Chapter ##30

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Chapter #30
Sam's POV
We drive to Liz’s place from the airport. “You want to stay in the car?” I ask since flying made Scarlett’s ankles swell. She is three months along today. “Yeah thank you.” She says. I get out and use my spare key to get in but it’s silent. “LIZ! SARAH! DANNY!” I call out but nothing. I rush out to the truck to get my phone. “Where are the kids?” Scarlett asks confused. “I don’t know.” I say calling Liz. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW?!” She yells starting to panic.
“Hey guys.” Liz answers and you can hear the kids in the background.
“Where are you?” I demand.
“At your house, dumbass , remember.” She says.
“Oh thank god.” Scarlett sighs in relief.
“Where are you guys we saw the paparazzi photos of you leaving the airport thirty minutes ago?” Liz asks.
“We went to your place we forgot you don’t have room for five kids.” I say.
“Oh well we’ll be here waiting for you. I’ve got to go Sarah is yelling something about Elizabeth.” Liz hangs up.
“Let’s go home.” I say and we pull out of Liz’s drive and head to our house. I help Scarlett out of the car like I always do. “MOMMY!! MAMA!!” Danny yells as he comes running to us Bently by his side. I scoop Danny up into a big hug and Bently did not like that and starts barking. “It’s ok Benty it’s Mama.” Danny says and Bently sits and wags his tail. “OH MY GOD!” I hear Liz shriek from inside. Scarlett and I run inside I may or may not have kicked the door down in the heat of the moment. “Mom! Ma! You guys are home. Elizabeth is trying to crawl, come on!” Sarah says so we run up stairs Danny still in my arms. We get to the nursery and Liz has her phone out recording and Elizabeth looks like she’s going to crawl but doesn’t just goes to sleep yep that’s my kid willing to sleep anywhere. “How does she do that?” Liz whispers as Scarlett goes and picks up the sleeping infant. “Sam is the same way she’ll sleep anywhere. One time I think we were ten she fell asleep in a tree.” Scarlett laughs. “Who is Sam Mommy?” Danny  says that’s adorable. “I am buddy.” I tell him and he shakes his head no. “No you are Mama.” He says. “Danny my real name is Sam well actually it’s Sammantha but I go by Sam except to you guys I am Mama.” I explain and he puts his finger to his chin in thought. “Really?” He asks. “Yes, let me show you.”  I say putting him down and pulling out my wallet to show him my ID. “Your last name is backwards.” He says and we all chuckle at the cute four almost five year old. “No that’s correct.” I tell him. “But Mommy’s last name is Johansson-Mily just like me and My siblings. But yours is Mily-Johansson it’s backwards you have to fix it.” He says. “You will understand when you are older.” Scarlett tells him. “You always say that.” He pouts. “Because it’s true.” Liz chimes in. “Can I still call you Mama?” He asks. “Yes I am Mama to you and your siblings.” I tell him. “Mommy do you have a real name?” He asks. “I do, it’s Scarlett.” She says. “That’s prettier than Mama’s.” He says sitting in my lap owch. “Damn Ma just got burned by a four year old.” Sarah says. “I’m four and ¾!” Danny yells, waking up Elizabeth. “I woke up sissy I’m sorry.” He says and I notice Wyatt is climbing my back. “Hey little dude did you miss me?” I ask as I pull him into my lap with Danny. “We all missed you Mama. Can I ask you a question?” Danny says. “Of course buddy.” I say. “How did Mommy get pregnant?” He asks god damn it why does he have to ask so many questions. “Uh well you see um ugh. Your Mommy and I uh well we um just had a special kiss.” I say. “You kiss all the time does that mean Mommy is pregnant all the time?” He asks. “Scarlett? Liz? Help.” I plead. “You are on your own.” Liz says turning revealing Emma in her lap I knew one kid was missing. “No. It has to be a special kiss not like when you see Mommy and I kiss. It’s a whole process.” I tell him. “But how is it special?” He asks. “Hey Danny you should show our Moms what you learned to do.” Sarah says saving me. “Oooo yeah come on!” He cheers and I pick up Wyatt and take Emma from Liz and Scarlett is still holding Elizabeth. “Where are we going buddy?” I ask. “The music room.” He says that’s what he calls the studio. “What did you learn?” I ask and he goes straight for the drums and starts banging the shit out of them. “Ok that’s enough of that.” Scarlett tells him. “Really good buddy.” I lie. “Danny that isn’t what I was talking about.” Sarah says. “Oh my pictures. They are I used your drawing paper Mama and made pictures just like yours.” He says handing me sheet music. “Holy fucking shit. Scarlett look.” I say showing her the sheet music he made and it’s not nonsense I can see the melody and everything. “Danny where did you learn how to do this?” I ask. “From watching you. Do you like it?” He asks. “Danny this is awesome yeah its the same melody for two pages but it’s an actual melody.” I say proudly. “I just found him here one night.” Liz says. “Wait, Danny, did you go into the music room without telling anyone?” I ask. “Yes I’m sorry but I didn’t touch any of the instruments.” He says. “Sam it’s fine he was at the desk in the sound booth I don’t see the big deal.” Liz says. “The room is soundproof Liz.” I state. “Yeah I know that.” Liz says insulted. “Wait Auntie was the door open when you found him?” Sarah asks, knowing why the littles aren’t allowed in here alone. “No it was shut that’s why he didn’t hear me calling his name.. Oh.” Liz says. “I’m so stupid.” She says. “You aren’t stupid. I didn’t think about the fact that your house in L.A isn’t big enough for five kids and that you would be here. I should have told you about the rule about the littles being in here without us or Sarah.” I tell her. “I never let him go in here without permission and I made sure he always kept the door open. I’m so sorry.” Liz apologizes. “Hey you put rules in place after you found him in here alone with the door closed that was the right thing to do.” Scarlett says, rubbing Liz’s shoulder. “Do you want to see my other drawings” Danny asks. “Yes I do.” I say. “Those are new.” I say pointing to the play mats in the soundbooth. “Yeah the twins got bigger they needed their own.” Liz says. “Liz, the play mat they had was 6x6ft.” I say. “Ok I wanted to spoil them. I even bought Sarah a new soundboard. And Danny as you can see I got him his own desk for his music writing and Elizabeth has a new rocker too.” Liz says. “Oh my god.” I chuckle.

