Chapter #52

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Chapter #52
Vanessa's POV
I have been staying with my sister and her family for the last week and I can't seem to sleep for some reason. I hear a door open and close. It must be Sam. I know she has trouble sleeping too. She must be heading to the studio. I think I’ll join her. I get some shorts and a t-shirt on and head downstairs to the studio. “Hey you can’t sleep either huh?” Sam asks, looking up from her notepad that she was writing on. “Yeah mind if I keep you company?” I ask. “Yeah that’s fine. Take a seat anywhere.” She says. “So what are you working on?” I ask. “Music Box. It’s almost done if you want you can listen while I record.” She smiles softly at me and it gives me butterflies. I’ve always had this crush on Sam but Scarlett has always been head over heels for her and Sam is the same way about Scarlett. But she normally only let’s Scarlett listen to her record as far as I know. “Yeah that sounds great.” I tell her. “That was really good Sam.” I complement. “Thanks.” She smiles at me. “You know we could make music together.” I say. “I didn’t know you were interested in publishing music.” She tells me. “That’s not what I meant Sam.” I say wrapping my arms around her neck firmly. “Vanessa no.” She says then I see the light in the hallway turn on and Scarlett comes into view. Sam has her hands on my hips but not in a sexual way more of her trying to push me away. Scarlett looks frozen Sam has her back to her. “Scarlett doesn’t have to know.” I say pulling Sam down into a kiss but she doesn’t kiss me back. “Come on Sam, it's ok. It’s ok Sam.” I tell her pushing myself against her knowing Scarlett is watching. I want to make her think Sam is cheating if I can’t have Sam then neither can she. She pushes me away. “I said no Vanessa.” Sam says firmly pushing me away. Scarlett marches into the room and pushes me against the wall and holds me there. “Scarlett violence isn’t the answer.” Sam says calmly. “SHE TRIED TO FUCK YOU!!” She screams at Sam. “I can take care of myself Baby.” Sam says pulling Scarlett off me so I use this as an opportunity to slap Scarlett across the face. “Oh it’s on bitch!” Scarlett launches herself at me and we start fighting, hitting each other and pulling each other’s hair. At some point Scarlett pulls the black widow move on me. “THAT’S ENOUGH!!” Sam’s voice booms but we don’t stop. Suddenly my fist makes contact with Sam’s back as she wraps herself around Scarlett. “I said that’s enough!” She yells. “Vanessa, you need to leave.” Sam growls.

Sam’s POV
I had to put my body between Scarlett and Vanessa to get them to stop fighting. I ended up with a fist hitting me in the back. I told Vanessa to leave and she did. “Scarlett talk to  me.” I say gently. “Would you have had sex with her if I hadn’t come in?” She asks, looking at me with tears in her eyes. “No.” I say immediately. “You really think I would cheat on you?” I ask. “No, I just got insecure and I wasn’t thinking.” She says. “I’m sorry my sister made a move on you.” She says. “Don’t apologize for something that isn’t your fault.” I tell her. “Can we go to bed?” She asks. “Yeah let’s go. I need to take care of that cut on your head first though.” I tell her as we walk upstairs. I tend to her cut and we both go to sleep.

I rewrote this chapter five times. Anygays see you in the next one.

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