~When You Can't Sleep~

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I know I said I wouldn't update again today but it turns out I have more time to update than I thought. So you'll get another update. Yay for you! 


Yugi-You tossed and turned, but no matter what, you couldn't get comfortable. Sighing, you sat up. You looked at your phone to show it was one-thirty-six am. "Has it really been that long?" You then called Yugi. "Hey Yugi, I can't sleep." "Want me to sing you a lullaby?" "I guess so." Yugi then started singing. And that's the last you could remember. 

Yami-You were on your laptop at three-thirty-seven am. Why? You just couldn't sleep. Eventually, you heard a knock on your front door. You trudged to the front door to reveal it was your boyfriend Yami. "What're you doing here so early?" "Couldn't sleep." "Same here." "Can I come in?" "Sure." Yami then entered your home. "So, why couldn't you sleep?" "Not sure. You?" "Not sure either." "Well, want to watch a movie? It'd give us something to do." "Sure, sounds like a great idea." You two soon were on the couch, picking out a movie to watch. As soon as it started to play, your eyelids felt heavy. It couldn't hurt to close them for a moment, right. So that's what you did, unaware that Yami was doing the same thing. So it turns out, you two fell asleep in each other's arms. 

Ryou-You were on your phone, hoping Ryou would pick up. Why were you calling him at midnight?  It was because you felt like you tried everything you could think of, but still couldn't fall asleep. "Hello?" A sleepy British voice answered. "Hey Ryou, sorry if I woke you up." "It's fine, what do you need?" "I can't sleep and I've tried everything. Have any ideas?" "Well, actually, I do. There's this story my parents would read to me when I was little that'd put me to sleep. Want to give it a try?" "What do I have to lose?" You then heard Ryou searching for the book for about five minutes. Soon enough, Ryou found the book. "You ready?" "Yep." You said with a yawn. Ryou then started talking, but you didn't really listen as you slowly fell asleep. "Knew it'd work." Ryou said while putting the book away. He then laid down in his bed, and fell asleep very quickly. 

Seto-You had gone to bed three hours ago. Yet you couldn't fall asleep. Sighing, you sat up and headed over to Seto's room. Turns out he was still awake, typing away on his laptop. "Hey Seto." You said before yawning. "(y/n), why aren't you in bed?" "I can't sleep." "Well, come here." Seto said while patting a spot on his bed for you to come and sit down. You did as he instructed. It was hard to believe, but his bed was more comfortable than yours. And yours was super comfortable. "What would you like to watch?" "Don't you have work to do?" "Yes, but you're more important than work." "In that case, (Favorite TV show/Anime)." "Okay." Seto then put on the (Show/Anime) on. You started to get more tired by the second. Eventually, you fell asleep, head resting on Seto's shoulder. Seto smiled (on the inside) at your sleeping form. Putting his laptop away, he embraced you, keeping you safe from any potential harm.

Joey-No matter what you did, you couldn't fall asleep. After hours of trying to sleep, you decided to call Joey. "Hello?" "I can't sleep." "Have you tried warn milk?" "No." "Then go!" "Okay!" You then got some warm milk. Soon, your eyes felt heavy. "Did it work?" "I.......Think.....So......" You then fell asleep on your bed. "Knew it'd work like a charm!"

Atem-Tossing in your bed, you sat up. Although you had gotten used to ancient Egypt's beds, sometimes it was hard to fall asleep. This was one of those nights. Sighing in defeat, you walked to Atem's room. "Hey Atem, you awake?" Atem sat up, obviously very tried. "Something you require my Queen?" "I can't sleep." "Come, sit next to me." You got in Atem's bed and sat next to him. "Just close your eyes and try to relax." You did as Atem said. And soon enough, you felt your eyes dropping. You were now in slumberland. 

Marik-You slightly opened Marik's bedroom door, only to find him asleep. "Hey Marik, can you please wake up?" You said while slightly shaking Marik. He was soon awake. "What is it Pet?" "I can't sleep." "Okay. Want me to use my millennium rod on you?" "That'd be nice." Marik then pulled out his millennium rod and caught you as you fell asleep. Marik then carried you to your bed, placed you in your bed, and went back to his own bed to go to sleep. 

Bakura-You were calling Bakura, hoping he'd pick up. "Don't you know it's two-thirty in the morning!?!" "I can't sleep." "Then why wake me up!?! I was sleeping just fine until you decided to call me!" You then started crying for no reason. "Just wait, I'll be right over." Soon Bakura was over at your house and was comforting you. And he didn't leave till you were sleeping peacefully. 

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if you didn't. If you wouldn't mind commenting, I'd really appreciate it. I'll try to have another scenario or two out tomorrow. Remember, you can request any character or scenario. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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