Chapter #38

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Chapter #38
Scarlett’s POV
Sam is on Jimmy Fallon to release two albums, Benji's album and The Reign’s album. I am a week past my due date and it’s annoying the hell out of me. I am currently in bed watching the interview god I love her in a suit.[ “So do you know if you are having a boy or girl?” Jimmy asks. “We are having a boy whose name is Kai. We are just waiting for him to come into the world,” Sam chuckles. “But uh back to what we are here for. We are actually releasing two albums. One is The Reign’s new album and the other is called Benji’s Album. It's about my breakup.” Benji says he has gotten better with interviews. “Will we ever know who this mysterious woman is Benji?” Jimmy asks. “No, I want her to have privacy.” Benji tells him. “So shall we listen to the songs you have ready to play for us?” Jimmy asks. “Yes of course.” Sam says. “So this first song is from Benji’s album. It's called ‘We’ll Be Ok’ lets do this Benny.” She says.

“So let's close our eyes and we'll talk in the morning”
“When we're able to feel”
“The true weight of our words and why we're both here”
“Then we can say we tried and take comfort in knowing”
“That if we both die alone tomorrow”
“It's just the way that the stars aligned”
“Hope we both learned our lesson (hope we both learned our lesson)”
“Hope we both learned our lesson”
“We'll be okay”
“We both got what we wanted”
“I got sex, you got fame”
“Who used who now that you've got all new friends?”
“But they don't know your name”
“Here you are, how's the big time darling?”
“Hope I helped make your dreams come true”
“And in a way I'm ashamed for not being your first or your last”
“Just the first cool enough to admit to”
“I can hide by my reputation, while sadly you're making your own”
“But a notch on your belt's not a notch worn so well”
“It's expected of me and the lies that I tell”
“Hope we both learned our lesson (hope we both learned our lesson)”
“Hope we both learned our lesson”
“We'll be okay”
“We both got what we wanted”
“I got sex, you got fame”
“Who used who now that you've got all new friends?”
“But they don't know your name”
“They don't know your name”
“We'll be okay”
“We both got what we wanted”
“I got sex, you got fame”
“Who used who now that you've got all new friends?”
“But they don't know your name”
“We'll be okay”
“We both got what we wanted”
“I got sex, tasted fame”
“Who used who now that you've got all new friends?”
“But they don't know your name”

In the middle of her singing my water broke. I know she has her phone on her so I call her. You can tell she notices but she lets me go to voicemail. “ANSWER THE FUCKING PHONE!” I scream and Liz comes in. She has been staying with us while the kids are with my Mom in New York. “What is it?” Liz asks. “My water broke get me to the hospital.” I say. “Ok where is your hospital bag?” She asks. “In Sam’s truck.” I say as we make our way to Liz’s car.

Sam’s POV
When I was in the middle of siging my phone went off and went off again after I was done. “Sorry Jimmy Scarlett is calling.” I say answering my phone.
“Hey Baby what is it? I’m kinda in the middle of setting up to play another song.” I say.
“Well I’m on the way to the hospital because my water broke and I need you.” She tells me.
“I’m on my way.” Is all I say before hanging up.
I take off the mic and just start to leave trying to keep my cool even though I am panicking on the inside. “Sam what’s going on?” Benny calls out. “MY WIFE IS HAVING A BABY!” I yell as I run off stage and out of the building to my truck and head to the hospital. I get to the hospital in full suit and tie from the Olsen twins’s fashion line the Row

 I get to the hospital in full suit and tie from the Olsen twins’s fashion line the Row

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(This is the suit)
“Hi I am looking for my wife. She's having a baby her name is..” I get cut off. “Mrs. Johansson is in room 410.” They clearly recognized me. “Thank you.” I say before I take off running I use the stairs since I can get there faster that way I’ve got Scarlett’s bag on my shoulder as I take the stairs two at a time. I get to her floor and make a bee line for her room getting some weird looks as I do. “Hey I got here as fast as I could.” I say slightly out of breath. “I called Mom, she will be flying in with the kids tomorrow and I called your Mom and she is getting a flight out as we speak.” Scarlett tells me. “I’m sorry I didn’t answer the first time.” I apologize. “It’s ok you were being professional.” She says before a contraction hits and grabs my shirt so tightly it rips shit. “Oh shit I ripped your shirt.” She says. “MK and Ashley will understand, don't worry about it.” Liz says. “Hello I’m your doctor, how are we feeling?” A kind looking woman says as she comes into the room. “Like a baby is trying to rip its way out of me.” Scarlett says. “Well I’m going to check and see how dilated you are, ok.” They say. “You are already eight centimeters dilated. Is the Dad on their way?” She asks. “There is no dad, just Mommy and Mama. Ignorant bitch.” Scarlett snarls. “Baby they have to ask that.” I tell her. “No they don’t it’s really fucking clear that my partner is right fucking here.” Scarlett says. “My apologies, I didn't know.” The doctor apologizes to me. “Thank you.” I say. “Well mamas I don’t think it will be long till the little guy makes his grand entrance.” The doctor says before leaving the room. “I think you scared them.” I chuckle before yelping in pain as Scarlett squeezes my hand as another contraction hits. “I hate you so much right now!” Scarlett tells me. “I know.” I say. “Agh fuck you Sam and your dick! I’m going to chop it off!” She yells as she pushes and my free hand instinctively goes over my junk. “Agh I can’t do it.” She says in pain. “One more push Mrs. Johansson.” The doctor says. “You can do it Scarlett, you are the strongest person I know.” I tell her and soon you can hear Kai cry. They clean him up and wrap him in a blanket and hand him to me. “Here is your son Mama.” The nurse says. “Hey Kai welcome to the world. I’m Mama and this is Mommy.” I say as I walk over to Scarlett who is very tired but is staying awake to see and hold Kai. “Here you go.” I say handing him to her. “Hi sweetie. Oh you look like a perfect mix of me and your Mama.” Scarlett coos. “Yeah you’ve got my jaw and your Mommy’s nose.” I say sitting on the edge of the bed facing towards Scarlett. “I’m sorry for threatening to cut off your dick.” Scarlett says. “Thank you because I would rather you not.” I chuckle.

Welcome little Kai. Anygays see you in the next one.

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