~When You Do Thumb Wrestling~

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This was requested by my best friend in real life. I know it sounds random, but still, I hope you like it. 

Yugi-Feeling bored out of your mind, you suggested to do something you'd never think you'd suggest. "Hey Yugi, why not do a thumb wrestling match?" "I guess so..." So the thumb wrestling match began. Being the King Of Games, Yugi won. But you didn't care, as long as you weren't bored anymore.

Yami-"Yami, I'm bored!" You whined. "Then let's play a game." "What game?" "Thumb wrestling!" "Really? That's all you could come up with?" "That's what came to mind!" "It's fine, and worth a try." You then began, but Yami won. "Surprisingly, I'm not bored anymore." "Glad to hear."

Ryou-"Ryou, I want to do something with you." "What is it?" "That's the problem, I can't think of anything to do." "Why not thumb wrestling?" "I guess so." Turns out it was a good way to waste time and spend time with Ryou. Killing two birds with one stone!

Seto-Seto walked up to you and Mokuba doing a thumb wrestling game. "What do you think you're doing?" "Thumb wrestling, want to try?" "As if! No way!" " Please!" Seto sighed. "One match, that's all." "Deal!" And after one match, Seto left. "Guess he doesn't like that game......"

Joey-"(y/n), I challenge you to a thumb wrestling match!" "Why?" "Because I'm bored!" "Guess it's worth a try." In the end, you won. "I won!" "Great job babe. Want to play again?" "Nah, I'm good." "You sure?" "I'm sure." If only you knew Joey had let you win.

Atem-"My queen, you seem bored." "That's because I am bored!" "Is there any future thing you do when you're bored?" "Well, we do something called thumb wrestling. Want to try?" "Sure." You then taught him how to do thumb wrestling. Turns out he was a natural at the game. "Are you still bored?" "Nope!" "I'm so glad!"

Marik-You and Marik were trying to decide who'd do the dishes. "I know what we need to do!" "What?" "Let's settle this with a thumb wresting match!" "You're kidding, right?" "You scared?" "Mark Ishtar never gets scared!" Then prove it!" "You're on!" In the end, you won. "Have fun doing the dishes." You said before leaving Marik to do the dishes. Marik sighed, before he started working on the dishes.

Bakura-You were bored, so you headed over to Bakura's place, only to find him bored as well. "What now?" "Well, we could do thumb wrestling match." "That lame game!?!" "Do you have any better ideas?" "Good point." You then did a game of thumb wrestling. Sadly, afterwards, you were still bored. "Well, what now?" "Make-out?" But before you could answer, Bakura slammed his lips against yours. Now, you're no longer bored. Looks like make-outs saved the day once again.

I'm always welcome to new characters or scenarios. I'm going to give you a choice. I've watched eighty-nine episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh Gx. This is your choice:

1-I wait till I finish all of Yu-Gi-Oh Gx before I start writing the Gx characters

2-I start writing them right away, and hope I didn't miss any crucial information.

Please let me know in the comments. I'm going to update one more time today. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=  

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