Chapter #72

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Chapter #72
Sam's POV
I woke up from a call from Benny saying  that I had to come pick up the kids because he forgot he had a meeting today. I don't want to wake Searlett so I carefully got out of bed and drove over to Benny's and got the kids. "I know you guys were really excited to spend the weekend with your uncle but I will dow my best to make it up to you guys ok." I say as I park in the driveway there is a car that I don't recognize. Melanie Must have come over. "Hey guys, it looks like your Grandma Mel might be here." I tell them but it doesn't seem to lift Danny's spirit. He was really looking forward to m spending time with his uncle."SARAH!!" Danny vells when he enters the house. Sarah's home! I enter the house with Kai in one arm the other has Elizabeth and the twins are following me. "Sarah?" I say tears in my eyes. She wasn't planning on coming till next week."Surprise!" She cheers as Scarlett is clinging onto her. "Mom can I please hug Ma and my siblings?" Sarah says. "Onb more second." Scarlett saysshe lets go of Sarah and Danny jumps into Sarah's arms. "Hey little bro." She says hugging him. "I missed you sissy." He says,is he crying. She puts Danny down and I've already put Elizabeth And Kai in their chairs. "Welcome home sweetie. I've missed you so much. Did you tell your uncle that you were coming home and that's why I had to go get your siblings?" I ask. "I did I hope you aren't upset about going behind your back. I just wanted to surprise you guys." She tells me. "Oh Sweetie I'm not upset with you I'm just happy you are home a week early." I tell her. "Ok move I need to hold my baby." Scarlett says. "Mom, you held onto me for ten minutes already." Sarah chuckles as she hugs her Mom"Sarah can you blame her she has missed you more than she misses me when I go on tour and honestly I don't blame her you're our little girl and we have missed you so so much." I say tearing up again. "Guys stop with the tears I came home one week early it's not that big a deal." Sarah says. "Sweetie you will understand when you have your own kids." Scarleet tells her. "Oh that's never happening. I don't want kids. I am perfectly happy with being the cool gay aunt." Sarah says. "Ok then you will understand when you have nieces and nephews. "Benny's voice says from behind me. "Thank you Benny for helping Sarah surprise us.I really appreciate it." I tell my brother as I pull him into a hug."When she called I thought that it was a great idea so I helped her rent a car since she isn't old enough yet and I told her when you would be leaving the house so she could get here before you."He tells me. "Well thank you both of you. Is Ma coming?" I ask."Yeah she said she would come next week as planned. She wanted you guys to have time with your daughter." Benny says. "This is the bestest day ever." Danny says. "I'm glad you think so I have one more surprise for you My Mom, Ma this is for you guys." She says handing me a folded piece of paper. "What is it? It looks like a schedule." I say. "That's my schedule for next semester everything is online and I would like to do that from here."She says. "Yes please." Scarlett says. "Ok I will go put my bags in the guest room." She says. Scarlett and I shake our heads at the same time. "Sweetie you still have your room just the way you left it we didn't wantto change anything so no you will not be staying in one of theguest rooms you will be staying in your room." I tell her."You guys kept my room?" She asks now she is the one tearing up. “Of course we did. We knew you would come home for the holidaysand things like that  and we hoped you would stay here between school years so we never changed a thing. I did go in and clean it that way things wouldn't get dusty whenever I would clean the house." I say."I still don't get why you don't just hire a cleaning service for a house this big." Benny says. "Cleaning and singing helps Sam's mind calm down when she is having trouble." Scarlett says. "Yeah why do you think the studio is always so clean?" I ask him."I just assumed it was you just doing a regular house cleaning every once and a while." He shrugs. "Nope I always start in the studio when I need to clean." I say. "Speaking ofthe studio Ma I have a song I want to record." Sarah says. "Let's do it I would love to hear it. Scarlett you are going to have to let Sarah go so she can walk." I say. "Fine." She grumbles. "Ok Let's go." Sarh says.

Sarah's POV
"So I wrote this song after my break up with Paige." I say once we are all in the studio and Ma's jaw clenches at the mention of paige. "Ma I know you are angry about what Paige did but I got over it you need to move past it. Ok and I think you will like this song." I say before starting to sing.

"I left a mark on your neck "
“ know that you won't forget"
"Yeah, I know, yeah,Iknow, I'm the begk bext you've ever had"
"Yeah 'cause I'm sweet like that"
"Yeah, you know,yeah, you know”
"Playing with my fingertips"
"Sitting there biting your lip”
"Trying to kiss, who are you trying to trick?"
'"Why don't you just cut the shit?”
"'Cause baby, you know that you got it"
"Girl, yeah, youknow that you want it"
"Girl, why can't you just be honest?"
"With yourself"
"I know every day you're thinking of me(thinking of me)"
"I make you it feel better when you'refeeling lonely (feeling lonely)"
"You say that no one wil lunderstand"
“You wish you could but you can't so"
"How many days, how many nights"'
"'Till you realize he'll never loveyou like me?"'
"He’ll never lové you like me"
"Talking until 3 A.M"
"Giving me that look again"
“Yeah, I know, yeah,I know I'm the drug you never did"
"Higher than you've ever been"
"Yeah, you know, yeah, you know"
"Took me like I was a hit"
"Addicted but trying to quit"
"Get over it"
"Act like you already did"
"So,thirsty, you're drowning in it"
"'Causebaby, you know that you got it"
"Girl, yeah, you know thatyou want it"
"Girl, why can'ț you just be honest?"
"With yourself"
"I know every day you're thinking of me(thinking of me)”
"I make it better when you're feeling lonely(feeling Lonely)”
"You say that no one will understand"
"How many days, how many nights"
"'Till  you realize he'll never love you like me?"
"He’ll never love you like me"
"'Cause he’ll never love you like me"
“He'll  never, never, never, never,never, never(ya boy)”
"He'll  never, never, never, never, never, never(ya boy)"
"Hold on, you tell me that I'm not the one but"
"You know whatis right, you say is wrong"
"playing with my fingertips"
"Sitting there biting your lip"
"Trying to kiss, who are youtrying to trick?"
"Why don't you just cut the shit?"
"'Cause he’ll never love you like me"
"He'll never, never, never, never, never, never”
"He’ll never love you like me"
"He'll never, never,never,never, never, never”
"'Cause he'll never love you like me"
"He’ll never, never, never, never, never, never”
"I know every day you're thinking of me"
"I make it better when you're efeeling lonely"
"You say that no nne will understand"
"You wish you could but you can't so"
"How many days, how many nights"
"*'Till you realize he’ll never love you like me?"

I finish the song and Mom has a shit eating grin and Ma is clapping. "That's my baby right there!" Ma cheers well I guess they like it. "that was really good sissy, but you said a bad word a lot." Danny tells me. "I know I did but I'm a grown up so I am allowed to say those words." I tel1 him and he nods.''That was bad ass Sarah I love it." Uncle Benji tells me."Thank you, I worked really hard on it. Now I get why Ma gets all excited when she finishes a song. It's hard work." I say"I still hate Paige because she hurt you by the way." Ma says. "Ok mama bear." I chuckle.

We love Mama Scarlett. This chapter’s question is if a complete stranger randomly texted you and asked for your advice, would you give it to them or not reply? I would give it to them depending on what they need advice on. Anygays see you in the next one.

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