Chapter #118

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Chapter #118
Sam’s POV
3 months later.
I’m in the living room with Sarah we are going over some stuff for the new album when we hear a scream. “SAM!! IT’S TIME!!!” Scarlett screams from upstairs. “Time for.. HOLY SHIT I’M COMING BABY!!” I yell bolting up the stairs two at a time. “I need something else to wear.” Scarlett says calmly how the fuck is she always calm when she goes into labor. “What’s wrong with what you are wearing?” I ask. “Sam just get me a pair of your sweats.” She says, rolling her eyes. The kids except for Sarah have been staying with Liz & Robbie for the past week since Janina is a week past her due date and Scarlett was getting not so fun to be around. “Yep no problem do you need help getting them on?” I ask. “Yes please and Sam for the love of god breathe.” She says. “Right, that's important.” I say. “Ok I’ve got your bags in Ma’s truck.” Sarah says walking in. “Thank you honey.” Scarlett says. “Do I need to drive? Ma looks pretty panicked.” Sarah says with a chuckle but she’s right. “Yeah that’s probably best.” I say and Scarlett looks at me shocked. “What?” I ask. “You just said someone else can drive your truck.” She says. “Scarlett honey, do I look like I’m in any shape to drive?” I ask. “Fair point. Now let’s go.” Scarlett says and I just pick her up. We get to the hospital and Scarlett is brought to the private delivery room we requested. I've already called our parents and they are going to fly out. Karsten is coming all the way from Copanhagin. “Agh! Fuck shit bitch ass motherfucker!” Scarlett yells when a contraction hits. “Sam distract me.” She says. “What do you want me to do?” I ask. “What you do best.” She says. “Uh Scarlett I can’t you’re in labor and Sarah is right there.” I say. “I meant singing you dirty minded woman.” She scolds. “Right uh I don’t have my..” “I put them in your bag.” Sarah says, cutting me off and reaching into my bag and handing me my notepads. “Ok I wrote this one for you uh let me find the recording of the instrumentals for it.” I tell her. “Ah here we go.” I say pressing play and turning the volume up. I start to dance around while I sing as if I am on stage but I am always facing Scarlett the whole song. 
“You love it when you are with me”
“I like to be where you are”
“I love it when you say baby”
“Let's go, take a drive”
“I'm chocolate and you are the ice cream”
“I love old movies at night”
“You can't sleep late or be lazy”
“I like to put my feet on yours”
“Until I fall asleep”
“Oh baby what we've got”
“We could never imagine”
“Would be so great”
“I bet it's just like heaven”
“And some times I feel like”
“I am dreaming”
“And wake up”
“And you're laying there”
“I always forget where I'm goin'”
“You always know where we are”
“I can't leave out any details”
“And you forget them all”
“You can't sit still for a minute”
“You're hot and I'm always cold”
“You dress and you shower each morning”
“And I'm good to dress at all”
“But I'll grow old with you”
“Oh baby what we've got”
“We could never imagine”
“Would be so great”
“I bet it's just like heaven”
“And some times I feel like”
“I am dreaming”
“And wake up”
“And you're laying there”
“Oh you say to me”
“That you are mine”
“And I am yours forever and ever”
“And ever”
“And I will say to you”
“That time and space”
“Could go away”
“And everything change”
“Nothing will change”
“The way I feel about you”
“I'm crazy for you”
“Oh baby what we've got”
“We could never imagine”
“Would be so great”
“I bet it's just like heaven”
“And some times I feel like”
“I am dreaming”
“And wake up”
“And you're laying there”

