~When You Get Mad~

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Yugi-Yugi starred at you in shock, as you walked up to the people that had made fun of him for his height. You were furious! How dare they treat your sweet Yugi like that! After catching up to the group, you slapped each and every one of them. "Never treat Yugi like that ever again, or you'll be sorry!" You then returned to Yugi. "Let's go!" You then led Yugi away. Let's just say, that group never messed with Yugi ever again.

Yami-You had never felt so pissed. Not only had this chick insulted you, she insulted Yami as well. And no one insults your beloved pharaoh. So, what do you do?" You walk up to the blond chick and slap her. She was stunned, and then ran off, slightly crying. You then caught up to Yami. "Remind me to never get on your bad side." "Don't worry, you could never make me upset, unless you're trying to make me mad." "Glad to hear."

Ryou-Ryou had no idea about what to do. You, his beloved princess, was repeatedly punching his pillows, out of rage. Apparently, someone had copied your project and accused you of copying him! Now, you were pissed. But soon, you felt two arms wrap around you. "(y/n), sweetie, please don't be mad. I don't like seeing you like this." You sighed. "Sorry, I'm just so irritated!" "Would you like some tea to calm you down?" "That'd be nice, thanks!" And so, Ryou made you some tea, and you were finally able to calm down, thanks to your adorable boyfriend.

Seto-Seto was not ready to deal with an angry women. He didn't know what an angry woman could do. Not only did you fire a couple teachers at school, you spent at least one thousand dollars buying useless junk you'd get bored of in a few months. Seto, then, of course, got angry. And then you were both angry, scarring poor Mokuba.

Joey-Joey was shocked, he had never seen you mad before. And he didn't like it at all. You kept ranting on and on about how someone had called you, "Too lame for Wheeler." Of course, Joey was upset that that had happened. But he wasn't ranting about it. Now he had to deal with your nonstop talking. Normally, he likes your voice, but not this way! "Please stop, just stop!"

Atem-Being a women, you get mad sometimes. This was one of those times. "I asked for a white dress, not cream!" "My apologizes, my Queen!" "Get me a white dress, now!" The maid scurried off. Atem just watched, afraid to feel your wrath. Such a smart pharaoh!

Marik-"How dare you!" "I didn't mean to, honest!" "I don't care, you still ruined my phone!" "How about I replace your phone? Would that make you feel better?" "Maybe, but I had tons of pictures saved on that phone. Some of them were good memories of you and me...." "Don't worry, we'll make tons more memories that you can save." "Guess you're right....." "Of course, I'm always right." "No, no you're not." "Hey!" "What, I'm only telling you the truth!" "But-" "But nothing! Now, go get me my new phone!" That shut Marik up. Then he left, to get you your new phone.

Bakura-Obviously Bakura didn't know better than to mess with your chocolate. "Did you eat my chocolate!?!" "Yeah, and it was delicious." Now you were mad. How dare Bakura eat your precious chocolate. "I'll make you pay!!!!" "I'd like to see you try." You then pulled out the millennium rod. A smirk had plastered it's was onto your face. Bakura's eyes widened, before he decided to run away. You chased him, ready to get your revenge by getting Bakura to do (Whatever you want him to do).

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if not. There's something you should know. Tomorrow, me and my family are heading out to the beach for a while. And so, that means I won't be able to update for a bit over a week! I don't want to go, but I'm being forced to go. I'll miss posting for all of you wonderful readers. Please don't be upset. I promise that as soon as I get back, I'll update! But until then....Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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