Chapter #113

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Chapter #113
This is going to be a long one.
Sam’s POV
“Liz don’t be mad I’m going to get Paul too.” I say. “Oh let me see.” She says. “I’m still going to do this prank war.” She says after looking at the picture. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have glitter to buy.” Liz says before leaving. “Oh no. What do you think she’ll use the glitter on?” I ask. “Most likely your studio.” Scarlett says. “Nooooooo anything but that.” I say. “You’re cute.” Scarlett chuckles. “Thank you. You’re sexy.” I say wrapping my arms around her waist. “Sam, you heard the doctor.” Scarlett says in a warning tone. “Damn it I was hoping you forgot about that.” I say. “You have a giant wrap on your torso. It's hard to forget and it was two days ago.” She says. “You know there are other ways I could fuck you.” I say wiggling my eyebrows. “True but remember what Sarah said about not doing it in ‘her studio’?” Scarlett says. “Oh please if we took a black light to this room it would look like a Jackson Pollock painting.” I say. “Don’t tell Sarah that.” Scarlett says. “Oh hell no I’m never telling her.” I say. “I need food. A Big Mac to be precise.” Scarlett says. “A Big Mac?” I ask since it’s ten in the morning. “Janina wants one and who am I to deny her that?” Scarlett says. “Ok I’ll go get you a Big Mac.” I tell her. “Make it three.” She says. “Three? Woman how the hell you know what if that’s what you want that’s what I’ll get you.” I say. I walk upstairs and call for Bently and he comes running. He loves car rides and I like taking him. He has also become my hiking buddy. We are on the road on our way to McDonald's when Scarlett calls.
“Hey Babe.” She says.
“Don’t forget our four legged child.” I say.
“Hello Bently.” She says and he looks at the dash confused.
“Thank you. Now what were you calling about?” I ask.
“The Liz, Robbie, and the kids found out you are on a McDonald’s run.” She says.
“What are their orders?” I ask with a laugh and she gives me their orders.
“Does this mean Liz will back off?” I ask.
“No, she already got the glitter.” Scarlett says annoyed.
“Where?” I ask.
“Our office.” She says agitated
“I’m going to get biodegradable glitter and get her garden.” I say.
“Yes please do.” Scarlett says.
“Ok I’m here I’ve got to go so I can order.” I say.
“Ok I love you, drive safe.” She says.
“Love you too Baby.” I reply.
I order the food and then head to the craft store. “Bently let me put your harness on you.” I say as he wiggles around. “Ah ha!” I cheer when I finally get his harness on him. He is also a licensed and trained service animal now he can pick up on any triggers and help me out when I go out on my own into large crowds or when the paps swarm. “Ok here we go, this is biodegradable.” I say grabbing multiple bags I’m going to make a glitter lesbian pride flag in her garden. “Your doggie is so cute.” A little kid says coming up and petting Bently but Bently doesn’t react he stands still like he was trained to. “He is but he’s working do please don’t pet him.” I say softly. “Johnathon there you are. I’m so sorry Ma’am.” His mother says. “I have kids too. I understand sometimes they run off then you go frantic looking for them.” I say. “Exactly. You look familiar, have we met?” She asks. “No I’ve just got one of those faces you know.” I say hoping she won’t realize who I am. “Oh my you’re Sam Mily!” She yells getting a lot of people's attention shit not what I need. “SAM MILY!” Someone yells fuck I’ve got to go. Bently starts doing his thing and pulling me from the situation but I’m stopped. “Can I have your autograph?” Some kid asks. “Sure but then I have to go.” I say. “What’s your name kid?” I ask. “Peter.” He says and I write him a little note with my autograph.
Scarlett’s POV
“Mommy! Mama interrupted my show!” Danny calls out and Liz and I look at each other confused. We walk into the living room and Sam is in fact on TV but she doesn’t look good. [Sam what’s the service dog for?] [Sam over here!] [Sam, is it true you were in the ER a few days ago?] [Please just let me be. I need to get home.] Sam says. [Sam, are you ok?] A reporter asks. “Fuck Liz can you tell where she is?” I ask. “She’s at the craft store that I went to earlier, it's just a few miles away.” Liz says. [Please j-just f-fuck I can’t breathe. Bently] Sam says clutching her chest and Bently presses the button on his vest that sends me an alert with her location so I can get to her. Her anxiety has been really bad since her episode on New Year's, one of the reasons we had Bently trained. Liz and I get in my car and drive to the craft store. “Sam!” I shout as she’s backed into a corner by paparazzi. I give Liz my spare key for Sam’s truck and she drives it back to the house. “Scarlett! over here.” One of them says, “Get the fuck out of my way!” I growl and they make a path. “Hey