~Ending Number Seven: Joey~

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...........Joey Wheeler? Wait, how can that be? I must be going crazy. I haven't even talked to Joey! How can I be thinking of him? Sure, he's very attractive with his blond hair and brown eyes and-NO! I've gone through too much with Yugi and Yami to just go off with someone else. But, if I'm really in love with Joey, they'd want me to be happy, right? I just hope they don't get mad at me. I then went home, and waited for the next day so I could see Joey Wheeler the tomorrow. 

The next day, both Yami and Yugi looked very depressed. But I had a mission, to talk to Joey! When I found him, I walked up to him and started a conversation with him. Turns out, he's into Duel Monster's like Yugi and Yami. He also has a great personality and really knows how to make me laugh. Three weeks later, he asked me to be his girlfriend, which of course I said yes! And I couldn't be happier! 

Okay, got that out of the way. Here's the scenarios for Joey that I've written. 

~When You Kiss In Public~

You and Joey were at school, as usual. Joey had taught you how to play Duel Monsters, and had even gotten you a deck. Right now, he was testing the skills he had taught you. And once again, you lost. "Aw, you're just too good!" "Nah, you're just learning. But I think I need a reward for winning." "What do you have in mind?" Joey then winked before pulling you in for a kiss. You were shocked, but quickly melted into the kiss. When you pulled apart, you could feel the teacher's glare. "What're you going to do? Give me detention for showing my love for my (y/n)?" Joey said while standing up. "Maybe you should sit down Joey." "..........Fine........" Joey said while sitting down. Sadly for Joey, he ended up getting detention anyway for not doing his homework. Typical Joey. 

~When You're Sad~

You and Joey were at a Mexican Restaurant. You had ordered (favorite Mexican Food) but (with/without) tomatoes. But when you got your food, it (had/didn't have) tomatoes on it. You for some reason, felt really depressed about it. "My food's ruined!" Joey, seeing your distress, was furious. "Give me the manager! How dare you ruin my babe's lunch!" A few workers had to come restrain him to calm him down. Eventually, the manager did come and did apologize for the mistake. He even gave you and Joey a free meal. So you immediately felt better, because free food fixes every one of your problems, right? 

~When He's Sad~

You had noticed Joey had been acting odd lately. He seemed...........Depressed. So, you were determined to figure out why. As you two were walking home, you brought up the subject. "Hey Joey, why have you been down lately?" "Huh? Sorry babe, I was zoned out." Now you knew something was wrong, Joey never zones out on you. "Why have you been depressed lately?" "Oh, that. Yeah, well, I've been down because I failed my test and if I don't pass the following test, I'm going to fail the school year. And I don't want to get left behind while you go on ahead." "If that's it, then let me help you. I'm willing to help you study." "Really? You'd do that for me?" "Absolutely!" "Thanks (y/n), you're the best!" Joey said before kissing you. You kissed back. In the end, you were able to help Joey pass the test and you both passed the school year. 

~When You Have A Nightmare~

You tossed and turned in your bed. "No.......Please........Don't........JOEY, PLEASE, NO!" You jolted awake, fear completely taking over. "Was it all just a dream? Let's hope so. Guess there's only one way to find out." You said while getting out your phone and calling Joey. "Hello? (y/n)? What do you need?" "Mind just coming over, it'll be quick, I promise." "Okay then...." The call then ended. Soon, Joey was over. But unlike the dream Joey, he wasn't covered in blood and laughing hysterically like a murderer while holding a gun. The thought of the dream Joey would make you shake in fear. "You okay (y/n)?" "Y-Yeah....." "Tell Joey the truth, what's wrong?" "I had a nightmare, where you became a vicious murderer and you were about to kill me when I woke up." "I see........." "And now I'm worried that-" "You don't need to fret (y/n), I'll never become that monster. You see this face? Does this look like a killer to you?" "No....." "Then how about you forget that nightmare ever happened and get back to bed and sleep happy dreams. Remember, happy dreams!" "Got it! Thanks Joey!" You said while hugging Joey. "No problem babe, know I'll always be here for you." Joey said before leaving. You then went back to bed and was able to sleep happy dreams, just like Joey said. 

~When He Has A Nightmare~

Joey was waiting for you to text him back, anxiously waiting.....Until.......You finally responded. 

(y/n): What do you need? It's like three in the morning!

Joey: I know, but can you answer one question for me?

(y/n): Sure, what is it?

Joey: Tell me, will you ever leave me for Money Bags?

(y/n): You mean Seto Kaiba?

Joey: Yeah, that's the guy.

(y/n): No, why would I?

Joey: It's just, I had a dream about you leaving me for him. I just want to make sure that dream never happens in real life.

(y/n): Don't worry, that'll never happen in real life. That's a promise! 

Joey: Thanks (y/n)! 

(y/n): Can I go to sleep now?

Joey: Sure babe!

(y/n): Goodnight! 

Joey: Night!

~When He Tries To Impress You~

"Hey (y/n), check this out!" Joey had currently gotten into skateboarding, and he was just dying to show off for you. "I'm watching." Suddenly, Joey fell off his skateboard, and you, being the caring girlfriend you are, rushed over to him. "You okay? You hurt anywhere?" "Just my pride....." "Wait, were you trying to show off for me?" "Maybe....." "Joey, you've been riding a skateboard for only two weeks!" "But I was impressive, right?" "Yes, but-" "Success!" Joey said while fist-bumping the air. "But are you sure you're not hurt anywhere?" "Don't worry, it's just a small scratch." Joey said while standing up, looking just fine. "If you say so......" But you had to admit, Joey succeeded in showing off for you. 

~When You're Jealous~

You and Joey were on a walk, when you noticed Joey wasn't with you, he was starring at the food in some restaurant. "Joey? Can we continue our walk?" "Just a second (y/n), I think I'm in food heaven! And I'm not even eating any of it!" You couldn't believe it, but you were jealous of some food. You ended up dragging Joey away from the restaurant. Little did you know, this was Joey's plan from the start. He had wanted to see what you were like when you were jealous, and he got what he wanted. 

Hope you Joey fans enjoy. Remember, you can request any character or scenario. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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