Chapter #26

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Chapter #26
Sam’s POV
I wake up with Scarlett’s head buried in my neck. She must have turned onto her stomach in her sleep and Flo is smuggled into my side. “Uh Flo.” I say. “Hm?” She hums. “Please get off me.” I whisper. “OH SHIT SORRY!” She yells, waking Scarlett, something I was trying not to do. “I don’t care who yelled just shut the fuck up.” Scarlett grumbles she really isn’t a morning person. “Rude.” Flo says. “Shhhhh I’m sleeping.” Scarlett says. “Baby you do have to get up.” I rub her back. “Whyyyyyyyyyy?” She whines, making Flo laugh. “We are filming a movie, remember.” Flo chuckles. “Oh yeah we’ve got the car scene.” Scarlett says still not moving or opening her eyes. “There isn’t any stunt work needed for that is there?” I ask. “Well the car does get flipped but we won’t be in it when that happens.” Flo says. “Ok well I’ve got a song to record too so.” I say and Scarlett gets up causing her to have to straddle me making me smirk. “I’m leaving.” Flo says. “Are you ok?” Scarlett asks knowing music is one of my outlets. “Yes can’t you tell?” I smirk. “I uh didn’t mean that and yes it’s very noticable.” She smiles. “You want to help me with that?” I say. “As much as I would love that. I have to get to set without a limp.” She tells me. “Fair.” I nod sitting up. “And the song I have to record today is one of Benji’s. I’m ok I promise.” I tell her giving her a kiss. “Text me I’ll have my ringer on if you need me ok.” She say cupping my face. “I will. I won’t cut or anything to hurt myself.” I tell her. “Ok. I love you make sure you change your bandage and clean your arm ok.” She says. “I will. Go make movie magic Romanoff.” I tell her before giving her another kiss.

Scarlett’s POV
I’m on my lunch break I have an hour so I head to the trailer. I see Sam’s gear set up with a note on it. (Hey had to take a call couldn’t find service on set. I’ll be at the coffee shop we found last week. Love Sam.) I use this opportunity to record a song for Sam. I get done with it ten minutes before she gets back. “Hey Baby. How’s filiming going?” She asks pulling  me in for a kiss. “It’s going just fine. There is something I want you to listen to.” I tell her. “Ok why is my keyboard out?” She asks. “I had to borrow it to make you this.” I say pressing play.

“I'll stand next to you”
“Through and through”
“Open your eyes and you'll see”
“There is nothing else I'd rather do”
“A lost soul begins to breathe”
“And I knew I'd be staying”
“From the moment that you asked”
“I knew that I'd follow”
“However long time passed”
“I think you know it deep inside”
“Battle scars still in your mind”
“So I'll tell you now”
“I don't have a doubt”
“I'll come home to you”
“No matter what we do”
“I will find a way”
“'Cause I'm not ready”
“To say goodbye”
“At anytime soon”
“You have no worries”
“'Cause you're all I see in everything”
“Always in my mind”
“You will find”
“A girl who once struggled to breathe”
“I knew I'd be staying”
“From the moment that you asked”
“I knew that I'd follow”
“However long time passed”
“I think you know it deep inside”
“Battle scars still in your mind”
“So I'll tell you now”
“I don't have a doubt”
“I'll come home to you”
“No matter what we do”
“I will find a way”
“'Cause I'm not ready”
“To say goodbye”
“At anytime”
“Everything is happenin'”
“But you won't be left behind”
“Everything leads back to you”
“You're one of a kind”
“Everything is happening”
“But you won't be left behind”
“I'll never say goodbye”
“Please be forever mine”
“So I'll tell you now”
“I don't have a doubt”
“I'll come home to you”
“No matter what we do”
“I will find a way”
“'Cause I'm not ready”
“To say goodbye”
“At anytime”
“And I'll tell you now”
“I don't have a doubt”
“I'll come home to you”
“No matter what we do”
“I will find a way”
“'Cause I'm not ready”
“To say goodbye”
“At anytime soon”

“So do you..” I’m cut off by Sam smashing our lips together. I can taste her salty tears. “Thank you. I love it, I love you. What’s it called?” She asks. “It’s called ‘Battle Scars’ I just wanted to have something that you can listen to if you need to hear my voice but you can’t get ahold of me like if I’m on set or something.” I tell her. “It’s beautiful just like you.” She smiles, making me blush. “I also posted something.” She smiles. “Should I take a look?” I ask and she nods.

