Chapter #111

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Chapter #111
Sam’s POV
I’m just sitting in the living room. It's quiet Danny’s at school. The twins and Elizabeth are at preschool. Kai is asleep in his rocker next to me. I’m just scrolling through memes. I feel like posting another one, ooo this one is perfect.

“Haha so true”[SebastianStan: Facts][ElizabethOlsen: Sadly that makes sense][LauraMily: Do I need to fly back out Sweetie][SamMily: No Ma it’s just funny][MikeMacLean: We’re if you need us][SamMily: I know and thank you][TomHiddlenston: I like thi...

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“Haha so true”
[SebastianStan: Facts]
[ElizabethOlsen: Sadly that makes sense]
[LauraMily: Do I need to fly back out Sweetie]
[SamMily: No Ma it’s just funny]
[MikeMacLean: We’re if you need us]
[SamMily: I know and thank you]
[TomHiddlenston: I like this one]
[SamMily: Ok Loki]

“Ma are you ok?” Sarah asks, coming up from the studio. “I’m ok thank you for checking sweetie.” I say as my phone starts to blow up.
Scarlett: Sam
Scarlett: Sam
Scarlett: Sam
Scarlett: Sam
Scarlett: Sam
Scarlett: Sam
Scarlett: Sam
Scarlett: Sam
Me: What the fuck do you want?
Scarlett: You on top of me.
Me: Oh.
Scarlett: I dare you to come to my office.
Me: Don’t dare me to do things cause I will do them.
Scarlett: I dare you to fuck me.
Me: I’m on my way.

