Chapter #16

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Chapter #16
Sam’s POV

“Do you really think that I would believe this is real? You are dumber than I thought.” I laugh at him. “It is real she kissed me back. She said I love you.” He says. “One good try but I recognise those audio clips from interviews Scarlett and I have done together. Two she didn’t kiss you back it’s very clear in the video that she didn’t. Three you put your hands on my wife while she was pregnant with Elizabeth. Four that means you put Scarlett at risk of losing the baby. Scarlett told me not to fly out to New York to beat the hell out of you. She didn’t say anything about if you showed up here. Benny grab him.” I say and Benny grabs him and I start to punch Colin but am stopped when Scarlett grabs my hand. “Sam the police are on their way if you are beating the hell out of him when they get here they will arrest you. So please don’t.” Scarlett begs. “Scarlett, you see the ring on the hand you are holding? Do you remember one of the vows I made when we got married?” I ask. “That you would always protect me and make sure whoever hurt me could never do it again.” She says her grip on my hand is tightening. “Exactly so let me keep my vow.” I tell her as we begin to hear sirens. “You can keep your vow by letting the police arrest him.” She says. “Benny let him go just to make sure he can’t get away as we wait for the police.” I say giving into Scarlett’s pleas. “I will protect you with my last breath you know that right I’ll protect all of you Sarah, Danny, Emma, Wyatt, and Elizabeth till my dying breath I mean it Scarlett if I have to die so that you and the kids will live I will do it I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you to any of you I love you too fucking much which means I am also willing to go to jail for you this is the one and only time I will let the police take care of it but if someone comes after or threatens you or the kids I will do whatever it takes the only reason the man who broke into our house last year is alive is because I didn’t want to kill someone in front of you guys I was prepared to but then I saw you guys and I just couldn’t do it in front of you.” I tell her as I hold her close. “I know you will and I love that you want to protect us but you can’t control everything. You can’t be with us 24/7 because there will be times when we aren’t all in the same place and you can’t be in multiple places at once. You are a protector you always have been and I love that about you but it also scares me because it means that you could get hurt or worse while protecting us. I already nearly lost you once I had to give you CPR for god's sake. Please don’t make me lose you again. Don’t do that to me, don't do that to the kids.” She says, making tears fall down my face. “Ok, ok I won’t and you should never have had to be in that position when you had to give me CPR.” I say holding her close as the police take Colin away. “Um excuse me but you will have to come to the station, both of you to give your statement. But that can wait until tomorrow.” An officer says. “Thank you officer.” Scarlett thanks them. I didn’t realize that everyone had left. I have a text on my phone from Ma saying she has Sarah, Danny, Emma, and Wyatt. And that Elizabeth is asleep in her bassinet in Scarlett and I’s room. “Ma texted she has Sarah, Danny,Emma, and Wyatt and that Elizabeth is asleep in our room and Ma will keep the kids for the week.” I inform Scarlett as we walk inside. “Oh god how much did the kids see?” Scarlett asks as she is beginning to panic. “I’ll ask Ma when she left.” I tell her shooting Ma a quick text. Ma is quick to respond. “Ma took the kids and left when Colin showed up; she says she didn’t want them to hear or see anything.” I tell Scarlett and she relaxes. “Good that’s good I won't want them to hear any of that either.” Scarlett says as we walk to our bedroom and she sits on the bed just watching Elizabeth sleep peacefully. “Hey everything will be ok the police have Colin they also have that video so don’t worry too much ok. Everything will be ok.” I tell her. “Hold me.” She says as she begins to cry again I don’t waste anytime and I wrap my arms around her and she cries in my arms tonight was very emotional and intense. “Shh it’s going to be ok everything will be ok you are safe the kids are safe we are safe.” I tell her, kissing her head.

Scarlett’s POV
2 days later
Laura is still taking care of the kids except Elizabeth since she is still a little too young to be away from me for a week. Sam and I are working on our duet and it’s coming together really well. “Oh my Scarlett you have got to see what Sarah posted.” Sam tells me so I pull up instagram and see her post.

“Just replace Wanda with Ma and then it’s accurate”[@SamMily: I can’t argue with that][@ScarlettJohansson: I’ll always be your Black Widow][@ElizabethOlsen: You two are disgustingly cute][@MelanieSloan: Sarah has a point][@SamMily: Added bonus of ...

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“Just replace Wanda with Ma and then it’s accurate”
[@SamMily: I can’t argue with that]
[@ScarlettJohansson: I’ll always be your Black Widow]
[@ElizabethOlsen: You two are disgustingly cute]
[@MelanieSloan: Sarah has a point]
[@SamMily: Added bonus of Scarlett being my Black Widow is I get Black Widowed;)]
[@SarahJohansson: You had to make it dirty]
[@ScarlettJohansson: It’s Sam of course she did and she’s not wrong;)]
[@SarahJohansson: I’m gagging]
[@ScarlettJohansson: Sam makes me gag too but for different reasons;)]
[@ElizabethOlsen: We did not need to know that]
[@MelanieSloan: Nasty]
[@SamMily: Oh no we gonna do the nasty]
[@ScarlattJohansson: Damn right bye guys]

Honestly I have no idea where I came up with this. There will be some smut in the next one. This chapter’s question is what is the best book or book series you have read? My favorite is the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Anygays see you in the next one.

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