Honey I’m here come on let’s get you home come on.” I say as I take Sam’s hand and lead her to my car she has a white knuckle grip on Bently’s leash. “You did good.” I pat Bently on the head as I unhook him from his leash so he can get in the car. “Thank you. You got here quickly that alarm on Bently’s harness really works.” She says trying to steady her breathing. “You were on TV that’s how I knew you needed me.” I tell her. “Please tell me none of the kids saw.” She says. “Danny did.” I tell her. “DAMN IT!!” She screams and punches her hand onto the dash. “You’re going to set off the airbag. Stop!” I say reaching over and grabbing her now bloody fist. “I’m sorry.” She says. “You’re going to be even more sorry when the adrenaline wears off and you feel your hand.” I say. “Mama are you ok?” Danny asks, running to Sam but Sam ignores him and walks straight for the studio. “Did I do something?” Danny asks. “No Sweetie. I’m going to talk to your Mama.” I tell him. “Sam what the fuck?!” I yell as I enter the studio, closing the door behind me. “Leave me alone Scarlett.” She says. “No, not when you are like this.” I tell her and she turns to me with tears running down her face. “I said leave me alone.” She says again. “What are you doing? Are you trying to scare me off because that’s not happening.” I say. “Fine.” She says. “You want to see what’s going to happen. So be it. I guess I won’t have to write a letter cause you’re right here.” She says and I see the pocket knife in her hand. “GIVE ME THAT!” I yell. “No! You want to be here fine be here I won’t!” She yells dragging the knife across her forearm but I grab her hand before she makes it to her wrist. “Let go!” She yells, we are both crying at this point. “NO! SAM DON’T DO THIS!” I scream.
Sam’s POV
“Mama are you ok?” Danny asks, running to me but I ignored him and walked straight for the studio. “Sam what the fuck?!” Scarlett yells as she enters the studio, closing the door behind her “Leave me alone Scarlett.” I said. “No, not when you are like this.” She tells me and I turn to her with tears running down my face. “I said leave me alone.” I say again I don’t want her to see what I’m going to do. “What are you doing? Are you trying to scare me off because that’s not happening.” She says. “Fine.” I say. “You want to see what’s going to happen. So be it. I guess I won’t have to write a letter cause you’re right here.” I say and she sees the pocket knife in my hand. “GIVE ME THAT!” She yells. “No! You want to be here fine be here I won’t!” I yell, dragging the knife across my forearm but she grabs my hand before I make it to my wrist. “Let go!” I yell and we are both crying at this point. “NO! SAM DON’T DO THIS!” She screams pure fear in her voice. “I HURT OUR SON!!” I cry. “He’s worried! Sam, he thinks he did something wrong!” She yells as she tries to pry the knife from my hand. “But he did nothing wrong.” I say. “GIVE ME THE FUCKING KNIFE!!” She screams. “I can't, I have to do this.” I tell her. “NO YOU DON’T! WHAT ABOUT JANINA JUST THIS MORNING YOU WERE TELLING HER THAT YOU COULDN’T WAIT TO MEET HER! WHAT ABOUT SARAH, DANNY, EMMA, WYATT, ELIZABETH, AND KAI!!? YOU WANT TO LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR UNBORN CHILD!!” She screams. “Of course I don't, I love them. That’s why I have to do this so I never cause them pain again.” I say. “This will hurt them, Sam. If you don’t want to hurt them give me the fucking knife!” She yells. “I can’t Scarlett, I'm sorry.” I tell her gently, pushing her away from me and locking myself in the soundbooth. “Ow fuck!” Scarlett hisses holding her stomach. I unlock the door. “What hurts?” I ask her. “Emotionally or physically?” She says. “Physically.” I tell her. “It feels like contractions but ten times worse. Sam last time..” I cut her off by picking her up bridal style ignoring the pain in my wrist. “I’m getting you to the hospital.” I say but by the time I get to the landing at the bottom of the steps I collapse. “Fuck.” I mutter making sure Scarlett doesn’t get hurt and lands on me. “Someone call 911 we need two ambulances!” Scarlett screams. “Talk to me Sam stay awake.” Scarlett says. “I’m so sorry. I broke my promise and now you might lose Janina because of it.” I cry. “LAFD!!” I hear someone yell. “DOWN HERE!! HURRY!!” Scarlett screams. “I love you. And the kids.” I say just before everything goes black.
Scarlett’s POV
I was so agitated they had to sedate me. I wake up with Sarah holding my hand and I can hear three heart monitors letting me know that Sam and Janina are still alive.

Hey I know this was a tough one. It’s September which is Suicide awerness month at least here in the U.S. There is no question for this chapter. I am writing this chapter in memory of my late girlfriend Melissa who ended their life. Anygays see you in the next one.

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