~When He Forgives You~

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Yugi-You didn't know what to do. Yugi thought you loved Yami. But you only liked him as a friend. How could you get Yugi to see that? Soon, it hit you. You went to the Game Shop, and asked if they had a security camera. They did, perfect! Now you just needed to show Yugi. "Please, just look!" "Very well." Yugi then saw the whole thing play out. Including how Yami forced you to kiss him. "(y/n), I'm sorry. I didn't realize-" "It's fine. Let's just forget this happened, okay?" "Okay!" You were glad things were back to normal.

Yami-Life was miserable without Yami. You needed him back. But now he thought you were into Yugi. Now you needed to show Yami you loved him, and only him. So you created a one-of-a-kind shirt which said, "I love you Yami!" In big letters. Once Yami saw this, all doubts vanished, and he knew you loved him. "I truly do love you Yami." "I love you too, my sweet (y/n)!" Yami then kissed you, showing that you were a couple once more.

Ryou-After class, you rushed up to Ryou. "Ryou, we need to talk!" "About what? Our break-up?" "No, how Joey forced me to kiss him." "Wait, Joey forced you?!" "Yes, I hated every second that I was kissing him!" "I believe you. But we can't let Joey get away with this." "I agree!" So your make-up consisted of planning revenge for Joey. What fun!

Seto-You were running out of time. In one hour, you were going to be sent away. Soon, it hit you. You remembered seeing Mokuba when you tripped. He could prove that you were innocent! You rushed to find Mokuba before it was too late. "Mokuba, can you prove that I'm innocent?" "Sure, anything to keep you around. You're like the big sister I never had." "Thanks!" So Mokuba proved that you were innocent. "I had no idea. Superstar, there's no way you can leave now!" "Okay, I won't leave." "Good, I should've known better." "It's fine, really." Seto then pulled you in for a kiss, grossing out Mokuba.

Joey-You finally caught up to Joey, who was eating his heart out of an all-you-can-eat buffet. You went in and sat down next to Joey. "Joey, we need to talk." "About what?" "Seto, he forced himself onto me." "Why is that hard to believe?" "It's the truth! Besides, if I lost you, I don't know what I'd do..." You were now in tears. Joey had stopped eating. "Okay, I believe you. How about we forget that happened, and eat our hearts out?" "That sounds like an excellent plan!" So that's what you did.

Atem-You only had one chance to prove that you were innocent. If you failed, you would be stuck in the dungeon forever! You nervously walked into the throne room, in chains. You saw Atem, but he wasn't happy, not at all. "You may speak." Now was your chance. 'Don't blow it!' "I was sitting on the throne room, when Priest Seto came up, and forced me into a kiss." "Priest Seto said you asked him to kiss you." "I wouldn't ever do that! I only love Atem! I came from the future to be with him. I gave up my friends, family, everything! Just to be with him! Why would I ruin that!?!" Everyone seemed to believe you. "Very well, release her." Your chains were taken off of you. Priest Seto was sent to the dungeon. And you were given the millennium rod to wield. "Wield it carefully." "I will." You couldn't care less about the rod, you were just glad you had Atem back.

Marik-When you arrived at the house, Marik wasn't there. So you waited till he came back, which was three hours later. He didn't seem happy to see you. "What do you want?" "I want you to know I was forced into a kiss. And if you still don't believe me, use your millennium rod to tell the truth." "Very well, I will." Marik's millennium rod then began to glow. "Now (y/n), tell me something. Did Duke force you into a kiss?" "Yes, he forced me." Marik was shocked. Duke really did force his sweet Pet into a kiss! Marik then released you from the rod's control. "Well, did you get what you wanted?" "Yes, I did. Now I feel bad for thinking that you were cheating." "It's fine. Can we just forget this ever happened?" "Sure." Marik then walked up to you, and kissed you. You kissed back, obviously. Then you two went inside to cuddle.

Bakura-After a while, you decided it was finally time to confront Bakura. You broke down Bakura's door, surprising Bakura. "What the bloody hell do you want!?!" "We need to talk!" You said while sitting next to Bakura on his bed. "About?" "I thought I was kissing you, not Ryou." "I'm supposed to believe that!?!" "If you don't believe me, then use the millennium rod on me. You'll see the truth." You said while holding out the millennium rod. Bakura picked it up. "Tell me, who did you think you were kissing?" "Bakura, the love of my life." Bakura then handed you the millennium rod, breaking the spell it had on you. "Well, did you-" Bakura cut you off by kissing you. "I did get my answer. And I'm s-s-sorry...." You gasped. "Bakura, sorry?! Who are you and what have you done with my Bakura!?!" "Would an impostor be bale to kiss like this?" Bakura then kissed you once more. "Guess you're right. What now?" "Keep kissing?" "Works with me!" So you two continued to kiss, grossing out Ryou.

Hope you enjoyed. If not, please tell me how I can make it better. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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