Chapter #74

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Chapter #74
Sam’s POV
“So how about I make my famous latkes?” Melanie says. “Yes please these two said that was the one thing I wasn’t allowed to make because yours are supposed to be heavenly.” Ma snitches. “I did hear about all your cooking how about we make the latkes together Laura?” Melanie says. “I would love too.” Ma replies and they go into the kitchen together. “Oh lord those two alone together that’s terrifying oh well who wants to play the dreidel?” I say. “Ooo me.” Danny and Scarlett say at the same time. “And you call me a giant child.” I chuckle. We play for a while I think Danny may have some how rigged the dreidel because he kept winning. “Ok everyone it’s almost time to light the menorah.” Scarlett says looking out the window seeing the sun begin to set “Ok Danny just like we practised.” I say “Wait!” He yells running upstairs. “I need this.” He says holding up his yamaka and he has Wyatt’s too and Karsten already has his and Melanie brought a small one for Kai. I go get Sarah, Scarlett, Emma, Elizabeth, Ma, Melanie, and I scarfs to wear over our heads. (A/N It is an actuall thing I don’t wear something covering my head all the time. But when lighting the shabbat candles or the menorah I do wear a scarf over my head it is a whole thing about respect and stuff but anygays back to the story) “Here ladies.” I say handing them each a scarf. “Thank you. Beautiful cinnamon roll.” Scarlett smiles and all the adults look at me and Sarah laughs knowing what that came from. “What did she call you?” Ma asks. “Beautifulcinnamonroll.” I mumble. “Ok Danny you are up just like we practised ok.” I tell him and he smiles before saying the blessing. “Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b-mitzvotav, v-tzivanu I’hadlik ner shel Hanukkah.” He recites as we light the menorah. “You did it good job Danny.” Karsten says with a smile. “Mama helped me practise because Hebrew can be hard.” He says. “Well it’s a good thing your Mama helped you practise. Because you did that perfectly.” Melanie says. “Really?” He asks. “Yeah Danny really you did great.” Sarah tells him. “YAY! NOW PRESENTS!” He says ‘presents’ in a demonic voice. “Uh Scarlett our son has been possessed.” I laugh. “I’ll get some holy water.” Sarah says. “What? How are you going to get holy water?” I ask. “Put some in a pot and..” She smiles I know where this is going. “Don’t you dare.” I chuckle. “Boil the hell out of it.” She laughs. “That’s your daughter.” Scarlett says as Sarah and I laugh at the stupid joke. We get through some of the presents I some are for the other seven nights. “Ok dinner time everyone.” Ma says. “Food.” I say now I’m the one using a demonic voice. “You have issues.” Scarlett laughs. “Yeah you are inbetween me and my food.” I say. “I could be your food.” She whispers in my ear then walks off. “You know I have the perfect meme for what you said Honey.” I tell her as I sit. “What did she say?” Ma asks. “I suggest non of you look at this post.” I tell them and Scarlett scowls at me. “I feel like I have to look since you said that.” Karsten says. “You have instagram?” I ask. “Yep I’ve reacted to your posts before. I bet it’s not….OH MY GOD!” He says looking up from his phone at me. “Shit.” I say.

“No words needed”[ElizabethOlsen: Oh my][SarahJohansson: Now I get why Grandpa is going to kill Ma][MelanieSloan: I should have warned him not to look][ScarlettJohansson: I look good in those though]

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“No words needed”
[ElizabethOlsen: Oh my]
[SarahJohansson: Now I get why Grandpa is going to kill Ma]
[MelanieSloan: I should have warned him not to look]
[ScarlettJohansson: I look good in those though]

“Dad it’s just a meme.” Scarlett says. “I’m gonna be sick.” He says running out of the room. “I didn’t expect that.” I say. “Neither did I.” Scarlett shrugs. “What is wrong with you two?” Ma asks. “Sex addicts.” Melanie says. “We are not.” I counter. “Yeah my beautiful cinnamon roll is right.” Scarlett says. “Thank you penguin.” I say. “What? Why?” Melanie asks confused. “What you’ve never heard someone call their partner penguin before?” I ask. “No and she called you her beautiful cinnamon roll. I’m lost.” Melanie says. “Peguins mate for life Grandma duh.” Danny says. “Yeah we do.” Scarlett smirks. “There are kids here.” Sarah says. “Sorry.” Scarlett and I say at the same time. “Why do you apologize to them but not us?” Karsten says. “Because you aren’t our kids.” I tell him as he sits back down. “No just your parents.” Ma says. “Sam she’s got us.” Scarlett says. “Ok Ma, Melanie, Karsten I’m sorry.” I say. “Thank you.” They all say at once. “Ok that was creepy.” Scarlett says. “Do you want me to hold you and make it better?” I ask. “Is that a serious question of course I do.” Scarlett says getting into my lap. “Much better.” Scarlett says. “You’re weird Mommy.” Wyatt says. “Thank you.” Scarlett replies. “I agree with thing two.” Sarah says. “What did you call your brother?” I say trying not to laugh. “Well he was born second that makes him thing two.” She says. “I’m thing one! FUCK BITCH!” Emma yells happily. “Whyyyyy.” Scarlett says burring her head in my chest. “I think that’s her chatch phrase ir something.” I say. “But why does it have to be that?” Scarlett asks. “I don’t know.” I say.  “Bitch fuck.” Emma says. “No Emma.” I tell her. “But.” She says. “Emma Leah. I said no.” I tell her. “Ok.” She says. “Thank you.” I say. “Um Ma.” Sarah says. “What?” I ask and she points to Scarlett who has fallen asleep. “Oh. I’ll be right back.” I say standing up with Scarlett in my arms. “I’m going to put her to bed.” I say. “Danny, Wyatt, Emma, Elizabeth bed time.” I add when I look at the clock. “But.” Danny says. “Come on Danny I’ll read you a story.” Sarah says and I mouth thank you I let the kids go up first then take Scarlett to our room. “Baby let go.” I chuckle softly. “Mm hm.” She hums. “Scarlett I’m trying to lay you down.” I say softly. “Cuddles.” She mutters. “Yeah we can cuddle.” I tell her and lay down. “Good night Ma.” Sarah says from the doorway. “Good night Sarah.” I tell her and she closes the door which I appreciate.

Well I was going to have drama between Karsten and Sam but then I thought nah. This chapter’s meme was brought to you by Chris. Anygays see you in the next one.

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