Chapter #31

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Chapter #31
Sam’s POV
Benny is coming over today and we are going to record some music. Flo is coming over as well. I’m just relaxing on the couch with Danny when the doorbell rings and he gets up and runs to the door. “Danny, you aren’t supposed to open the door.” I scold my son. “But I want to meet Auntie Flo.” He pouts. “Come on in Britain.” I usher Flo in and close the door. “You must be Danny. I’m Florence but you can call me Auntie Flo.” Flo says getting to his level. “Who’s at the door?!” Scarlett yells from the kitchen. “It’s me Scarlett.” Flo calls back as we head to the kitchen. “Your kitchen is beautiful.” Flo says in awe. “Thank you Sam remolded it as an apology for nearly blowing up the house with a toaster.” Scarlett smiles. “Every time you tell that story you make it sound worse than it was.” I tell her before hearing crying through the monitor. “The twins are up.” I say. “And Elizabeth.” Scarlett says as she starts crying too. “I’ll get the twins you get Elizabeth.” Scarlett instructs. “Yes Ma’am.” I say playfully, saluting her. “Come on Danny, let's go take care of your sister.” I say. “Where’s Sarah?” I hear Flo say from behind me. “Probably in the studio editing.” I state as I pick Elizabeth up from her bassinet. “I know sweetie I’ll get you a bottle after you are changed.” I say as I change her diaper. “Danny, can you hand me a clean onesie?” I ask and he nods before bringing over a MARVEL themed one. “Ok let’s go.” I say and Flo already went downstairs with Scarlett and the twins. “Sam I told you to stop buying those.” Scarlett whines. “But Mommy she matches you.” Danny says pointing to her AVENGERS hoodie she’s wearing. “Fuck.” She groans. “Fuck!” Wyatt says happily. “Did he just cuss at me?” Scarlett chuckles. “Yes he did.” I laugh. “YOOHOO!” Benny calls out as he comes inside. “You ready Sam?” He asks. “Always.” I say as I give Elizabeth her bottle. “You can’t record with her in your arms.” He laughs. “Oh yeah watch me.” I challenge. “No you won’t.” Scarlett says. “Ok I won’t.” I say. “You guys want to join us in the studio?” I ask. “Sure.” Flo says. We all head down to the studio and I put Elizabeth in her rocker and Scarlett puts the twins on the play mats. “Ok we are doing two today right?” I ask. “Yeah ‘If I Killed Someone For You’ and ‘Walked Through Hell’.” Benny says. “Ok you two get ready. Three two one.” Sarah counts us down.

“I'm sorry that I did this”
“The blood is on my hands”
“I stare at my reflection”
“I don't know who I am”
“Practice my confession”
“In case I take the stand”
“I'll say I learned my lesson”
“I'll be a better man”
“I'm packing up my things”
“And I'm wiping down the walls”
“I'm rinsing off my clothes”
“And I'm walking through the halls”
“I did it all for her”
“So I felt nothing at all”
“I don't know what she'll say”
“So I'll ask her when she calls”
“Would you love me more”
“(Would you love me more)”
“If I killed someone for you?”
“Would you hold my hand?”
“(Would you hold my hand?)”
“They're the same ones that I used”
“When I killed someone for you”
“Would you turn me in”
“(Would you turn me in)”
“When they say I'm on the loose?”
“Would you hide me when”
“(Would you hide me when)”
“My face is on the news?”
“'Cause I killed someone for you”
“I hear the sirens coming”
“I see the flashing lights”
“I'm driving through the suburbs”
“Wearing my disguise”
“I show up at her doorstep”
“To look her in the eyes”
“I tell her that it's me”
“But she doesn't recognise”
“Can't you see I'm running?”
“Said I need a place to hide”
“I've gotta ask you something”
“Could you please let me inside?”
“Just let me explain”
“No, I wouldn't tell you lies”
“I know you'll understand”
“If you let me stay the night”
“Would you love me more”
“(Would you love me more)”
“If I killed someone for you?”
“Would you hold my hand?”
“(Would you hold my hand?)”
“They're the same ones that I used”
“When I killed someone for you”
“Would you turn me in”
“(Would you turn me in)”
“When they say I'm on the loose?”
“Would you hide me when”
“(Would you hide me when)”
“My face is on the news?”
“'Cause I killed someone for you”
“You have to understand that”
“The one I killed is me”
“Changing what I was”
“For what you wanted me to be”
“I followed your direction”
“Did everything you asked”
“I hope that makes you happy”
“'Cause there's just no turning back”
“Would you love me more”
“(Would you love me more)”
“If I killed someone for you?”
“Would you hold my hand?”
“(Would you hold my hand?)”
“They're the same ones that I used”
“When I killed someone for you”
“Would you turn me in”
“(Would you turn me in)”
“When they say I'm on the loose?”
“Would you hide me when”
“(Would you hide me when)”
“My face is on the news?”
“'Cause I killed someone for you, yeah”