 “Should I take a look?” I ask and she nods

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“Repeat after me. It👏Should👏Have👏Been👏Clint👏”
[@SarahJohansson: Amen! Preach!]
[@JeremyRenner: Hey]
[@ElizabethOlsen: It really should have been Clint]
[@ChrisEvans: Agreed]
[@HunterJohansson: Yeah how dare you kill my little sister]
[@ScarlettJohansson: I’M THREE MINUTES OLDER!!!]
[@MelanieSloan: Hunter sweetie your sister is right]
[@ScarlettJohansson: Thank you]
[@HunterJohansson: Fine you’re an old hag Scar]
[@SamMily: Oh Hunt you shouldn’t have said that she’s pissed]
[@FlorencePugh: Scarlett is yelling]

“I’M NOT OLD!! AND I AM NOT A HAG!!!” I yell. “Honey breathe.” Sam says in a calming voice. “Don’t tell me what to do!” I yell. “Don’t yell at me.” She replies. “Who do I yell at the wall!?” I fume why am I yelling at her she didn’t do anything wrong. “Stop yelling in general.” She says. “I told you not to tell me what to do!” I say getting in her face. “And I told you not to yell at me.” She says our faces only inches apart. “What are you going to do about it Daddy?” I smirk she spins me around and practicly rips my pants off if I said I didn’t find it hot I’d be lying. “Are you ok with this?” She asks. “Yes just fuck me.” I say. “Ah fuck Baby!” She groans. “Harder!” I moan and she does exactly that. “YES! FUCK! DADDY!” I moan out loudly. “You going to yell at Daddy again?” She growls fucking me senseless. “If it results in this then yes.” I breathe out. “Oh that’s how you gonna be huh?” She grunts going faster. “FUCK! DADDY! DADDY I’M SO CLOSE!!” I scream not caring who hears me. “Me too Babygirl!” She moans kissing my neck. “Fill me up Daddy.” I moan. “FUCK!! SCARLETT!!” “DADDY!!” We scream at the same time as we both come undone. “I wasn’t expecting that.” Sam chuckles. “Me either.” I admit. “The shower is small but let me take care of you.” She says sweetly. “Babe you don’t always have to take care of me.” I tell her catching my breath. “Please just let me take care of you.” She asks well if she wasn’t holding me I would have fallen by now. “Ok only because I can’t stand on my own.” I tell her. “Then I did my job right.” She says. “You always do it right.” I smile, making her blush. She helps me out of my shirt and bra takes off her clothes as well. “Here so you don’t get cold while I make sure the water is warm.” She says handing me a robe. “Thank you.” I say wrapping it around my body. “Already just hold on to me and I’ll take care of you.” She tells me and she does exactly what she said she would she took care of me and helped me into some sweats. “Babe.” I call out as she puts on her own clothes. “What is it Baby?” She asks. “Those pants don’t belong to me.” I point to the ripped pants on the floor. “Oh shit. They belong to the costume department?” She asks. “Yeah and I was supposed to be back on set thirty minutes ago.” I say. “Well I don’t think that’s happening. I’ll tell them you are sick or something.” She says. “Speaking of being sick can you hand me that trash can?” I say and she quickly hands it to me just in time. And Sam leaves to go tell them I can’t film for the rest of the day.

Anger sex. Anygays see you in the next one.

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