Chapter #32

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Chapter #32
Sam’s POV
After a very awkwardly quiet lunch we go back to the studio to record. Walked Through Hell. “Ok so I have everything queued up for ‘Walked Through Hell’. You two ready?” Sarah asks. “Yep.” Benny says and I give a thumbs up. “Ok three two one.” She counts downs.

“I guess all the mountains that I moved just weren't enough”
“And all those nights I walked you home”
“From crowded bars when you were drunk”
“Well they meant nothing 'cause you up and walked away”
“And I just wonder what it'd take to make you stay”
“'Cause when you said jump I said how high”
“But when I jumped you said goodbye”
“I would've walked through hell”
“To find another way”
“I would've laid me down”
“If I knew that you would stay”
“I would've crossed the stars”
“To keep you in my life”
“But now I'm falling hard”
“Without you here tonight”
“Without you here tonight”
“What did you do with all that love you couldn't give”
“And do you need someone to help you tell you what to do with it”
“It must be nice to love someone who puts you first”
“Then walk away when they expect it in return”
“'Cause when you said jump I said how high”
“But when I jumped you said goodbye”
“I would've walked through hell”
“To find another way”
“I would've laid me down”
“If I knew that you would stay”
“I would've crossed the stars”
“To keep you in my life”
“But now I'm falling hard”
“Without you here tonight”
“Without you here tonight”
“You don't want me”
“Nothing I can do”
“'Cause you don't wanna try”
“I would've walked through hell”
“To find another way”
“I would've laid me down”
“If I knew that you would stay”
“I would've crossed the stars”
“To keep you in my life”
“But now I'm falling hard”
“Without you here tonight”
“Without you here tonight”
“Without you here tonight”
“Without you here tonight”

We finish the song and Benny actually has a mystery date so he packs up before leaving. “Who hurt him?” Flo asks. “Tina.” Scarlett and I say at the same time. “Like your manager Tina?” She asks. “Yep that Tina. Now if you’ll excuse me it’s meme o’clock.” I smile and Scarlett groans

“I have no words”[@ElizabethOlsen: WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS][@SamMily: 🎶TrAuMa🎶][@ElizabethOlsen: You did not just sing that in text][@SamMily: Oh but I did][@ElizabethOlsen: Scarlett get your wife please][@ScarlettJohansson: But I kinda think it’s...

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“I have no words”
[@ElizabethOlsen: WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS]
[@SamMily: 🎶TrAuMa🎶]
[@ElizabethOlsen: You did not just sing that in text]
[@SamMily: Oh but I did]
[@ElizabethOlsen: Scarlett get your wife please]
[@ScarlettJohansson: But I kinda think it’s funny]
[@ElizabethOlsen: I hate you all]
[@SamMily: Don’t worry Flo is next]
[@FlorencePugh: What]
[@ElizabethOlsen: Welcome to MARVEL where no one is safe from Sam or Sarah’s memes]

“What do you mean I’m next?” Flo asks. “You’ll see. I’m going to bed.” I say even though it’s like five and I just want to watch MARVEL. “Babe are you going to watch MARVEL movies?” Scarlett asks, calling me out. “Maybe. Yes I was going to watch AVENGERS ok.” I admit. “Enjoy text me when you are done.” She says she really doesn’t like watching her own movies over and over again. “Thank you for your corporation.” I smirk. “Oh lord.” She groans.
time skip
Tonight is the premiere of the Black Widow movie and I am soooo excited. We are watching it together, my suit matching her dress. “Kick their ass Nat.” I whisper during the big fight scene. “I’m right here.” Scarlett chuckles and I throw popcorn at her. “Shh.” I say. “Did you throw popcorn at me?” She asks. “Sorry.” I apologize. It gets to the end of the movie and I’m crying. “She named her dog after her sister.” I cry into Scarlett’s shoulder. “Shh it’s ok.” She soothes. “What’s wrong with New York?” Flo asks. “Shut it Britain.” I sniffle. “She really loves that character.” Flo states. “Natasha is the best and they killed her whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.” I whine. “Let’s get you home.” Scarlett says. “You don’t want to go to the cast party?” I ask. “I do but baby doesn’t they want sleeeeeeeep.” She says exaggerating ‘sleep’. “Ok let’s go home. Good night Britain.” I say. “Good night New York. Good night Scarlett.” She says. We get home and ready for bed Scarlett in my arms as usual. “Good night Fanny Longbottom.” I say in a serious voice. “You did not just call me that?” She asks, shocked. “I had to I’m sorry.” I burst out laughing. “Good night Scarlett.” I say kissing her head. “That’s better. Good night Sam.” She says tiredly.

Scarlett’s POV
“Mom. Mom wake up Mom. Ma wants to cook.” Sarah says and I jump out of bed and run down the stairs two at a time but the kitchen is empty. “Hahahaha! I can’t believe you ran like that.” Sarah laughs. “Sarah, I am four months pregnant. This is my day off from filming. You better have a damn good reason for waking and scaring me.” I rant. “Ma just wanted to know if you would listen to her record the newest song. She didn’t tell me to mess with you though that was all me.” She says. “Yes I would like to listen to the new song let’s go.” I say and we head to the studio and I am out of breath.

Damn Sarah. This chapter’s question is what is your go-to guilty pleasure song? Mine is ‘Pussy is God’ by King Princess. Anygays see you in the next one.

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