Chapter #70

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Chapter #70
Scarlett’s POV
After Sam used her full name Emma apologized to Danny for calling him a ‘bitch’. The reast of breakfast is almost silent and I can tell Sam feels guilty from the look in her eyes she hates having to be the “bad guy” unless she’s singing Billie Eilish then she loves it. “So what do you guys want to do today?” Sam asks. “Can we watch shrek?” Emma asks. “Again why don’t we watch something else.” Sam says. “But he reminds me of you.” She says not in a malicious way but in kind of a cute way. “How does he remind you of me?” Sam asks confused. “You are big.” She says. “You mean tall?” Sam asks and Emma nods. “And Mommy is donkey.” She says ok ow. “Why?” I ask. “Because when you are next to Mama you are small.” She says. “But you are prettier.” She adds. “Good save.” Sam whispers. “Thank you I’m glad I’m prettier than a donkey.” I say. “Of course your pretty Mommy you are the prettiest lady I know.” She tells me. “And what am I chopped liver?” Sam jokes. “No silly you are the third prettiest lady.” Emma says completely serious. “Third? Who’s second?” Sam asks. “Auntie Liz.” Emma answers. “Ok I’ll take it.” Sam says. “Mommy. Mama thinks another girl is pretty!” Danny says. “Danny that’s ok.” I tell him I really don’t care if she thinks Liz is pretty because at the end of the day we always come home to each other and always will. “It is?” He asks and I try not to laugh he’s adorable. “Of course it is because your Mama is allowed to think other women are pretty because she’s human and I agree your aunt is pretty.” I say. “I’m confused.” Liz says just walking in to the kitchen unannounced. “Aunt Liz Mama thinks your pretty but Mommy also thinks your pretty.” Danny says. “And you are talking about this why?” Liz asks. “Shrek.” Emma and Sam say at the same time. “It’s a whole thing don’t worry about it get some coffee and join us.” Sam says. “Sure. Nice post Sam.” Liz says and I go red. “Why are you red Mommy are you sick?” Danny asks. “I’m fine sweetie don’t worry about it.” I tell him taking a sip of coffee. “Don’t worry Danny I’m sure your Mama would take care of her.” Liz says without thinking. “What’s that mean?” He asks. “Uh um you know when you are sick and she takes care of you?” Liz asks. “Yeah she makes sure I feel better she sleeps on floor next to my bed since she is too big for my bed.” Danny says it’s true she does do that. “Well it’s like that but your Mama would just be taking care of your Mommy instead of you.” Liz says. “Oh ok.” He says before hopping out of his seat to go put on his show.  “Do you really sleep on the floor?” Liz asks Sam. “Do I look like I would fit in the bed?” Sam asks. “Good point.” Liz says. “Yeah sometimes I have to bring Sam a blanket and pillow.” I tell Liz. “By blanket she means her laying on me.” Sam chuckles. “I can’t sleep without you. And I do bring a blanket with me and a pillow because believe it or not Sam a sweatshirt is not a pillow.” I say and Liz laughs. “You just lay down without a pillow and use your sweatshirt.” Liz asks. “Ok let me tell you the story of the first time I found Sam asleep on the floor next to Danny’s bed.” I say.
Flash back
[So Danny was in the hospital for a few days after his head injury and Sam hasn’t left his side. “Hey Babe you coming to bed he’s asleep.” I ask Sam as she lays on the floor her arm reaching up and holding Danny’s hand as he sleeps soundly. “I’m good here. He wanted to hold my hand so I’m not going to let go until he does.” She replies. “I’ll be right back.” I tell her and she nods. “I go into our bed room and grab the quilt off of the bed and two pillows and the baby monitor and head to Danny’s room. “Baby what are you doing?” Sam asks. “Lift your head please.” I tell her and she does I place a pillow under her head if she’s going to lay on the floor I might as well try and make her comfortable. “I don’t need a blanket Baby.” Sam says. “It’s for me. You know I get cold easily.” I tell her and a small smile appears on her face. “Your going to lay on me aren’t you?” She chuckles softly as not to wake up Danny. “Not if you don’t want me to.” I say. “I never said that. But Baby you don’t have to sleep on the floor you have work in the morning I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” Sam says. “Love I’m never uncomfortable if I have you.” I smile and she blushes. “And I want to be with him too.” I tell her looking up to Danny. “Come here Baby.” Sam says opening her free arm out for me to snuggle. “I love you Scarlett.” Sam says running her hand through my hair. “I love  you too Sam.” I tell her before leaning up to give her a kiss.]
End of flash back.
“I remember when he got hurt we were all so worried about him.” Liz says holding Elizabeth in her lap. “I was so scared that he’d have a tube in his throat that I froze outside his room I had to hide my face in Sam’s neck as I entered the room because I couldn’t bare the thought of seeing my baby with a breathing tube. But luckly he didn’t need one.” I tell Liz. “You guys are such good moms.” Liz tells us. “Thank you we try our best.” Sam says.

Sam’s POV
Liz has decided to stay the day and watch the kids as Scarlett is on her meeting. So I go down to the studio to work on a couple of songs. I wasn’t able to record ‘This is Your Sign’ the other day because I was playing with Danny instead. I decide to send Scarlett a text real quick though.
Me: You look beautiful today.
Scarlett: Omg shut up.
Scarlett: Legit was wearing sweatpants.
Scarlett: Your sweatshirt
Scarlett: My hair in a bun
Scarlett: My “bulky” glasses
Scarlett: No makeup
Me: = fucking gorgeous
Me: Oh and I’m going to post a meme
Scarlett: Oh lord

I laugh at Scarlett’s response to me telling her I’m going to post a meme.

“It’s been ScarJo all along”[KathrynHahn: Oh my goodness I love this][SarahJohansson: Hehe thanks I made it for her][SamMily: Yes she did, and when did Kathryn Hahn start following me][KathrunHahn: I’ve been a big fan for a while I love your music...

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“It’s been ScarJo all along”
[KathrynHahn: Oh my goodness I love this]
[SarahJohansson: Hehe thanks I made it for her]
[SamMily: Yes she did, and when did Kathryn Hahn start following me]
[KathrunHahn: I’ve been a big fan for a while I love your music]
[SamMily: Thank you for the support]
[ScarlettJohansson: I kinda like this meme]
[ElizabethOlsen: It is funny that my best friend is named Scarlett and I play the Scarlet Witch]
[SamMily: Well I’m going to do something I’ve never done before I am going to do an Instagram live of me recording one of the new songs later today]
[TheReign#1fan: OMG YES]

I liked that one. I didn’t make the meme or the text thread I found them on pintrest. This chapter’s question is would you rather be swarmed by kittens or puppies? I am a cat person so definitely kittens. Anygays see you in the next one.

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