Chapter #73

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Chapter #73
Scarlett’s POV
Today is the first day of Hanukkah. Laura got here two days ago and has not stopped cooking when she is awake she is making every traditional Hannuka dish she can find because she is excited about celebrating her first Hanukkah. “Scarlett I know you’re up. I wanna give you your first Hanukkah gift.” Sam says softly. “Babe Hanukkah doesn’t actually start till sundown you know that.” I say rolling over to face her. “I know I know but I couldn’t wait.” She says holding a box. “What is it?” I ask. “Open it and find out.” She says so I do and my eyes go wide. “Hehe!” She giggles before runnign and I take off after her with the shirt in hand

Laura’s POV
I’m in the kitchen whipping up a storm when I hear Scarlett yell. “SAMANTHA LAUREN GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!” Scarlett yes as she chases Sam down the stairs. “Sam what did you do?” I ask and she just laughs as she hides behind the counter. “Where is she?” Scarlett asks and I point to her. “Why did you make this?” Scarlett asks holding up the shirt and I see why she’s upset but it is kinda funny. “It’s funny.” Sam laughs. “Fine my mother and father are coming tonight so why don’t I wear it then?” She says. “Oh fuck I’mma die.” Sam says. “If it makes you feel better that isn’t your real gift I just really wanted to get that for you.” Sam says. “Sam it says ‘I licked it so it’s mine’.” Scarlett says. “It most certenly is my love.” Sam smirks. “Oh fuck I might need a cold shower.” Scarlett gulps taking a step towards Sam. “I’M RIGHT HERE!!” I  shriek. “Oh um I uh bye.” Scarlett runs out of the room red as a tomato. “Sorry Ma.” Sam says just as red as Scarlett. “Did you forget I was here?” I ask. “Kinda.” Sam says. “Oh my heavens Sam.” I say. “I have to post something.” Sam says. “Oh lord save us.” I say and she grins. “Love you Ma.” She says kissing the top of my head before leaving the kitchen. “Love you too.” I say.

Sam’s POV
I post my meme as I walk back to our room to find Scarlett wearing the shirt and doing her hair. “You were serious.” I say seeing her in the shirt. “Hey don’t hate my shirt my wife got it for me.” She smiles at me through the mirror. “Oh look at Instagram.” I say. “Oh lord what did you…” She cuts herself of by bursting out laughing as she posts a comment.

“Me when I embarrass myself”[ScarlettJohansson: I remember taking this you had long hair then][SamMily: Yeah and very drunk that night][ScarlettJohansson: You had just graduated from the academy we were celebrating][ElizabethOlsen: I didn’t know S...

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“Me when I embarrass myself”
[ScarlettJohansson: I remember taking this you had long hair then]
[SamMily: Yeah and very drunk that night]
[ScarlettJohansson: You had just graduated from the academy we were celebrating]
[ElizabethOlsen: I didn’t know Sam went to college]
[SamMily: The Marine academy]
[ElizabethOlsen: Oh ok]
[SarahJohansson: I can see Ma doing that now]

“Hey dears I’m going to the store I need more ingredients.” Ma says. “Ma you don’t have to cook so much you know that right?” I ask. “I want to plus have you seen the way us Mily’s eat we like food.” Ma chuckles and she’s not wrong. “Ok well drive safe.” I say. “I’m taking the truck.” She says. “Not my baby.” I say and Scarlett clears her throat. “I thought I was your baby?” She asks. “I’m a dead woman.” I say and Ma laughs before she leaves. “I’m just fucking with you.” Scarlett says. “I’m down for that.” I say. “I have to be able to walk.” Scarlett states. “Do you though.” I smirk. “God damn you. Lock the door.” She says and I do as I’m told. “We’ve got to be quick. Come with me.” She tells me. “Where are we going?” I ask since we just locked the door. “Shower sex.” She says taking off her shirt. By the time I  get to the bathroom she already has the shower on and has her back facing me. “Hey Baby.” I rasp walking into the shower. “Hey Daddy.” She replies turning around and I swear she’s a goddess. She pulls me down into a heated kiss I tap her thighs telling her to jump up and she does. “Ah it’s cold.” She says as her back hits the tiles on the wall. “I’ll warm you up Babygirl.” I say kissing down her jaw. “Fuck Daddy.” She moans as I slip my dick in her dripping pussy. “Shit Babygirl you feel so good.” I groan in her ear as I thrust my hips. “FUCK!” She screams her head in my neck. “Fuck harder Daddy!” She moans. “As you wish.” I grunt. “AH YES FUCK OH GOD YES!!” She screams I might go deaf if she keeps that up. “Fuck Scarlett I’m gonna.” I grunt. “Shit me too. Cum with me Daddy.” She husks. “FUCK!!” “SHIT!!” We yell together. “We should probably actually shower now.” I say and she nods. “I’ll help.” I add, making her smile. After we shower Scarlett insists on wearing the shirt I bought her. “Scarlett your dad is going to be here are you sure?” I ask. “You got it for me of course I’m sure. Plus Dad has caught us and heard your song ‘Pussy is God’ so I don/t think he’ll mind the shirt.” She says. “Ok if you say so.” I tell her before getting a text from Ma
Mama: Can you come out?
Me: Yeah gimme a minute
Me: Ma, I’m gay
Mama: I know that silly. Come out to the car.
Me: Car, I’m gay

