Chapter #101

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Chapter #101
Sam’s POV
“Sam!” I wake up to Scarlett yelling for me from the bathroom. “Hey, what can I do?” I ask. “My nausea meds are in my nightstand top drawer. Can you please get them?” She asks. “Yeah I can.” I tell her I grab the meds and head back to Scarlett. “Here Honey.” I say handing her the mds and rubbing her back. “Sam your phone is ringing.” She says and she’s right it is. “It’s Tina do I have to talk to her?” I ask. “Yes you do it’s been over a year since she broke up with Benji and she’s your manager.” Scarlett says so I answer the phone.
“What is it Tina? I'm kinda busy.” I ask using my free hand to rub Scarlett’s back.
“Halsey dropped out of Sing 2 and they are offering you the spot.” She says.
“Me do a movie?” I ask and Scarlett looks at me confused.
“Yes and you’d be doing it with your wife so that would be fun.” She tells me.
“Yeah I guess it would be fun to do a movie with Scarlett. I’ll take the offer.” I tell her.
“Perfect, I'll bring the contract to your house this afternoon.” She says and hangs up.
“What was that about?” Scarlett asks, leaning against the wall. “Halsey backed out of doing Sing 2 and they offered me the roll she would have been playing.” I tell her and her eyes light up. “I’ve always wanted to do a movie with you.” She says. “Well now you are.” I say. “Oh the kids will love this.” Scarlett says. “Yeah they probably will. Are the nausea meds kicking in yet?” I ask. “Yeah they have, I should have asked the doctor about having them with the other kids, especially the twins.” She says getting up to brush her teeth. “So what do you have planned for today?” She asks. “Robbie and I are going to work on getting Liz’s garden ready for her to plant her stuff from her old garden into the new one.” I tell her. “This is just your excuse to play with power tools isn't it?” Scarlett says, pointing her toothbrush at me. “What if it is? You said I’m sexy in a tool belt.” I smirk. “I did say that. I guess I’ll just have to watch you from the patio wear those tight jeans.” She says walking out.

Scarlett’s POV
Liz and I are relaxing on the patio watching our spouses work. “Why is she wearing such tight jeans?” Liz asks, taking a sip of her lemonade. “I told her to.” I say. “I do appreciate her helping with getting the raised garden beds made.” Liz says. “She likes using power tools and I like seeing her in a tool belt so it’s a win win.” I  say and Liz laughs. Sam lifts her tank top to wipe sweat from her brow showing  off her abs and I lower my sunglasses to get a better look. “Like what you see, Penguin?” She calls out. “Yes I do.” I say and she takes the tank top off entirely leaving her in her sports bra and my mouth goes dry. “Stop eye fucking Sam.” Liz laughs. “Uh no. Why would I do that?” I ask. “Because next thing you know you’ll be fucking in my garden.” She says. “No too many bugs.” I say. “So you thought about it?” Liz says. “Yeah but I don’t want to get bugs on me.” I tell her. “I don’t know whose mind is dirtier yours or hers.” Liz says. “Oh shut up and let me enjoy the show.” I tell her. “Oh my god you horny woman.” Liz laughs. “Hey why doesn’t Sam have a shirt on?” My Dad says from behind. “DAD!” I squeal happy to see him. I didn't know he was coming. “Sam doesn’t have a shirt on because it’s hot and she’s helping Robbie build my garden.” Liz says, saving me. Sam sees my Dad and puts her tank top back on. I want to protest but my father is right here. “Hey Karsten, did you have a good flight?” Sam asks, coming over to us. “Yes I did thank you for paying for a first class ticket for me.” He says. “You set this up?” I ask Sam and she smiles and nods. “I know how much you miss your Dad so I asked him when he was free and he has the whole month off so I offered to fly him out here to spend time with you and the kids.” Sam says. “Will you shower so I can hug you?” I ask, making her laugh and nod. “I brought you your favorite chocolate from Copanhagen. I know how much you like it.” Dad says pulling a small box from his bag. “Thank you Dad this is just what me and the baby need.” I say. “Stop using the baby as an excuse.” Liz laughs. “No.” I chuckle as I pop one of the chocolates in my mouth. “So have you and Sam thought of a name for my newest granddaughter?” Dad asks. “Mm yes Janina. It’s Polish.” I say. “Well hello Janina I’m Pop pop.” He says bending down. “Oh Danny is going to be so excited to see you. Sarah went to get him from school and the twins and Elizabeth from preschool. “Kai is upstairs taking his afternoon nap.” I tell him. “I was wondering why the only one who greeted me was a defensive Irish Setter.” Dad says. “Oh that’s Bently he’s harmless.” I tell him and when he hears his name he comes out back. “Hey buddy I wasn’t calling you but I’ll hang out with you. And him good.” I say pointing to my dad and Bently wags his tail. “Ok I’m all clean now can I get that hug?” Sam says walking out to the patio. “Yes you can. Thank you for this. I really did miss him.” I whisper in her ear. “You're welcome.” She says. “Hey Robbie, we can stop for today.” Sam calls out. “Ok. I’m gonna shower then I’ll be back, Lizzie bear.” He says kissing Liz on the head. “Lizzie bear huh?” Sam says. “Oh shut up you call Scarlett Penguin.” She blushes. “Touche Olsen.” Sam says. “So Sam no meme today?” Dad asks. “You look at my daily memes after what happened at Hanukkah?” Sam asks, shocked. “Yes I do, I just don’t comment on them.” Dad says. “Ok I’ve got one hold on.” Sam says.

“Scarlett when I wear a tool belt”[ElizabethOlsen: That’s true she’s been eyeing Sam all day][ScarlettJohansson: Facts][MelanieSloan: This is why I get grandbabies][ScarlettJohansson: One pregnancy at a time please Mom][LauraMily: I’m on Melanie’s...

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“Scarlett when I wear a tool belt”
[ElizabethOlsen: That’s true she’s been eyeing Sam all day]
[ScarlettJohansson: Facts]
[MelanieSloan: This is why I get grandbabies]
[ScarlettJohansson: One pregnancy at a time please Mom]
[LauraMily: I’m on Melanie’s side]
[SarahJohansson: Mom you get gay panic?]
[ScarlettJohansson: Yep. I’m human]
[SarahJohansson: Nope just walked in]

“POP POP!” Danny screams at the top of his lungs and Kerstan doesn’t have time to brace himself and Danny tackles him in a hug. “That is your child.” Sam says. “What can I say? We like hugs.” I say jumping up and hanging onto Sam like a koala. “This is getting harder to do the bigger I get.” I say. “Still light as a feather to me.” Sam says jumping to prove a point. “Hey Danny.” Kerstan laughs as he gets up and the twins grab onto him as well Elizabeth in Sarah’s arms she is such a good sister. “Mom Kai is crying.” Sarah says as he starts to cry through the monitor. “You have to let go, Sam.” I chuckle. “Right, sorry.” She says setting me down

Awe what a sweet surprise from Sam. This chapter’s question is what do you value more: spontaneity or stability? Me I like a little more stability but I enjoy some spontaneity. Anygays see you in the next one.

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