I finish the song and I open my eyes and Danny runs out of the soundbooth and gives me a hug. “That was so good Mama. Did you really kill someone though?” He asks. “No no buddy it’s a song.” I tell him and he nods. “Hey let’s have lunch I’ll cook.” Flo says. “Ok that sounds good you have full reign of my kitchen.” Scarlett says. “Hey Sam can we talk in the office?” Scarlett says. “Yeah of course. We’ll be back you guys.” I say as we walk into the office and Scarlett locks the door behind her. “Why did you lock the door? Because if it’s for sex we talked about this. It’s wearing you out and you are growing a human.” I tell her. “Yes we did talk about that but that was when I was filming I’m in between films right now I don’t start filming JoJo Rabbit till next month. And you are very attractive in  your gray sweatpants and we never said anything about me not being able to do this.” She says getting on her knees oh dear lord. “Tell me to stop and I will. It’s up to you Daddy.” She husks as she starts stoaking me over my sweats. “Fuck it. You said you don’t start filming for a month?” I ask. “That’s right.” She says. “On your knees.” I growl. “Oh fuck.” I moan as she wraps her lips around me and starts pumping her hand and bobbing her head. Her other hand goes between her legs as she starts pleasuring herself moaning as she does. “Yes Babygirl just like that.” I encourage, I swear I’m starting to see stars. I get closer and my dick starts to twitch. “Fuck Babygirl I’m gonna cum.” I moan and she speeds up her movements. I grab a fistful of hair and push her down on me her nose hits my abbs and she gags. “Are you going to take what Daddy gives you like a good girl?” I groan and she nods the best she can and I cum in her mouth making her gag a little more but she swallows every last bit. “Come here.” I say picking her up and setting her on the desk. “So wet huh?” I mock as I am now the one on their knees. “Oh shit.” She moans as I lick her clit.

Flo’s POV
“They are definitely having sex.” Sarah shudders. “But Scarlett is almost four months pregnant, surely they can contain themselves.” I say. “Says the woman with a pot on her head.” Sarah laughs. “Take a picture.” I say. “Ok pose.” She says.

“Auntie Flo and I are cooking while Ma and Mom are being nasty”[@ElizabethOlsen: Why am I not surprised][@SarahJohansson: I hear moans ew][@FlorencePugh: They are like rabbits][@SamMily: I just got black widowed it was great][@ScarlettJohansson: Y...

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“Auntie Flo and I are cooking while Ma and Mom are being nasty”
[@ElizabethOlsen: Why am I not surprised]
[@SarahJohansson: I hear moans ew]
[@FlorencePugh: They are like rabbits]
[@SamMily: I just got black widowed it was great]
[@ScarlettJohansson: Yes it was]

Eh I don’t know. This chapter’s question is what’s the weirdest idem you keep by your bed? Mine is a stack of notepads incase I get an idea in my sleep. Anygays see you in the next one.

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