I reply putting on some shoes and I can hear my Ma roll her eyes. “Ok what did you need me for?” I ask walking to the truck. “I need help with the groceries dear.” She says pointing to the bags of food. “Ma how many people are you cooking for?” I ask with a slight chuckle as I help her bring in the food. “Well your pantry was getting kinda bare so I  just did some regular grocery shopping.” Ma says. “Oh well thank you that’s very kind how much do I owe you?” I ask pulling out my wallet. “Nothing I used your card you gave me when I first came to L.A.” She says. “Ok. Did you like my text?” I ask and she chuckles. “It was kinda funny. Telling the car your gay. News flash Honey you’re so gay inanimate objects can tell.” She says. “Thank you I try to radiate as much gay as I can.” I say with my hand over my heart. “You are a goof.” Scarlett says walking into the kitchen. “Oh my god you are wearing it.” Ma says bursting out in laughter. “Why are you laughing?” Sarah asks walking into the kitchen straight for the coffee pot. “Look at your mother.” Ma says and Sarah looks at me. “Yeah she’s big foot we know this.” She says pouring coffee in my Hanukkah mug with cats on it. “Hey one that’s my Hanucats mug and two she meant her.” I say pointing to Scarlett and Sarah spits out her coffee when she sees Scarlett. “OH MY GOD MA!” She yells at me. “How did you know I’m responsible?” I ask. “Because only you would buy that.” She laughs. “True she did buy it but I am wearing it of my own free will.” Scarlett says. “HAPPY HANUKKAH!!!” Danny cheers running into the kitchen. “Remember Danny it doesn’t technically start till sundown.” Sarah says. “I know but I can still say happy Hanukkah.” He says with a smile the twins and Elizabeth soon show up and Scarlett goes and gets Kai when the monitor goes off and it’s only 10:00 the others should be here soon.

After a little bit Melanie and Karsten show up with the Hanukkah sweaters they wear every year. “Oh my Scarlett Ingrid Johansson-Mily what are you wearing?” Karsten says more in shock than anything. “Sam got it for me.” She says. “Way to throw me under the bus Scar.” I say. “You bought that?” He asks me. “Don’t kill me I’m holding a baby.” I say since I ended up with Kai about an hour ago. “I was going to ask where you got it I want one for my girlfriend.” He says. “Your what?” Scarlett, Melanie, and I say at the same time. “What I’m allowed to date.” He says and Melanie shrugs. “Uh no your not what about Mom?” Scarlett says. “Honey we’ve been divorced since you were thirteen your father is allowed to date.” Melanie says. “That’s true you have been divorced a while. Does she treat you well Dad?” Scarlett asks. “Yes she does here’s a picture.” He says and that woman is easily Scarlett and I’s age. “She’s very pretty.” Scarlett says. “Pretty young.” I mumble but only Scarlett hears and she looks at me. “Stop he seems happy.” She whispers. “You’re right that’s what matters.” I whisper back. “We brought gifts.” Karsten says holding up a full suitcase. “Dad.” Scarlett says. “What? I am allowed to spoil my grandkids.” He says and Melanie nods in agreement. “He most certainly is.” Ma says bringing out a suitcase from the guest room I should have known.

And Hanukkah begins. This chapter’s question is what be your rap name? Mine would be This Bitch has no talent when it comes to rap. Anygays see you in the next one.

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