~When You Meet His Ex-Girlfriend~

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Yugi-You and Yugi were walking around the city, when, a girl with blond hair, about Yugi's height, ran up to him. "Yugi-Poo!" This girl said, while hugging Yugi. You glared. "Rebecca, it's...Uh...Nice to see you again." "Who's this unstylish girl?" "Unstylish!?" "(y/n), this is Rebecca-" "His girlfriend! So, what are you doing holding my Yugi's hand!?" Now, you were pissed. First, she hugs your Yugi, then, calls you unstylish, and now, she's saying she's his girlfriend. "Rebecca! I'm not dating you anymore!" "Anymore?" "(y/n), this is my ex-girlfriend." "I'm only an ex!? We've been through so much!" "Seems like he isn't into you anymore." "How can that be?" "Rebecca, you're sweet and all, but, I love (y/n). Sorry." Rebecca then ran off, crying. "What a brat." "Yeah, I'm much happier with you, then I was with Rebecca." "You mean it?" "Of course, let's continue our walk." "Okay."

Yami-You and Yami were talking, in the game shop, when, a red-head, with green eyes walked in. "Yami, how're you doing?" This chick said, before giving Yami a kiss on the cheek. You were enraged. "Yami, who's this?" "(y/n), meet Alice, my ex-girlfriend...." "I'm here to make it so our relationship blossoms once again." "Sorry, Alice, I'm no longer into you." "How can that be?" "Because, I've found the true love of my life. And, that special angel is (y/n) (y/l/n)." "That can't be!" "You heard him, now, leave!" "You'll regret this, Yami. I'll soon have you begging on your knees for my affection!" "I highly doubt it." Alice then left. "Sorry about her." "My question is how did you ever have feelings for her? She seems like a terrible person." "Now that I think about it, I'm not sure." "Anyway, want to watch a movie?" "Sure, sounds fund." So, that's what you two did. And, the nice thing is that you never saw Alice again.

Ryou-"Class, we have a new student. Please, be polite to Emily Moon." A girl with blue hair, and gold eyes walked in. Once she saw Ryou, her eyes got side. So, did Ryou's. "You okay, Ryou?" "That's my ex-girlfriend." "Oh...." "Don't worry, I'm no longer into her. You're the only one I want." Emily seemed to hear this, and scowled. Emily sat next to you. "Hi, I'm (y/n)." "Stay away from Ryou, he's mine." "Well, I'm afraid he's no longer into you, so, back off!" You were both glaring at each other. Ryou was now afraid of what you'd do to each other.

Seto- You and Seto were in Seto's office, when Seto received a call. "Who's trying to waste my time?" You heard a sweet voice answer. "Seto? Is that really you?" "Adria!? This can't be!" "Adria? Seto, who're you talking to?" "Who's there?" "Adria, I'm afraid I'm with someone else now." 'This must be Seto's ex-girlfriend!' "Oh, well, I'm happy for you..." You could hear Adria, and how she was on the verge of crying. "I'm glad you can understand. Any other reason you called me?" "N-No, I'll just leave you alone now." The call ended. "Seto, do you still love Adria?" "Of course, not. You're my only love. Nothing could get in-between us. Not even ex's." "You sure?" Seto then pulled you in for a passionate kiss. "I'm sure."

Joey-You and Joey were at a restaurant, but, when the waitress came, things got interesting. "Hello, what'd you..... Joey Wheeler!? Is that really you?" "I'm sorry, who are you?" "Don't tell me, you've already forgotten about me?" "Still confused." "Does Nicole ring a bell?" "You mean, as in my ex-girlfriend?!" "Yes!" "Um, Nicole, Joey and I are on a date. So, I suggest you just take our order, and leave." "Oh, so this brat is my replacement?" "Brat!?" "No one calls my babe a brat!" "Come on, Joey, you could do SO much better then her." "I don't really care. Because, I love my babe with all my heart! And, nothing can change that!" "You tell her, Joey!" "I was jus trying to help, but, it seems like you're helpless. So, what'd you like to order?" You two then ordered your food. Nicole left, to go get your order put in. "Sorry, about her. I didn't know she worded here." "It's fine. At least she'll be gone, until our food's ready." "Very true. So, after we eat, do you want to go watch a movie?" "Sure, and, after that, we could go home and cuddle. Sound good to you?" "Sounds great!" So, that's what you tow did that evening.

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