“Ma you are so cheesy.” Sarah says laughing at me as I dance like a buffoon. “Hey I love her cheesiness so don’t make fun.” Scarlett says, grabbing my hand. “Yeah what she said. AGH WOMAN!!” I scream as she squeezes my hand as another contraction hits. “Where is the doctor?” Sarah asks. “I don’t know, I'll go look.” I say but Scarlett doesn’t let go. “No you knocked me up, you are staying right here.” She practically growls. “I’ll go.” Sarah laughs. A few minutes later Sarah comes in dragging the doctor with her. “Hello I’m Dr. Anon. Your daughter is terrifying.” She says. “You were hiding in a corner because you were too nervous to be Scarlett Johansson’s doctor.” Sarah counters. “That is true, I'm very nervous.” He says. “YOU’RE NERVOUS I’M THE ONE WITH THEIR LEGS SPREAD FOR THE WORLD TO SEE!!” Scarlett yells. “I didn’t think of that. I apologize oh fuck let me get the nurses.” He says before rushing out of the room. “Oh fuck? Sam you were a medic get down there and make sure our daughter is ok!” Scarlett says panicked and I go full medic mode. “Sarah hand me some large gloves.” I tell her and she does. “Sam what’s happening, is she ok?” Scarlett asks, trying not to cry. “She’s ok, she's just trying to make an appearance. Ok Scarlett on the next contraction I need you to push ok.” I tell her. “Holy shit Ma is delivering a baby.” Sarah says going over to hold Scarlett’s hand. “It’s been a while but I’ve done it before while being shot at.” I tell them. Just as the doctor and nurses get here Scarlett is already pushing and with this being her fifth pregnancy one push is all it takes. “Nurse, get me clamps and snips so I can cut the umbilical cord then I will let you guys take over.” I say still in medic mode. “Hey honey. I didn’t expect this to be how I met you but I’m glad you finally decided to join us.” I say as the nurse hands me the instruments I asked for. “How did you know what to do?” The nurse asks as I hand her Janina so she can clean her up. “I was a medic in the Marines. I’ve delivered babies before, just not mine.” I chuckle as I walk over and basically hover as the nurse does her job and the doctor does what he needs to. I take my sweat shirt off since it’s got some blood on it and I’m left with a tank top. “Here you go Mama, she's beautiful.” The nurse says handing me a swaddled and cleaned up Janina. “Hey sweetie let's go to Mommy shall we.” I say walking to Scarlett. “Aww she has Ma’s nose.” Sarah says as I hand Janina to Scarlett. “Hi pumpkin. You are a little late, you know.” Scarlett chuckles. “Mom are you crying?” Sarah asks and Scarlett is in fact crying. “They’re happy tears.” She says. “Sam.” Scarlett says. “Yeah?” I ask not taking my eyes off Janina. “I want a latte.” She says. “Yes dear.” I laugh. “Not that crappy hospital coffee. I NEED coffee from the shop we always go to.” Scarlett says. “Yes Ma’am.” I say with a chuckle. “Can I come? I've never been there.” Sarah asks. “There is a reason you’ve never been there. I’ll tell you in the car, come on.” I say. “When I could afford to actually take your Mom on a date this is where I took her. And ever since then it’s been our place.” I explain to Sarah as I park the truck in front of the small coffee shop. “Sam! Your usual I assume.” The owner Carolyn says. “Yep and Scarlett’s.” I say with a smile. “She had the baby! Oh that’s amazing!” She squeals and hugs me. “And you must be Sarah.” She says giving Sarah hug. “I am.” Sarah smiles. “What would you like dear? I know your parents' orders.” She asks. “Sam as Ma.” She says. “Ok. Coming right up.” She says. “How often do you come here?” Sarah asks. “Every time I go out.” I say. “So almost everyday?” She asks. “Yep. It’s good stuff you’ll see.” I tell her after about fifteen minutes Carolyn comes back with our coffee’s in a little drink tray and a pastry bag. “I know how much Scarlett loves my muffins so I added on on the house.” Carolyn says. “Thank you so much.” I say as I pay. “Of course give Scarlett my love.” She says. “Will do.” I tell her before we leave and head back to the hospital.

Welcome little Janina. This chapter’s question is what movie do your friends say is pretty much about you and why? Surprisingly I’ve been told Captain America: The first Avenger. Because I am relentless and never back down from a fight even if I know I will lose. Anygays see you in the next one.

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