Chapter #40

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Chapter #40
Sam’s POV
I’m in the studio with the door locked and I get a call from Scarlett.
“Hey Baby. Are you crying?” I ask.
“He won’t sleep. It's like with Danny, help I’m outside of the studio which is locked.” She says and I hang up and let her in. “Hey it’s ok come sit with me.” I tell her and she sits on the piano bench with me. “Ok buddy I’ll sing, maybe that will help. I said I won’t let your Mommy hear any of the songs from the album I’m making, which is why the door was locked but you need some comfort so I’ll sing for you guys. Ok here we go.” I say putting my hands over the piano keys.

“What would I do without your smart mouth?”
“Drawing me in, and you kicking me out”
“You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down”
“What's going on in that beautiful mind?”
“I'm on your magical mystery ride”
“And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright”
“My head's under water”
“But I'm breathing fine”
“You're crazy and I'm out of my mind”
“'Cause all of me”
“Loves all of you”
“Love your curves and all your edges”
“All your perfect imperfections”
“Give your all to me”
“I'll give my all to you”
“You're my end and my beginning”
“Even when I lose, I'm winning”
“'Cause I give you all of me”
“And you give me all of you, oh-oh”
“How many times do I have to tell you?”
“Even when you're crying, you're beautiful too”
“The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood”
“You're my downfall, you're my muse”
“My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues”
“I can't stop singing, it's ringing in my head for you”
“My head's under water”
“But I'm breathing fine”
“You're crazy and I'm out of my mind”
“'Cause all of me”
“Loves all of you”
“Love your curves and all your edges”
“All your perfect imperfections”
“Give your all to me”
“I'll give my all to you”
“You're my end and my beginning”
“Even when I lose, I'm winning”
“'Cause I give you all of me”
“And you give me all of you, oh-oh”
“Give me all of you, oh”
“Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts”
“Risking it all, though it's hard”
“'Cause all of me”
“Loves all of you”
“Love your curves and all your edges”
“All your perfect imperfections”
“Give your all to me”
“I'll give my all to you”
“You're my end and my beginning”
“Even when I lose, I'm winning”
“'Cause I give you all of me”
“And you give me all of you”
“I give you all of me”
“And you give me all of you, oh-oh”

I finish the song and Kai is asleep in Scarlett’s arms. “I love you with all of me too.” She says kissing my cheek. “Yeah I’ll never understand how I got so lucky to not only be able to be with you but also raise six amazing kids with you.” I say honestly. “I know you wanted all these songs to be a surprise for a birthday gift but thank you. And trust me Honey I’m the lucky one.” She tells me. “Hey don’t worry about it. I’ve actually hated having to lock you out of the studio so you didn’t walk in on me working on them so I am glad I got to give you a sneak peak.” I smile. “MA, YOU LET MOM SIT IN?” Sarah yells and Kai starts to wail. “No, please go back to sleep.” Scarlett says on the brink of tears. “Oh shit sorry I didn’t see him.” Sarah apologizes. “Here hand him to me and get some rest you need to sleep Honey.” I say holding out my arms. “He looks so small in your arms Ma.” Sarah says. “I am a six foot two woman.” I say. “True.” Sarah nods. “And Danny is definitely getting your height.” She adds. “That’s for sure.” Scarlett says laying on the couch in the studio. I am able to get Kai back to sleep fairly quickly and I hear soft snores coming from Scarlett. “Come on, let's let her sleep.” I whisper to Sarah and she nods and we head upstairs.

Scarlett’s POV
I wake up to an empty studio and I look at the clock on the wall and holy shit it’s ten pm. I go upstairs and stop at the nursery first but Kai isn’t there so I go to the bedroom and my panic imediatly goes away when I see Kai is asleep on Sam’s chest as Sam sleeps I take a picture and send it to Mom. I quietly take a shower before crawling into bed next to Sam and I just look at the two, they look so peaceful and I know it wasn’t Kai that was being clingy and that’s why he is in here it was most definitely Sam who wanted cuddles. I curl up into Sam’s side and she instinctively lifts her arm and wraps it around me pulling me closer. I lay my head on her shoulder and just relax knowing I won’t be falling asleep after a 7 hour nap. “How was your nap?” Sam’s raspy voice whispers. “It was good, thank you.” I tell her. “No need to thank me we are in this together.” She says as she starts rubbing my back. “I took a picture of you and Kai and sent it to Mom.” I tell her. “Snitch.” She jokes. “How is that being a snitch?” I chuckle softly. “It shows that I let them sleep in the bed.” She says trying to keep a serious face but failing miserably. “Oh looks like someone is waking up. Hey buddy, how did you sleep?” Sam says and gets smacked in the chest. “How dare you.” She whines. “He’s probably hungry here, let me take my shirt off, it's not one of the nursing shirts.” I tell her, sitting up. “Yes by all means please take off your shirt.” Sam smirks. “Do you have to make everything dirty?” I ask. “Yes, if I don’t the world will implode.” She says handing me Kai. “God damn he is hungry.” She says. “He’s a growing boy.” I state. “That is true. Does it hurt?” She asks. “No, not really. Can you go get a burp cloth please? I don't want spit up on me.” I say. “One burp cloth coming right up.” She says getting out of bed and goes to get one from the nursery. “Here you go Baby.” She says handing it to me. “Thanks.” I say. “Yep no problem. “What was for dinner?” I ask. “We ordered pizza because Sarah was too tired and didn’t want me to blow up the kitchen.” She says, making me chuckle. “What are you doing?” I ask as she does something on her phone. “Posting a meme of course.” She states I should have known.

“Nat would win”[@ElizabethOlsen: Wanda has powers][@SamMily: Natasha was the first female AVENGER][@RobbieArnett: Wanda would win][@SamMily: Nat would she is the Black fucking Widow and has no powers but was quick to go up against the mad titan][@...

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“Nat would win”
[@ElizabethOlsen: Wanda has powers]
[@SamMily: Natasha was the first female AVENGER]
[@RobbieArnett: Wanda would win]
[@SamMily: Nat would she is the Black fucking Widow and has no powers but was quick to go up against the mad titan]
[@ElizabethOlsen: Again Wanda has powers]
[@SamMily: Wanda wouldn’t have come back if it wasn’t for Natasha]
[@ElizabethOlsen: Nat wins]
[@SamMily: YES!!!!!!!!]

“You are a giant child.” I tell Sam. “Yeah but you love me.” She smiles before leaning in to give me a kiss which I reciprocate. “I love you Baby.” She says against my lips. “I love you too.” I reply. “Should I take him to his crib?” She points to the sleeping baby. “Yeah, make sure you turn on the monitor.” I tell her and she nods as she takes Kai into her arms. She is such a good mom.

Nat would totally win. This chapter’s question is how would you describe your sense of humor? Mine is dirty and morbid. Anygays see you in the next one.

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