~When You Use The Puppy Dog Eyes On Him~

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Yugi-There was a recipe you really wanted to make. But you ran out of sugar. It was too late to go to the store, so you crossed the street to the Game Shop. When Yugi answered, he was wearing a kitchen apron, showing that he was cooking as well. "Hey Kitten, what do you need?" "Three cups of sugar." "We're actually low on sugar. I'm about to use the last for-" You then surprised Yugi by giving him the puppy dog eyes. "I-I guess it couldn't hurt to give you three cups of sugar." "Thanks Yugi!" And thus, you were able to make your triple layer (Favorite Cake).

Yami-"Please!" "(y/n), we're in school!" "Still..." "I'll get in trouble if I take off my shirt." You then decided to pull out your secret weapon, the puppy dog eyes. "Sorry dear (y/n), that won't work on me." You growled. Guess you won't be able to see Yami shirtless in school. But on the bright side, Yami was willing to do it after school. Still, waiting sucks!

Ryou-You and Ryou were just talking when a thought came to your mind. "Ryou, mind helping me with my homework?" "How much help do you need?" "I was hoping you'd just do my homework for me..." "(y/n), that's not-" You then gave Ryou the sweetest puppy dog eyes ever. "I guess I could do it just this once." "Yay!"

Seto-"I don't want to go!" "Please, it's going to be five hours of boring meeting stuff. I don't want to go alone!" "No!" You then gave Seto your best puppy dog eyes. "You should know those won't work on me." You sighed. "Guess I can come..." "Thanks Superstar." But let's just say, Seto had to pay big time for the boring meeting.

Joey-You and Joey were in another duel, and it was a close one. "I'm going to destroy you!" "Not if I pull out my secret weapon." "S-Secret weapon?!" "Behold, my puppy dog eyes!" You then used the puppy dog eyes on Joey. He couldn't help but give in. "Alright, I'll let you win." "Yes! I knew my secret weapon would work!" So you decided you'd sue it from now on, irritating Joey greatly.

Atem-You were in the mood for a horse ride, but Atem wasn't. "Please Atem!" "I'm sorry (y/n), I just-" You then used the puppy dog eyes on Atem. 'This must be some dark magic. I won't give in!' But soon, Atem gave in. Soon, Atem was glad you convinced him to go on a horse ride with him, because it got him out of a boring meeting (That is, until you two came back.).

Marik-You were really wanting to go out for a ride with your King. But he wasn't in the mood for a ride. That's when you used the puppy dog eyes on him. "I'm immune to the puppy dog eyes my pet." "Crap......." "But still, I guess I could use a ride to relax." "Yay!" So even though the puppy dog eyes didn't work, you still got your ride with Marik. Have fun!

Bakura-There was a new movie coming out, and you really wanted to see it. But Bakura, he had no interest in the movie whatsoever. That's when you used the puppy dog eyes on him. "That won't work on me, sorry." "Fine, I'll just watch the movie with Ryou." "You know what? I guess I can come, as long as Ryou doesn't come." "Deal!" Although the puppy dog eyes failed, you still got what you wanted. And you both enjoyed a nice movie date.

Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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