Chapter #13

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Chapter #13
Sam’s POV
“Benji, you can spend the night. We have a guest room, you know.” I tell him. “I don’t want to be a bother.” He says he is one of the most considerate men I know. “It’s not a bother when one of Scarlett’s siblings stays over so it’s not a bother when my brother stays over.” I tell him. Holy shit that is the first time I’ve called him my brother to his face. “What did you say?” He asks just as shocked of the words that just came out of my mouth as I am. “I said you are my brother.” I say confidently. “You think of me as a brother?” He asks, tearing up. “Benny, I grew up an only child just like you did. But I always had this feeling that you are a part of this family. You are family and yes I see you and think of you like a brother. We have always had this sibling-like dynamic ever since we met. I mean my kids call you Uncle Benji. You are a year older than me and I have always gotten that big brother vibe from you and Ma loves you like you are her own I mean hell you even call her Ma Scarlett doesn’t even do that. And I love you Benny. I really do.” I say chocking up and we both become crying messes and hold onto each other. “I love you too and I have always felt like you are the little sister I never had.” He says pulling from the hug to look me in the eye. “I leave for ten minutes to put Elizabeth to bed and you two become sobbing messes. What happened?” Scarlett asks walking into the studio. “Well my little sister here was just telling me that she thinks of me as a brother and I told her that I think of her as my sister and it got emotional.” Benny says and I lose it when he addresses me as his little sister. “I’m calling Laura there is something she’s wanted to talk to you about.” Scarlett says walking into the soundbooth leaving Benny and I confused. After talking to Ma for about ten minutes she comes out and puts the phone on speaker.
“Hey Ma what’s going on?” I ask.
“I have a very serious question for Benjamin.” Ma says.
“What is it?” He asks.
“I know you are thirty five. But I would like to adopt you.” Ma nervously says.
“Really?” Benny asks, tearing up again.
“Yes really. What do you think? Take your time I know it’s a..” Ma gets cut off.
“Yes. If there is something I have to sign I’ll do it! Ma I’ll do it.” He cheers.
“I’ll send you the paperwork you have to do then. Keep an eye out for it in your mail. I will talk to you guys later I’m going to bed. I love you guys.” Ma says.
“Love you too Ma.” Benny and I say at the same time before Ma hangs up.
“HOLY SHIT IT’S GOING TO BE OFFICIAL YOU ARE GOING TO LEGALLY BE MY BIG BROTHER!!” I yell excitedly tackling him in a hug. “This all feels like a dream.” He says. “It’s not a dream big bro.” I tell him. “Ok guys I really do hate to break up this cute sibling moment but we should get some rest and Benji you are staying in the guest room with no arguments.” Scarlett says. Scarlett and I bid Benny goodnight and go to our bedroom and do our nightly routines before getting in bed. “It’s going to be legal Scarlett. I’m going to have the big brother I’ve always wanted.” I say as I hold Scarlett in my arms as I do every night. “I’m so happy for you Baby. I know you always wanted a sibling I’m just sorry it took till you were thirty four.” Scarlett says giving me a kiss. “You knew Ma wanted to adopt him.” I state. “She’s had the paperwork ready for a year now.” Scarlett tells me and I’m not surprised. “I’m just happy that he will legally be my big brother.” I tell her with a perment smile on my face.

Awe what a cute chapter. I got the idea to have Sam’s mom adopt Benji from @JPmarel90’s Just a Soldier series I highly recommend reading it. This chapter’s question is what is your favorite tradition or holiday? Mine is a family tradition that my Mom’s family has done since she was a kid. Every year on Christmas we drink Coca cola from the class bottles. Anygays see you in the next one.

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