. “Ok so what animal do we want to see next?” I ask. “Ma’s siblings.” Sarah says. “Huh?” Sam says confused. “You know the chimps.” Sarah laughs. “Haha, very funny.” Sam says. “I thought so.” Sarah replies. “Well chimps it is.” Sam says getting the twins in their stroller. Elizabeth and Kai have a twin stroller as well since they are fairly close in age. “Mama, are they really your siblings?” Danny asks. “No Danny, your sister is just being silly.” Sam says as she pushes the stroller with one hand and holds Danny’s in the other as we go to the chimps. We get to the chimp exhibit and Danny runs up to the glass. “They are too short to be Mama’s siblings. You are right Mama Sarah is being silly.” Danny says, making us all laugh. “Your siblings would have to be the gorillas because they are bigger.” Danny says, completely serious and Laura bursts out laughing. “Ma really?” Sam says. “I’m sorry it’s just he is so serious about it.” She laughs. “You guys are mean.” Sam mopes. “I’m sorry Mama.” Danny says. “Thank you. I accept your apology.” Sam says, giving him a hug. The gorillas were just the next exhibit over and I wish we never left the chimps. “AH MAMA WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!” Danny shrieks as two of the gorillas are going at it as hard as Sam and I on our honeymoon . “Don’t look and uh don’t worry about it.” Sam says, covering his eyes and we quickly move on. “That reminded me of our honeymoon.” I whisper to Sam. “We were going at it pretty hard huh?” She smirks. “Yep.” I say popping the ‘p’. “What are you two smiling at?” Sarah asks. “Nothing.” Sam answers a little too quickly. “Oh god ew!” Sarah cringes. “Come on Danny.” Sarah says as she gives him a piggyback ride. “You answered way too quickly Babe.” I chuckle. “Yeah I did.” She sighs. “MAMA IT’S A GIRAFFE!!” Danny calls out. “Oh I was wrong, these are Ma’s siblings, right Danny.” Sarah says and Danny just nods. “Ok stop ganging up on Mama.” I tell them. “Thank you.” Sam says. “You're just upset we left your sibling behind.” Sarah says. “Huh? Now I’m confused.” I say till I hear a familiar voice from behind me. “SIS WAIT UP!” Vanessa calls. “Oh my god Vanessa I thought you were in New York I haven’t seen you in months. How are you?” I ask hugging my big sister. “I’m in L.A on business and Sarah texted saying you guys were coming here so I thought I would surprise my little sister.” Vanessa says. “I’m glad you did. Oh my god you haven’t met Kai yet.” I say pulling her over to the stroller. “Oh he’s so cute and looks just like Sam.” She coos. “He’s got your eyes though.” She says. “Hey that’s my penguin.” Sam calls out. “Did your wife just call you a penguin?” Vanessa asks. “Danny can explain.” I tell her as we rejoin the group. Danny goes on to explain the whole penguin thing and I swear my sister is going to melt from Danny’s cuteness. “Sam really gave you a rock?” Vanessa asks so I reach into my pocket and pull it out. “Yes she did.” I tell her. “You two are one of the weirdly cutest couples I know.” She chuckles. “Weird is good, normal is boring!” Sam says. “Yeah I’d rather be weird than normal.” Sarah adds. “Hey I never said weird is bad.” Vanessa defends. “Good move.” I laugh. “Mommy I’m hungry.” Danny says. “Ok it is around lunch time let’s find somewhere with food.” I tell him. “Oh I saw the Black WIdow on Disney+ it was really good.” Vanessa says. “Yeah thanks.” I say a little bitter. “What’s wrong sis?” Vanessa asks. “I’m suing Disney.” I tell her. “What? Why?” She asks. “I’m not getting any of the proceeds from when people watch it on Disney+.” I tell her. “Oh my god if I had known I would have seen it in the theater.” Vanessa tells me. “It’s ok. Right now the only people who know about the upcoming lawsuit is Sam, TIna, my lawyers, and now you. I haven’t even told Mom I don’t know how.” I tell her. “This must be extremely hard. I know how much you love Natasha.” Vanessa comforts. “It is but I have an amazing partner by my side.” I say smiling at Sam who is playing with Danny. “Yes you do. Now let’s go see some elephants.” Vanessa says after we have all finished our food. “I like that idea.” I smile. I don’t want to think about the lawsuit right now so I just focus on my family.

Sam’s POV
We have gone full circle in the zoo. It was really nice to see Vanessa surprise Scarlett like that. “Well I’m heading to the hotel. I'll see you guys later.” Vanessa says. “Uh like hell are you. We have plenty of room for you to stay with us.” I tell her. “Oh I don’t want to be a bother.” Vanessa says. “You are my sister in law, not a bother, you are staying in one of the guest rooms.” I tell her. “Are you sure you want me to stay with you guys?” She asks. “Please Auntie Nessa.” Danny says, giving her his puppy dog eyes. “Ok I guess I’ll stay with you guys.” She says unable to say no to Danny’s adorable face. We get to the house and there is a car in the driveway that I don’t recognize. “Stay in the car.” I tell Scarlett seeing lights on in the house and movement in the windows. I go into the house and find Benny in the kitchen. “The fuck Benny you scared me.” I tell him. “How? Didn’t you see my car?” He asks. “If you mean that brand new Ford sedan then yes.” I tell him. “Oh shit I forgot to tell you I got a new car. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” He says sincerely. “I’ll let Scarlett know it’s safe to come in.” I say walking to the door. “It’s just my idiot brother!” I call out as I head to the car to help get the littles out of the car. “Did he get a new car?” Scarlett asks. “Yeah.” I say picking up a sleeping Wyatt. “UNCLE BENNY!” Devon cheers seeing Benny in the doorway. How the hell does that kid still have energy? “That is your son.” Scarlett chuckles. “Yep.” I say, helping Emma out of the car with my free hand and walk with her inside damn she’s getting so big. “Hey stud.” Vanessa says to Benny. “Uh uh off limits, that's my brother.” I tell her. “Kill joy.” She says. “Uncle Benny, we went to the zoo.” Danny says and goes on to tell him everything we saw and the whole penguin thing. “I’m going to put him to bed.” I tell Scarlett pointing to the sleeping Wyatt. “Ok.” She says before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I  get back downstairs and Scarlett is in the kitchen cooking something. “Hey Baby.” I wrap my arms around her from behind. “Thank you for today, it was really nice to get out as a family.” She tells me. “I had a lot of fun with my Penguin.” I say kissing her head. “Is that a new nickname?” She asks. “You don’t like it?” I ask. “I never said that.” She says. “Then yes it is.” I tell her as I rest my chin on her shoulder. “SCARLETT, SAM GET IN HERE!!” Vanessa yells and we run into the living room to see Elizabeth trying to crawl. “That’s it sweetie, come to Mama. Come on yes that’s it oh my god sweetie you are doing it just a little farther.” I cheer as Elizabeth crawls to me. “You did it. Scarlett, she crawled.” I say excitedly

A cute chapter. Whoo Elizabeth reached a milestone. This chapter’s question is what is an interesting fact about where you grew up? Kansas City is known as the city of fountains since there are so many fountains in Kansas City. Anygays see you in the next one.

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