Chapter #29

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Chapter #29
Scarlett’s POV
Ok I think I have been overdoing it with the sex and filming because the baby is not happy. “Sam I hate you.” I groan after throwing my guts out. “I love you but I really don’t like you right now.” I tell her. “Yeah I’m sorry. We should probably stop having sex because you have to film too.” Sam says. “And you stop making your Mommy so sick.” She says talking to my barely noticeable baby bump. “You know I always wanted us to end up together but I never thought it would happen especially when you came home from L.A after Iron Man 2 and told me you were dating Ryan.” I tell her. “I started dating him to get over you now that I think about it. How much of that night before I left to film Iron Man 2 do you remember I know we both had a bit to drink?” She asks. “Everything.” I tell her.
Flash Back
[Scarlett is leaving for L.A tomorrow so we are at a bar celebrating. After a couple hours Scarlett and I get a cab to my place and Scarlett is being very handsy. We are both under the infuluance and she’s my best friend. I can't but I want this so bad. We won’t remember in the morning right? “Scarlett, are you sure? We have had a good amount to drink.” I ask her but her dress is now pooled at her feet. “Fuck.” I groan, my pants getting too tight. “Yes Sam I’m sure. Take me to the bedroom.” She says and I pick her up and carry her to my bedroom. “God you are beautiful.” I tell her. “Sam please just fuck me.” She whines as she takes my pants off. “Fuck Scar you’re so wet.” I husk at I run my dick through her folds. “Sam, please don’t tease.” She says and I slowly put my full length in her being gentle so I don’t hurt her. “Shit I wish you didn’t have to go tomorrow but I know you have to. Fuck you feel so good.” I moan. “You can move now.” She tells me and I nod and slowly start to move in and out. “Fuck!” She screams grabbing the sheets. “Fuck yes!” I yell out as I start to pound the hell out off her. “Scarlett I love you.” I finally tell her how I feel as I hover over her kissing her neck not stopping my hip movements. “Yeah I love you too. I never thought my best friend would end up fucking me. Oh god Sam I’m close I’m so close!” She moans. “Me too!” I grunt. “Cum inside me Sam I want to feel you.”She says. “FUCK!” “SHIT!” We yell at the same time. We pass out pretty quickly after we get changed. I wake up the next morning to an empty bed and Scarlett’s things are gone. “Fuck Sam you dumb ass!” I yell to myself. I get dressed and drive to Hunter’s I need to talk to him. “Hey Sam what’s wrong?” He asks. “I ruined Scarlett’s and I’s friendship.” I cry. “What?” He asks now fully awake. “We had sex and I said I love you but she said I love you too and made a comment about sleeping with her best friend and when I woke up this morning she was gone. I’ve ruined everything Hunt.” I cry. “I’m sure she has an explanation of why she left before you woke up.” He says. “Yeah she regrets it.” I say and leave his place.]
“I remember the sex but I don’t remember you telling me you love me.” Scarlett says. “My heart kinda broke when you said best friend.” I tell her. “Good thing Ryan was a dick and broke up with me.” She chuckles. “Yeah I guess it is.” I laugh. “I’m tired let’s get some sleep.” Scarlett says. “Yeah I agree.” I tell her. I wake up to screaming and for once it’s not my own it’s Scarlett. “Honey wake up!” I yell. “NO DON’T LEAVE ME SAM!! I’M SORRY I FAILED OUR BABY!!! DON’T LEAVE ME!! SAM!!” She screams. “WAKE UP NOW!!” I scream in her face and her eyes shoot open and her hand goes to her stomach. “I had a nightmare. I lost the baby and you left  me because you were disappointed in me.” She cries. “Oh Baby. You didn’t lose it and I wouldn’t leave you even if you did. Honey look at me. I love you and would never leave you.” I tell her. “Sam it felt so real. It truly felt like I lost them.” She sobs and I just pull her into me. “Shh it’s ok. The baby is ok. We are ok.” I soothe. “I’m going to get something from my bag ok.” I tell her. “No don’t let me go.” She begs. “Ok then wrap your legs around me.” I tell her and she does. “Ok kuala bear come with me.” I say getting out of bed. “I’m not a koala, I don't have chlamydia.” She grumbles. “I meant the way you are holding onto me but whatever. Here someone gave me this I forgot about it but it’s actually for you.” I tell her. “What is it?” She asks. “Well if you let me go you’ll see.” I tell her and she shakes her head. “I am going to have to put it on you.” I say and she pulls her head out of my neck and gives me a ‘what the fuck’ look. “Is it a sex toy?” She questions. “What? No. It’s one of those things you wear and you plug in head phones and you can listen to the baby’s heartbeat. Why did you assume it was sexuall?” I ask. “Because it’s you.” She states. “Fair. But this is so you can listen to little one in there.” I tell her. “Ok how do I wear it?” She asks. “Take off your shirt.” I say. “Sam. I’ll lift it.” She says. “I wanted to see your titties.” I pout. “You always want to see my titties.” She quips. “True. You hve fantastic titties.” I smirk as I wrap the device around her stomach. “I think you are far enough along to hear the heartbeat. Here you can you my recording headset. I don't have any wired earbuds.” I tell her and she puts it to her ear and starts crying. “I can hear it. Here listen.” She says handing me the headset. “Oh my god that thing works. Do you feel a little bit better now knowing the baby is ok?” I ask. “Yes. Thank you.” She says. “Don’t thank me, thank one of the crew members she gave it to me and said her sister used one just like it.” I tell her. “We will thank her in the morning. Do you remember her name?” She asks. “Clara I think.” I say. “Oh yeah I know who you are talking about.” She says.

Scarlett’s POV
I went to sleep to the sound of the baby’s heartbeat and the warmth of Sam’s embrace. I wake up to Sam giggling and not the oh that's funny giggle no the mischievous one. “Sam what did you do?” I ask. “Something funny. Look at Instagram.” She smiles. “SAM!! I would be insulted if that wasn’t true but why add Wanda?” I ask. “Eh to mess with Liz.” She shrugs.

“Scarlett when she’s pregnant”[@ScarlettJohansson: Unfortunately that is true][@ElizabethOlsen: Oh my god this happened on the set of AOU][@ScarlettJohansson: Danny wanted croissants][@SarahJohansson: Hey don’t blame my brother] [@FlorencePugh: Sh...

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“Scarlett when she’s pregnant”
[@ScarlettJohansson: Unfortunately that is true]
[@ElizabethOlsen: Oh my god this happened on the set of AOU]
[@ScarlettJohansson: Danny wanted croissants]
[@SarahJohansson: Hey don’t blame my brother]
[@FlorencePugh: She had a bunch of cookies yesterday]
[@ScarlettJohansson: I shared]
[@SamMily: Not with me]
[@ScarlettJohansson: No I fucked you instead]
[@SamMily: Yeah that is better than cookies]
[@ElizabethOlsen: Sarah is throwing up in a bush while I hold Bently’s leash]
[@FlorencePugh: I saw it. It was nasty. How did Scarlett even get in that position]
[@SamMily: She’s very flexible]
[@ScarlettJohansson: SAM]

“Why did you say that?” I whine. “I didn’t lie.” She says. “I uh that’s true.” I give up. “We are going to L.A to film the rest next week.” I tell her. “YES I MISS MY BABIES!!” Sam cheers.

Family reunion in the next one. This chapter’s question is if you could be an expert in anything what would it be? For me, carpentry. Anygays see you in the next one.

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