Chapter #56

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Chapter #56
Scarlett’s POV
I wake up to Sam giggling and it’s her mischievous giggle not a normal giggle. I don’t even open my eyes when I speak. “What did you do?” I ask. “Something you might murder me for look on instagram.” She says. Oh god what did she do?

“I didn’t make it I just found it” [@ScarlettJohansson: SAMANTHA LAUREN MILY-JOHANSSON][@SamMily: Oh shit][@ElizabethOlsen: Sam you should run][@RDJ: Rest in peace Sam][@FlorencePugh: It was nice knowing you Sam][@SarahJohansson: Mom please don’t ...

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“I didn’t make it I just found it”
[@SamMily: Oh shit]
[@ElizabethOlsen: Sam you should run]
[@RDJ: Rest in peace Sam]
[@FlorencePugh: It was nice knowing you Sam]
[@SarahJohansson: Mom please don’t kill Ma]
[@SamMily: SHE’S CHASING ME!!!!!]

“AGH SCARLETT I’M SORRY!” Sam yells as I chase her around the house but she has an advantage  legs mixed with her Marine training that she still does every morning “Sam get down from there!” I yell as she hangs from the chandelier. “I want to swing from the chandelier!!” She sings making me laugh. She installed it so I think it could withstand her body weight. “Sam really get down!” I yell trying not to laugh as she sings the Sia song. “I GONNA FROM THE CHANDELIER!!! FROM THE CHANDELIER!!” She sings. “Come on, penguin sing with me.” She says. “No, get down before you get hurt.” I say, no longer mad at the goofball that is my wife. “Are you going to kill me?” She asks. “No I’m not. Now please..” I don’t have a chance to finish what I was going to say before the whole thing comes crashing down. Luckily Sam lands on the couch. “OH MY GOD SAM!” I yell running over to her. “Good thing that was an IKEA chandelier.” Sam chuckles. “Are you hurt?” I ask. “Just my pride I thought I mounted that better.” She says. “Oh thank god. No more hanging off of light fixtures.” I scold. “Yes dear.” She nods. “That kinda reminded me of that time I broke your Mom’s railing.” Sam says. “Oh my god I remember that.” I say.
[“Oh Scarlett it’ll be fine Mary Poppins did it.” Sam says. “Sam, that was a movie not real life.” I tell my best friend. “Ok fine I’ll show you.” She says and sits on the railing and halfway down it breaks just as Mom walks into the house. “WHAT THE?” Mom yells. “It didn’t do that in Marry Poppins.” Sam says scratching her head luckily she is hard head both metaphorically and literally. “Sam, Scarlett what are you doing?” Mom asks. “Mama Sloan Scarlett told me not to. But I wanted to see if I could do that thing from Marry Poppins when she slides down the banister.” Sam says. “Well at least one of you were using their brain. Are you hurt Sam?” Mom asks. “Just my pride.” Sam says. “I know you are good with building things so you will be fixing my banister. Understood young lady?” Mom says and Sam nods]
End of flashback
“I’m not hard headed. No I am. Oh and then there’s the time I blew up a toaster.” She says. “How exactly did you do that?” I ask and she proceeds to tell me the story.
Flashback in Sam’s POV
[Scarlett and I have been dating for a year today so I want to do something nice for her. I get the toaster out from under the counter. We haven't actually used it yet. It was a house warming gift from Tina. I pull it out of the box. “Eh, I don't need these.” I say out loud as I throw the directions behind me. I plug it in and go get the bread for some reason Scarlett likes her toast black so I turn it up to the highest setting and I butter the bread before putting it in. (A/N NEVER DO WHAT SAM IS DOING!! Love you guys). I start the coffee in the coffee pot I brought from my R.V. “What the oh shit!” I yell as the toaster blows up great. “SAM ARE YOU OK!!” I hear Scarlett’s panicked voice as her feet are pounding on the ground as she runs to the kitchen I am using the fire extinguisher when she comes in. “Sam what happened?” She asks wearing nothing but my shirt which is big on her. “I blew up the toaster trying to make toast.” I tell her. “Oh my god Sam you are banned from the kitchen.” Scarlett scolds.]
End of flashback and we are back to Scarlett’s POV
“That’s how you did it. This explains why you look over instructions like your life depends on it now.” I laugh. “Yeah I feel bad I looked into it and that toaster was a really nice one like over $100. And it was a gift from Tina.” Sam says. “Oh honey she laughed when I told her.” I tell her. “She wasn’t mad.” Sam says. “No not at all.” I say as Sam and I pick up the mess she made when her phone rings. “It’s Liz.” She says.
“Hey Liz you are on speaker with Scarlett and I.” Sam says.
“Emma won’t stop calling me ‘fuck bitch’ I’ve had it come get your children who have the mouths of a salior.” Liz says. “Fuck you bitch!” Emma cheers. “See! Come get your kids.” Liz sighs.
“We are on our way.” I laugh before Liz hangs up.
“That’s my daughter.” Sam laughs. “Yes it is she’s just like her Mama.” I say laughing with Sam as she opens the car door for me before getting in the drivers seat. “Sam we have been together for almost ten years you don’t have to keep opening the door for me.” I tell her. “But I like to. If you don’t like it I’ll stop.” She says. “No I just don’t want you to feel like you have too.” I tell her. “Trust me I don’t feel like I have too.” She says lifting my hand to her lips her eyes not leaving the road. We get to Liz’s house and they are waiting outside for us. “BITCH! FUCK! BITCH!” Emma is practically singing as she runs around the front yard and Sam and I can’t help but laugh. “Why is that the only shit that comes out of her mouth?” Liz asks. “SHIT!” Emma cheers. “She likes to copy her Mama.” I tell Liz as she hands me Kai and Robbie hands Sam Elizabeth. “FUCK BITCH!” Emma sings. “Ok that’s enough of that sweetie.” Sam tells her. “Ok Mama.” She says and that is the first time she has said Mama she normally just cusses. “Emma what’s my name?” I ask and she thinks for a minute. “Mommy!” Wyatt yells when he sees me the twins definitely have a favorite between Sam and I “Fuck bitch.” Emma answers.”Ok let’s get you guys home.” I say. “Danny, come on.” Sam calls and he comes running. We get all the kids loaded up in the car and we head back home. “We really have to do something about Emma’s cussing.” I tell sam. “I agree.” Sam says.

A funny one this chapter. Get ready to celebrate Sam and Scarlett’s birthday. This chapter’s question is if you could have lunch with any famous person dead or alive who would it be? I would love to have lunch with Maya Angelou. Anygays see you in the next one.

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