~When Someone Catches You Making Out~

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Yugi-You and Yugi were currently making out in Yugi's room. You two were so into it, you didn't notice Yami standing in the hallway, watching. When you pulled apart, you heard someone say, "Next time, I suggest you lock the door." You two turned to face Yami. Both of you were now blushing madly. "Get out!" Yugi said while closing the door, and locking it. "So, shall we get back to what we were doing?" "Certainly." Yugi then came back to his bed, and continued the make-out.

Yami-You and Yami were on the couch, making out. Yugi's grandpa was sleeping, and Yugi was out getting groceries. He said he'll be back in about and hour. So, what do you once he leaves? You make-out, obviously. Little did you know Yugi would be back sooner than he said. "Hey, have you seen my-" Yugi was now starring as you two, making out. You, noticed, and pulled away. "(y/n), what's wrong?" "Turn around and you'll see." Yami turned around to see Yugi. "Oh......How long have you been there?" "Long enough. Is this what you always do when you're alone?" "No......" "Just leave, won't you!?!" "Okay then, I will!" Yugi then left after grabbing the list which he had forgotten. "So, what now?" "Maybe we should continue this at your house. "Sounds good." So you and Yami headed over to your place where you continued your make-out.

Ryou-You and Ryou were in detention for passing notes in class. The teacher said he'd be back in ten minutes. Since there wasn't anything to do, you decided to make-out, completely forgetting about the teacher. "Now what exactly do you think you're doing?" You two pulled away, to see the teacher not looking pleased. "Uh....." "Two hours extra detention. Now, sit in your own seats." You did as the teacher said, not regretting anything.

Seto-Seto had invited you to his room, but you didn't know why. When you arrived, he pulled you in to begin your make-out. Sadly for you, Mokuba wanted to ask Seto a question. Once he arrived, he peaked in to see you two making out. "Seto, what're you doing!?!" Seto pulled away. "Get out Mokuba!" "But-" "NOW!" Mokuba then left quickly. "You didn't have to be so harsh." "Would you rather him be here or be making out with me?" "Guess you have a good point." You two then continued your make-out.

Joey-You and Joey were at Joey's house, making out. Why? Because you were bored, simple. Little did you know Serenity would be stopping by. "Hey big brother, I'm here like I said through our text." Surprisingly, Joey wasn't inside. Soon, Serenity heard noises. She followed them, till it led her to Joey's room. She opened the door, to find you and Joey making out. "Joey!" Both of you pulled away. "Hey little sis. How're you doing?" "I was just fine until I saw you kissing. Next time, give me a warning!" Serenity then left. "Sis, wait! Let me explain!" Joey ran after his little sister. "What a shame, I was having a good time."

Atem-You were with Atem in the throne room, like usual. What Atem did next though, wasn't like the usual. He pulled you in for a kiss, which soon turned into a make-out. Sadly for you, Priest Seto had a question for his pharaoh. "Uh, pharaoh?" Atem pulled away, looking quite pissed. "Can't you see I'm in the middle of something!?!" "O-Oh, of course. Forgive me!" Priest Seto said before leaving. "Now, where were we?" "You were making out with me." "Oh, right, of course." You two then continued your make-out.

Marik-Ishizu had come to visit Marik. You and her had become fast friends. One day, you were and Marik were making out when....."Marik! Do you have no restraint!?!" "Sister!?!" Marik said after pulling away. "Uh.....Hi Ishizu...." "Hello (y/n). I didn't realize I'd be witnessing such a lack of restraint today." "I think I'll just leave...." You said before quickly exiting. "(y/n), wait! I need you to defend me!" But you ignored him and left him to be scolded by his older sister.

Bakura-You and Bakura were making out in Bakura's room. Sadly, you had forgotten to close the door. This gave Ryou a perfect view of you two making out. "Next time, please close the door." You both pulled away. You were embarrassed, and Bakura was furious. "Leave, now!" Ryou quickly closed the door and you could hear his footsteps taking him away from Bakura's room. "Shall we continue what we started?" "Certainly." And so, your make-out continued. And poor Ryou, he had been scarred for life. But hey, he chose to spy on you, so you could say he got what was going to him. 

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if you didn't. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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