~Chapter Thirteen~

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Last chapter I'm going to post today. And as a head's up, I will not be updating this story on Sunday's. Mainly because I'm busy on Sunday's. Sorry if this upsets any of you. Back to the story!

"Finally! We get to go home, then I can change out of this cat costume!" "Hey (y/n), you free this evening?" Yami asked, trying to hide his blush. "Yeah, why?" "Well......I was wondering if you'd like to come over and watch a movie with me. You don't have to if you don't want to, don't feel like I'm forcing you because I'm not." Yami said quickly, obviously trying to play cool. But he was failing miserably. "Sure, I'd love to come watch a movie with you. What time should I head over?" Little did you know Yami was mentally celebrating. 'SHE SAID YES!!!!!' "How about six-thirty pm? Yugi should be done with his homework by then." "Okay, see you then." "See ya!" With those parting words, you each left the bus stop and headed to your own home.

"Mom, I'm leaving to go watch a movie with a friend. See you later!" you said while putting on your shoes. "Okay, just be sure to be back by midnight." "Okay." you said while grabbing your purse (if you have one) and headed out the door. Upon arriving at Yugi/Yami's place you opened the door, which rung a small bell above, alerting everyone you were there. "Hello (y/n), my son's waiting for you." "Thanks." you said while heading into another room. In the room, it consisted of a small couch, a few small tables, and a medium-sized TV. On the small tables lay some popcorn and (favorite sodas/drinks). Yami sat on the couch, jacket off, revealing his muscular figure. "Hey (y/n), glad you could make it." You tried to muster words but you couldn't help but stare at his muscular figure, a deep red blush creeping a way onto your face. "You okay sweet (y/n)?" "Y-Yeah, I"m just fine. Shall we start the movie?" you asked, happy you were finally able to speak. "Sure, come sit down." Yami then patted a spot next to him, indicating for you to sit down. As you sat down Yami went to go turn off the light. "I must warn you (y/n), this movie can get scary." "Okay, I'll be fine." But mentally you were freaking out. You absolutely HATED scary movies! They always left you with nightmares for at least a month! But you were determined not to look afraid. You had been so deep in thought you hadn't even noticed the movie had started. 

As the movie continued, you were more and more on edge. You also started eating faster when intense moments happened. Yami noticed your actions and paused the movie. "Are you sure you want to watch this? We can stop if you want." You shook your head. "I'll be fine, no need to stop the movie for me" "If you say so..." And thus, the movie continued. 

Soon the movie was over. You sighed in relief, happy you hadn't made a fool of yourself. "Hey (y/n), when do you have to be back at your house?" "Midnight, why?" You asked while looking at your phone to see it was nine-o-clock pm. "Well, if you want, we could just hang out." "Sure, beats going home." "So, what do you want to do?" "Well, I'm not sure...." "We could see if there's a way we can split my body from Yugi's." "Sure! You can find the answer to anything on the internet." You said while pulling out your phone, hoping to find answers. Yami did the same. 

After about thirty minutes Yami finally had luck. "I found something!" "You did? Well, tell me!" "Okay. It says here that each millennium item has a soul inside. When someone finds the item, the person and spirit are bonded. Though there is a way to split the two, giving the spirit its own body." Yami paused. "Well? What else does it say?" You asked, curiosity taking over. "It also says that to separate the spirit, the host, which would be Yugi, must chant some ancient Egyptian  writing. Would you mind helping him and tell him what to do?" "Sure." "Okay, I hope this works." Yami said before letting Yugi take over. "What's going on?" "Can you chant this?" You asked while handing the phone to Yugi. "I'll try." Yugi then started chanting the Egyptian writing. Soon his body began to glow a bright white, causing you to shield your eyes. Then, the bright light left, and you glanced at Yugi, surprised at what you saw. 

I'm going to leave it at that. Also, I haven't finished the entire show yet so something may be un-accurate. Don't get mad! And remember to comment if you liked the chapter. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=- 

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