~Chapter Two~

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Hello fellow readers, and welcome to chapter 2 of my new story. Hope you liked the first chapter. Anyways, back to the story. 

"Oh crap! I'm going to be late!" You exclaimed as you realized the bus came in ten minutes. You quickly scrambled out of bed, ate, got dressed, and barely made it on the bus before the bus left. As you boarded the bus, the driver glared, upset you were delaying them. But you just shrugged it off before looking for an empty seat. Sadly, there wasn't a single empty seat so you sat in the back. You instantly put in your earbuds and closed your eyes while listening to a song you enjoyed. Your music was so loud you didn't noticed the person next to you trying to talk to you. That is, until the person shook you a bit. Your eyes opened and you turned to see a boy who looked no older than eight. He had golden, black, and deep violet locks of hair, amethyst eyes, and a huge smile on his face. 'How can this guy be in high school?' You thought but shook it off. "Can I help you?" you asked to the boy while taking your earbuds out. "Um yeah, we're at the school and the bus can't leave until we get off." the boy said quietly. "Oh, okay." You said while standing up and getting off the bus. The boy followed suit. "Thanks for telling me........" Your voice trailed off, not knowing what the boy's name is. "Yugi, Yugi Muto." The boy, Yugi, replied. "Nice to meet you Yugi, I'm (y/n) (l/n)." you said. "Are you new around here?" Yugi asked. "Yes, I've been here about a week and to be honest, I'm pretty nervous about attending a new school." You said while looking down. "Well, if you want, I can help you around." Yugi offered. Your eyes lit up and you looked back to him before replying, "R-Really?" "Sure, what's your schedule?" Yugi asked. You rummaged through your backpack till you found your schedule and handed it to Yugi. Yugi examined your schedule before handing it back to you. "It seems we have every class together. It's going to be a lot easier to help you find your classes now." "That's great!" you said while looking down at your schedule. "It seems we have English first." you said while putting your schedule away. "Then let's go!" Yugi said while grabbing your hand and dragging you into the school. Though you didn't realize it, your cheeks were slightly dusted with pink as your new friend let you into your new school. 

I hope you liked it! Please comment below and tell me what you think. Later my fellow readers! 

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