~When He Cooks For You~

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Yugi-Now Yugi already cooks for you pretty often. But this time, he decided to try cooking Mexican food. When you arrived home from errands, you were surprised to come home, having it smell like Mexican food. "Aw Yugi, you didn't have to do this for me." "But I wanted to. Here, try some." You then tried a bite, and you had to admit it, this was the best Mexican food you had ever had. "Yugi, you continue to impress me with your cooking." You said in-between bites. Yugi smiled. "I'm so glad you enjoy my cooking." "Me too!" Yugi laughed. "Well, there's tons more so don't be shy." "Yay!"

Yami-As you entered the game shop, you stopped when you smelled something delicious. 'Must be Yugi cooking.' You thought as you went into the kitchen. But to your surprise, it was Yami cooking. "Yami, what're you doing!?!" Yami spun around before replying. "Yugi told me girls love guys who can cook. So I decided to mix that with my heritage and tried to make an Egyptian Red Lental Soup." "Well, it smells delicious. Can I try some?" "Sure." Yami said while putting some in a bowl for you. As soon as you tried a bite, you couldn't stop. The mix of ingredients was perfect! "Yami, you should cook more often." "Is it really that good?" "It's food fit for a five star restaurant!" Yami chuckled. "Glad you think so." But let's just say he had a little help from Yugi..........

Ryou-You were skipping on your way to Ryou's apartment. Why would you be skipping? Well, let's just say, Ryou had a special surprise for you, and you were ecstatic to see what it was. Soon, you had arrived and were knocking on the front door of Ryou's apartment. When Ryou opened the door, the smell of (favorite pizza toppings) filled your nose. "Ryou, did you buy my pizza?" "Actually, I made the pizza myself....." "That makes me even more excited to eat it!" Ryou smiled. "Then please, come in." "Okay." You said while entering. As you and Ryou sat down, you could see him acting nervous. "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be amazing." You then took a bite of the pizza. Ryou waited anxiously, ready to hear what you thought. Soon, he saw a giant smile appear on your face. "Well...." "Hard to believe it, but, this tastes better than my favorite pizza place! You're a natural pizza chef!" You said before eating the entire pizza. 'Well, I"m glad that didn't end up horribly.' Ryou thought while drinking his tea as you ate the pizza. 

Seto-Now Seto wasn't the type to cook. But who'd need to when he has the best chefs in the world cooking for him? Though Mokuba was able to change his mind. "Hey Seto, why not try cooking for (y/n)? I bet she'd really like that." "Why should I?" "Because I think it's time you do something nice for (y/n)." "I gave her a new home, anything she desires, and you say I don't do nice things for (y/n)?" "Those things are nice, but when have you given her something you made by hand?" "I......" "Exactly! Now go cook!" Mokuba said before dragging Seto the giant kitchen that was for the chefs. "So, where do I start?" "Just follow the instructions, and you'll be fine." Mokuba said before handing Seto a (Favorite cake) recipe before leaving. "Okay, let's get started. How hard can it be to make a simple cake?" Although Seto had confidence, he had no talent in cooking whatsoever. When he brought the cake to you, it was all burnt and very bitter. But you just put a smile on and faked that you liked it. Yet Seto could tell you were faking. "I knew trying to bake for you was a bad idea...." "It's fine. Even though the cake sucks, it's the thought that counts." You said before kissing Seto's cheek. "Guess this means I should leave the cooking to the chefs, right?" "Definitely!" 

Joey-Since you loved food so much, Joey decided he'd impress you with his cooking skills. How hard could it be to make a complex, five star meal? When you arrived, you saw tons of delicious looking food. "This looks delicious!" But when you tried the food........"It certainly has a unique taste only you could create." Joey's face turned to a frown. "Guess maybe I should've started with something more simple." "Just maybe. But it was a great for a first time." "Thanks babe!" 

Atem-You awoke to someone shaking you slightly. After adjusting to the light, it was revealed to be Atem, your boyfriend. And in his hands, was a plate containing some rice and cooked fish. "Atem, did you cook this for me?" "Yes, I wanted to show my love for you." "Aw, that's so sweet!" And it turned out Atem was a really good chef. Lucky you! 

Marik-You got home from a walk, only to smell something burning. You rushed to the kitchen, to find Marik, in an apron, holding a pan with steam coming out of it. "What'd I do wrong?" You sighed, this was going to be a terrible, terrible dinner. 

Bakura-Recently, Bakura had been feeling like maybe he should show his love for you. So he decided cook (favorite meal) for you while you were at school (he ditched school). When you came to check on him, he surprised you with a well cooked meal (with a bit of help from Ryou). "Bakura, did you do this for me?" "Yes, just wanted to show I love you and stuff........." Bakura then looked away, blushing. "Aw, that's so sweet!" You said while hugging Bakura. "So, shall we eat this fabulous meal you've made?" "Sure." So you both ate a delicious meal together.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Remember, you can request any character or scenario. Comments are highly appreciated. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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