“Hey Sarah, Nicky, do you mind watching Kai?” I ask walking into the studio. “Of course we can watch him.” Sarah says. “Yeah come here you little cutie.” Nicky says taking Kai. “Thanks. Bently you stay.” I tell him since he followed me down from the living room. “Good boy.” I say when he sits. I run upstairs grab my keys and jump into my truck and I don’t speed even though I want to but I drive to Scarlett’s office.
Scarlett’s POV
I hear Sam’s truck pull up and stop and heavy footsteps running in the main area to my office and I smile as she comes in and locks the door behind her and from across the room I can already see her pupils are blown. “Hey Daddy.” I rasp. “How much do you like this shirt?” She asks. “I’m not that attached. And it wasn’t that expensive.” I say. “Good.” She says ripping the shirt off me oh please fuck me. I think to myself. “Skirt off.” She orders as she takes her shirt and pants off and I take off the skirt. I wrap my arm around the back of her neck and pull her down into a heated kiss. “Mmm fuck.” She groans when I grab her through her  boxers which are in the way. “You can’t fuck me in these.” I rasp in her ear and they are quickly gone. “Come here.” She says picking me up and I wrap my legs around her waist. She lays me down on the couch and hovers over me. “Fuck me Daddy.” I almost plead thank god my office is soundproofed. “OH FUCK!” I scream as she pounds her dick into me. “Fuck Babygirl!” She moans. “Choke me.” I say. “You sure?” She asks, not slowing the pace of her hips. “Yes.” I say a little more confidently and her hand goes over my throat and she applies gentle pressure not enough to stop me from breathing but just enough to feel good. “Mmm yes Daddy!” I moan. “You take Daddy’s cock so well Babygirl.” She praises. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum!” I yell out. “Cum for me Baby.” She says not, slowing down and I cum all over her with a very loud pornagrafic moan. “Harder!” I moan and she does just that. She leans down and begins kissing my neck, not slowing down. “Fuck Baby I’m gonna cum.” She moans. “Fill me up Daddy.” I say before pulling her in for a kiss my second orgasam getting closer. “Mmm Fuck!” She moans as I feel her cum inside me and she starts to slow down. “No, please don’t stop! I’m so close!” I plead. “Whatever you want, Babygirl.” She growls in my ear “OH GOD YES!!” I scream out then BANG and Sam rolls onto the floor as the couch legs break and the couch hits the floor. “Well we can add that to the list of things we’ve broken.” I breathe out heavily. “You ok?” She asks. “I should be asking you that you're the one that slammed into the coffee table.” I say. “Yeah that did kinda hurt.” She says. “Ow shit!” She winces in pain grabbing her side when she stands. “I would get up and see what’s wrong but I can’t feel my legs.” I say. “I think I broke a rib when I hit the coffee table.” She says and my eyes go wide with worry. “What?! I have a spare set of clothes in my bottom right drawer. Do you think you can get them for me?” I ask and she nods. “Fucking hell.” She groans when she bends down to get her clothes after handing me my clothes and I do my best to stand. I brace myself on my desk. “What are you doing? You clearly are having trouble standing sit down.” She says wheeling my desk chair around my desk. “I have to take you to the ER.” I tell her. “Honey, you can’t walk.” She smirks. “Yeah but god was it worth it.” I say and she chuckles. “I think it’s just bruised so I’ll be fine. What are we going to do about the couch?” She says. “Don’t try to change the subject. I'm getting you checked out by a doctor. Let's go.” I say walking a little wobbly. Good thing we are going through the back so no one can see me. “Baby I’m fine.” She says. “I just want to be sure ok.” I tell her and she nods and gets in my car and we drive to the ER. After a little bit we are called back. “Ok so you are here for a possible broken rib? Can you tell me how this happened?” The doctor asks, looking at Sam’s now very purple side. “I don’t really want to.” Sam says. “Mrs. Mily, why don’t you go get yourself something to drink?” The doctor says and I know why and Sam does too. “NO! It’s not like that!” Sam says quickly. “We were having sex on a couch and well we were really going at it and the couch broke and I slammed into the coffee table pretty hard.” Sam says her face is as red as a tomato and I can feel mine heating up too. “Oh.” The doctor says shocked. “MA! MOM!” We hear Sarah screaming. “Did you tell her?” I ask. “I texted her that we had to go to the hospital but I didn’t give details.” Sam says. “Ma’am you need to take your son and go to the waiting room.” A nurse says. “HE’S MY LITTLE BROTHER AND OUR PARENTS ARE HERE LOOK UNDER THE NAME MILY! AND IT WILL SHOW I’M RIGHT NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY!” Sarah orders. “There is a patient under that name but I can’t let you go back there. WAIT MA’AM!!” We hear. “She is just as stubborn as you. “MA! WHAT ROOM ARE YOU IN!!?” Sarah yells. “102!” Sam calls out and lowers her shirt before Sarah comes running in with Kai strapped to her in a carrier. “Mom are you ok?” Sarah asks looking at me panicked. “Uh she’s not the patient.” The doctor says. “What? Ma. Next time give me fucking details! All I knew was you asked Nicky and I to watch Kai and ran out of the house then two hours later I get a text saying you were at the ER! I THOUGHT MOM HAD SOME SORT OF COMPLICATION LIKE WITH THE TWINS YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!” She screams. “Honey calm down, I don't think she meant to scare you.” Nicky says putting her hand on Sarah’s cheek instantly relaxing her. “I’m sorry Sarah I didn’t think that is where your mind would go. I just hurt my rib.” Sam says. “How?” Sarah says. “Uh well.” Sam says. “We fucked on the couch in my office and it broke and your Ma slammed into the coffee table when the couch came crashing down.” I say. “Oh my god. You two are nasty.” Sarah says and Nicky just bursts out laughing. “Is it broken?” Sarah asks the doctor. “Most definitely but I want an X-ray to make sure there isn’t any other damage.” He says. “Ok. Well I’m glad it’s nothing too serious. I've got to go pick up Danny the twins and Elizabeth. Bye you sex addicts.” Sarah says before she and Nicky leave and my jaw drops. She did not just say that. “Did your daughter just call you sex addicts?” The doctor asks just as shocked as Sam and I. “I think she did.” Sam says, trying not to laugh.

“Bye you sex addicts” HAHAHA Sarah is the best. This chapter’s question is what apps are in your phone’s quick access bar? Mine are my contacts, Texting, Spotify, and Google Chrome. Anygays see you in the next one.

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