~Chapter Five~

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Hello out there fellow readers! I hope you're enjoying my story (Even though it just started). I just have one tiny request. When you read a chapter, if you enjoyed it, please comment below. I love to get feedback and when I don't get any I feel like the readers aren't enjoying the story. If you'd comment I'd really appreciate it. Anyway, back to the story!

At the end of the day you were heading to the bus when you noticed your tr-hair colored friend running up to you. You stopped and smiled, waiting for him to catch up. After he caught up you both boarded the bus together and headed to the back. "Hey (y/n), can I ask you a question?" Yugi asked while sitting down. "You just did." "Oh, right, I meant to ask if you considered me a friend......" Yugi said while looking away and out the window, staring at his own reflection. 'Of course now that she's met Yami (y/n) won't want to be my friend anymore.' But he was wrong. "Of course I consider you a friend." Yugi's face immediately lit up as he looked back to you. "You really mean it?" Yugi asked, hoping you weren't kidding. "Of course I mean it! Who do you think I am, a liar?" You asked. Yugi then started waving his hands in the air in a "Not at all." motion. "I wasn't implying that at all" Yugi said making you giggle slightly. "I know silly." Soon the bus came to You and Yugi's stop. After getting off the bus you both headed towards your house (or game shop). But before stepping inside you shouted, "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow!" Loud enough so Yugi could hear you. He then shouted back, "Count on it!" And then, you both headed into your own homes (game shops). 

Sorry it was short, it's hard for me to write long chapters. Well, I'll see you later my fellow readers! 


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