Scarlett’s POV
I can’t believe Danny taught himself how to write sheet music. He said that’s how he can explain when he feels too much. “Sarah what is your mother doing?” I ask as she helps me make dinner and there are loud thuds coming from upstairs. “Putting the cribs and bassinet in your room. Since we are having a family night although I’m going to sleep on the couch in your room I love you guys but I’m a little big to sleep in the bed with you guys.” She laughs. “Uh when did we agree on this?” I ask. “While you were taking a nap.” She says. “Oh ok. You might be turning 18 this year but you are always going to be my baby.” I say hugging her. “Thanks Mom.” She says hugging me back. “Why don’t you invite Paige over for dinner?” I ask and her whole demeanor changes. “Oh Honey what happened?” I ask. “She cheated on me.” She says. “What?” I say my voice dropping an octave. “Well you know how she’s Bisexual well she cheated on me with Chad of all people!” She says tears rolling down her cheeks. “Hey you two.. Whoa what happened?” Sam asks. “Paige cheated on me.” Sarah cries, Sam says nothing, just heads for the door. “SAM GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!” I yell and she does. I don't want her to do anything that she will regret. “She never deserved you.” Sam says, wrapping her arms around us both. “You know I know someone who owns a pig farm. No body, no crime.” Sam says and Sarah elbows her in the stomach. “I’ll take that as a no.” She wheezes.

Well I'm sorry for the sad part. This chapter’s question is who was your first celebrity crush, and are you still into them? Mine was Donnie Walburg from New Kids On The Block and no I am not still into him. Anygays see you in the next one.

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